Seriouse question on bubble hash


Well-Known Member
I need some advice here ladies and gents, i gave a test sample (20 days early from harvest) to an extractor that washed at 4.4%.

We checked it that early because for some reason there was a bit of amber and we were after the lightest color product possible and it was damn near white. SO we let it go another 10 days to pull down at the average 10 day b4 end of flower time frame because we knew the color would still be good at that point....

Heres the issue, the entire crop of the same room and same strain only hit a wash of 2.6%???? How in The world is this even possible, if it is at all???

Test wash, washed 3x before needing to stop. The harvest wash, washed SIX times before needing to stop due to plant material contamination. Im going to keep how i feel about the situation at bay here and hope and pray that somehow this cant just happen and someone can tell me why? Because i dont want to believe im just simply getting screwed here

Ty in advance y'all


Well-Known Member
A 2.6% total return? Do you have any pictures of the material that was used? I would definitely assume you are getting screwed if it is decent weed going in. Should be at the very least 15%.


Well-Known Member
He is telling me i only got like 610g of total rosin out of 38,500 wet grams starting fresh material. Quality in and out was absolute fire



Well-Known Member
And as far as time i litterally took down, froze half immediatly the next day finished taking down and brought it all to him that day. So really zero lapse of time in between