Sessions is at it again!!

I agree with the opposite of what you said here. with no authority how do property rights exist you said. the authority is moral. money is property. if I have some, I worked for it. you post modern types say that this is what leads to moral corruption and everything going to the 1% or whatever. now look in your wallet and tell me there's some property in there. it's not even intellectual property and there's the source of basically every political problem.

I didn't say the authority was always moral. Why do you assume that?

I'm asking how do you retain/protect property rights without a government?

I don't get your point about the 1%. Please explain.
How so? Take weed legalization for example. Arguments are made over time and refined logic becomes reflected in the law. Change comes slowly ensuring that it is positive change. There is no real alternative to changing the system, your alternative is a nonsensical fantasy that has never even existed. On the other hand, you hypocritically pretend like you follow your ideology to a "T". I think you are projecting with the sycophant accusation; you neglect your civic duty to better the system, instead spewing empty rhetoric calling to tear it down, meanwhile you accept the benefits of it. Nowhere did I say I follow every law blindly, in fact I said quite the opposite. I see merit in the system but my responsibility as a citizen is to be skeptical and critical of it.

Care to explain how property rights exist without authority? Weren't property rights a key issue for the founding fathers when designing our government?

So, you're saying that you must somehow continue to obey bad laws until the "system" somehow creates a way to change them? So, you would have returned runaway slaves to their masters, just as the fugitive slave laws said you had to?

Also you seem to assume that I never tried to "work within the system" to affect change. I won't go into detail, but I bet I've done more in that regard than most. It's a fools errand to polish a turd which is founded in systemic coercion in hopes to somehow use that same system to eradicate coercion.

I never said property rights do or do not exist without authority. Maybe you assumed that. I have said I question some people having authority over people. If you are asking about the origin of property rights, I could explain that.

Founding fathers? Many said one thing and did another. They're all dead now and you still are forced to fund murder aren't you?
12 year olds can't consent you fucking pedophile

Can't consent in general or just to things you do not consent to them being able to consent to?

Note- I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you, I'm just playing along to keep our conversation going, since you lost so abysmally on the racist thing. I'm sorry that you'd force a black person to serve you too.
Can't consent in general or ...

So, you're saying that you must somehow continue to obey bad laws until the "system" somehow creates a way to change them? So, you would have returned runaway slaves to their masters, just as the fugitive slave laws said you had to?

In todays world I would try to shelter them and keep them away from authority. The Constitution provides how to change laws; there is already a way. And look how far we have come because of our legal system. It has proven to be rectifiable.

I never said property rights do or do not exist without authority. Maybe you assumed that. I have said I question some people having authority over people. If you are asking about the origin of property rights, I could explain that.

Yeah please explain. In one of your posts you talked about property rights in the context of controlling ones property. But without an authority and legal processes, what is to stop a lynch mob from taking whatever property one person claims?

Remember our nuclear plant scenario? What is to stop the people downriver from going to the plant and killing everyone for polluting the river?
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Can't consent in general or just to things you do not consent to them being able to consent to?

Note- I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you, I'm just playing along to keep our conversation going, since you lost so abysmally on the racist thing. I'm sorry that you'd force a black person to serve you too.

Why won't you confront the issue of compensation? Nobody forced the business to open to the public, they chose to do that; they chose to serve the public and abide by public laws and regulations. A black person isn't being forced to serve a white person like a slave, they can refuse and be proportionally penalized (fines), or they can perform the function of their business, get compensated, and leave race/gender/sexual orientation/etc. out of the equation.
Medical marijuana has lowered crime, study finds
by a three-member team of economists, the introduction of medical marijuana has helped bring down violent crime cases in states that border Mexico.

The study, titled “Is Legal Pot Crippling Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations? The Effect of Medical Marijuana Laws on US Crime,” said violent crime fell by 13 percent on average in states located on the Mexican border that have legalized medical use of cannabis.

