Seriously what the FUG?!?!?!?!


New Member
I had two bad seed plants going.. one started to show seeds so dumped it. The other has hairs it seems but after like 24 days in flower not showing anything!!!

Right now I am using stink buds nutrient mix:

Botanicare Nutrients:
1) 126ml Cal-Mag Plus
2) 150ml Sweet
3) 180ml Liquid Karma
4) 540ml Pure Bend Pro Bloom

At 1800-2000ppm. It seems to be liking the mixture leaves are nice and green but the thing has no buds what so ever and hasn't grown but has a thick stalk bigger then AA battery.

What is going on.. the only thing I can think of is my lighting. Now its (2) 300w CFLs and couple 6500k 26w CFLs. Light cycle is 12/12 for ~24 days.

I do have an air-cooled 400w coming with HPS bulb. I had a cheaper magnetic 400w but had to dump it because my closet was just getting too hot not being air cooled even with exhaust fan running over it.

Not sure strain as it was a bag seed.

Here are pics.




Well-Known Member
This a very common mistake.

You are trying to flower a Premature Seedling.

A young seedling put into 12/12 does not have the proper hormone levels for vigorous flowering. It takes weeks for it to build up within the plant before maturity is reached and only then will the plant will be capable of triggering Flower.

If you had used a mature clone for example, it would be well into flower and you would have many flowering hairs on all of your budsites by now.

Its not a problem with your light or any other environmental issue.


New Member
This a very common mistake.

You are trying to flower a Premature Seedling.

A young seedling put into 12/12 does not have the proper hormone levels for vigorous flowering. It takes weeks for it to build up within the plant before maturity is reached and only then will the plant will be capable of triggering Flower.

If you had used a mature clone for example, it would be well into flower and you would have many flowering hairs on all of your budsites by now.

Its not a problem with your light or any other environmental issue.
Ya that was the other thing running through my mind.. that I took it to flower before the alternating nodes?! (aka being mature). What should I do just keep it going on 12/12 or ditch it and start a new strain?!

Oh and ty for polite and prompt reply, I appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
You could just keep on going with it, it will just take longer to flower.

Or you could take a couple clones off it, root them in a clone chamber with a small light on 24/7

At the very least put the cuttngs in a glass of water and change the water every couple of days. But if you have an air pump and air stone laying around make a mini bubble cloner out of a two liter or some other container for them.

By the time they root and veg up to size a bit they will be mature and you can put them into flower.


New Member
You could just keep on going with it, it will just take longer to flower.

Or you could take a couple clones off it, root them in a clone chamber with a small light on 24/7

At the very least put the cuttngs in a glass of water and change the water every couple of days. But if you have an air pump and air stone laying around make a mini bubble cloner out of a two liter or some other container for them.

By the time they root and veg up to size a bit they will be mature and you can put them into flower.
Cool. I will try that!