Seriously contemplating kicking the bucket.

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i'm starting to wonder because of the way you're acting.
i guess someone can easily "claim" to be at least 18.

This coming from a child who started a thread on the premise of killing herself, when all she really wanted was attention. Got to your room. No dinner for you tonight.
Fuck it. You all know I'm right. This bitch started a thread to get attention. Some of us pointed it out. And others felt the need to defend the stupid child. And now I'm the douche. Yea. Good one.

um see4, no one gives a shit about what you have to say.
no need to try getting even more attention by posting twice in a row to hope to spark some controversy.
smoking a bowl for you specifically man.
you need it, among other things.
Fuck it. You all know I'm right. This bitch started a thread to get attention. Some of us pointed it out. And others felt the need to defend the stupid child. And now I'm the douche. Yea. Good one.

No, this is why you're a douche. It's all self-induced.
No, this is why you're a douche. It's all self-induced.

Stop smothering the fact you were wrong. And that you will always be wrong. People will look back on this thread. They will get very high, read it in its entirety, and say to themselves, wow, Raw Meat and fdd were total hypocrites.

It's all good.
You do realize you have to be at least 18 to sign up to this site?

Hey bro I have a serious question about cancer and kemo, did you ask your mom if she still had a hairy bush when she was going through kemo? I hate shaving my balls all the time! I am thinking that kimo isn't that bad, you lose weight, don't have to shave your balls and you smoke weed all the time! I don't really see a bad side to this.
wow lol,I go out for a couple hours and 20 new pages of the same bullshit.
Why not just drop it already?
I sent a complaint to admin explaining a mod is involved in this and nothing is being done to stop the attacks on the O.P.
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