“These laws allow local farmers to grow marijuana that can then be sold to dispensaries where it is sold legally,” said economist Evelina Gavrilova from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), one of the authors of the study. “These growers are in direct competition with Mexican drug cartels that are smuggling the marijuana into the U.S. As a result, the cartels get much less business.”
Put that in your bong and smoke it, Jeffy B!
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday restated his opposition to marijuana use and offered an ominous warning about state-level marijuana legalization efforts, suggesting that such policies would open states to “violence,” as well as potential repercussions from the federal government.

“I don’t think America is going to be a better place when people of all ages, and particularly young people, are smoking pot,” Sessions said to reporters Monday at the Department of Justice. “I believe it’s an unhealthy practice, and current levels of THC in marijuana are very high compared to what they were a few years ago, and we’re seeing real violence around that.”

I said he would go after it, and now he will. I think the old fuck needs sit down and burn a fatty. If Sessions goes after marijuana he may regret it, not that I think Trump will win in 2020, but this definitely won't help his efforts in the matter, but 2018 is coming and we need to get the right people in the house, and get rid of them anti-pot morons.
What Can we do? Suggestions Welcome.
Keep in mind other Republicans are jumping up and down mad at sessions over this.
Besides that Congress did not fund the DOJ for the prosecuting of marijuana.
So the ones he is going after have enough money involved to prosecute them with
Oh I definitely think you shouldn't be banging the babysitter if she can't and hasn't consent. That could lead to your thinking it's okay to force people to associate with you and we both know that's not cool, Poopy Pants.

Beside, I don't view statutory laws the same way you do as a mirror of morality or as some kind of magic arbiter of finality, so your statement to me, is like asking a Jew how he likes his ham sandwich.
Look. Do one thing. Just one time. Without the conflation.

No. Nowhere does it or should it be right for an adult to bang a 12 year old. Simple as that.

Having sex with kids is wrong.

Can you do that?
God damn dude why are you following me around trying to bust my balls, don't you have some home made hoods and fucked up plants to tend to?
Incase you never read the Constitution you fucking god damn stupid fuck in it it says Congress spends the money fool.
Now why don't you back to tending to you ten lamps and two pounds or whatever fucking pip squik operation you fuck up

Are you 12?
God damn dude why are you following me around trying to bust my balls, don't you have some home made hoods and fucked up plants to tend to?
Incase you never read the Constitution you fucking god damn stupid fuck in it it says Congress spends the money fool.
Now why don't you back to tending to you ten lamps and two pounds or whatever fucking pip squik operation you fuck up

they don't have to spend a dime if they piggyback off of local LEOs, dump truck.

they've made it abundantly clear that they are coming for you too.

and then you will lose your $12 an hour trimmer job and have to go back to fucking up food orders at the local jack in the box, trimmer boi.
they don't have to spend a dime if they piggyback off of local LEOs, dump truck.

they've made it abundantly clear that they are coming for you too.

and then you will lose your $12 an hour trimmer job and have to go back to fucking up food orders at the local jack in the box, trimmer boi.
Don't be hating because you can't grow.
Soon to be out of business a d have to go pick up plastic bottles with the bums in LA .
I heard the gay porn industry in your area is booming , maybe you could be a catcher in the game
Why won't you confront the issue of compensation? Nobody forced the business to open to the public, they chose to do that; they chose to serve the public and abide by public laws and regulations. A black person isn't being forced to serve a white person like a slave, they can refuse and be proportionally penalized (fines), or they can perform the function of their business, get compensated, and leave race/gender/sexual orientation/etc. out of the equation.

Obviously if a business owner wants to chose who he/she wants to do with business with, their being "open to the public" wasn't a choice that they made....somebody else must have made it for them.

So if feeding hungry people in a public place was illegal, you'd follow that law too?
In todays world I would try to shelter them and keep them away from authority. The Constitution provides how to change laws; there is already a way. And look how far we have come because of our legal system. It has proven to be rectifiable.

Yeah please explain. In one of your posts you talked about property rights in the context of controlling ones property. But without an authority and legal processes, what is to stop a lynch mob from taking whatever property one person claims?

Remember our nuclear plant scenario? What is to stop the people downriver from going to the plant and killing everyone for polluting the river?

Thank you for clarifying your question. I hope to address your question later this evening.