Serious Seeds - White Russian


Grew out from seed, 11/11 germinated, 7/11 female. Ended up flowering for around 70 days, got a great yield, super intense high and awesome smell. Definitely let it go at least 9 weeks, but do yourself a favor and try this one out.:leaf: (ak47 x ww) (serious seeds)


Grew out from seed, 11/11 germinated, 7/11 female. Ended up flowering for around 70 days, got a great yield, super intense high and awesome smell. Definitely let it go at least 9 weeks, but do yourself a favor and try this one out.:leaf: (ak47 x ww) (serious seeds)
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Active Member
im waiting for mine 2 come in the mail i checked the tracking# and its 4 hrs away!!!Cant wait till it hets here i got 6 feminized.What nutrients did you use?Any other info would be great.This is my first real grow!!1


im waiting for mine 2 come in the mail i checked the tracking# and its 4 hrs away!!!Cant wait till it hets here i got 6 feminized.What nutrients did you use?Any other info would be great.This is my first real grow!!1
bat guano and blackstrap molasses ferts
in peat moss mixed w/ dolomite lime.


Well-Known Member
white russian is a decent smoke easy cloner ..potent high. very very good one of my favorites.
not as productive as the AK 47 though.likes to get leggy so super crop and keep the lights close to the tops.
good SOG plant also.easy to grow. i have a high tolerance to takes about a bowl to get high.
glass bowls are the only way to smoke.IMHO.


white russian is a decent smoke easy cloner ..potent high. very very good one of my favorites.
not as productive as the AK 47 though.likes to get leggy so super crop and keep the lights close to the tops.
good SOG plant also.easy to grow. i have a high tolerance to takes about a bowl to get high.
glass bowls are the only way to smoke.IMHO.
ya, had an assload of light, which helped. It is a very potent smoke, but I smoke all the time and eat the stuff too so I could never tell you if something was one hit shit. Sometimes after a while I find a mostly full bowl though ;) Very tasty. Very resinous, so it hits hard. Sweet smelling.

only caveat is that it needed about a week more than what was stated. definitely let it go at least 9 weeks. for the high. It was predominately indica, but is very well rounded. Can feel it in both the body and mind. But part of that is on you harvesting at the right window :)