Setting LEDs at the right height to select phenos "thriving in intense light," killing the weak

Your turn. Post pics of your room.
Im not like you man. Im different. Im about quality and natural bud that blows the medulla oblongata apart. But nice setup, nice plants bro. Stackin Keep it going my dude. Share with everyone.
Bingo! They'll give me some for free the next job they do within 30 minutes of me. Thanks!!!

Thank him when he tells you how to get rid of each individual species of pest which come in on that truck of useless garden waste you bring into your garden. Chips are great to fill raised beds where nature and a blast from a hosepipe get rid of any bugs you don't like the look of. Not so great for raising Co2 levels in your indoor garden. Get a can for that if that's what you want to do

Seriously mate, get the very basics of growing under your belt. And post pictures while you're doing it.
Thank him when he tells you how to get rid of each individual species of pest which come in on that truck of useless garden waste you bring into your garden. Chips are great to fill raised beds where nature and a blast from a hosepipe gets rid of any bugs you don't like the look of.

Seriously mate, get the very basics of growing under your belt. And post pictures while you're doing it.

says i'm supposed to boil/sterilize it. i'm closing in on 5 lbs/harvest. quality over quantity, but considering how many plants i have, i'm underperforming. novice, yes; "very basics," I might be a blue belt -- the next two harvests are my yellow belt test.
You can't hand out belts to yourself buddy.

If this is your dojo, pictures are your test. Post them, and we'll decide what belt you are

True. i've posted. Just made major adjustments, lowering lights, adding fans, adding shelves, raising the floor. Yeah, I'm new at it. Looking back, we can all point and laugh at the new guy. Yep. But this is my 4th grow and I've been diligent. Even if I'm nowhere near perfect, each harvest has been significantly better than the last. But I hear you about pics. They're coming. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking, wouldn't it be hilarious if this whole "grower community" were cops luring growers to "impress" them with evidence. No, not funny at all. But imagine? Assholes....
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Trust but verify. I'm buying a CO2 monitor and will test in both rooms, under different conditions:
1) no fans (for one day),
2) fans only (after a day, after a week),
3) fans and wood chips (I'll measure once a week until bloom's over, next time from Day 1; how long until I noticed a bump; how long until I needed another bump).

Are you laughing at my use of "bump"? lol
Any pics of your mind altering fire you’ve grown will work too?
I was providing info to this mans thread as a way that works to supplement co2 free and naturally to create celluar respiration. To complete many ADP/ATP processes. Im sorry i dont buy into the commercial products. So what. Your way works too. Not here to battle you and your dissaproval bc its not what you are used to doing lol mindset is stuck... You win okay, you win. lol Humble dude. Go try it for yourself. Prove me wrong or right. who cares. Wood chips bro. wood chips:) I would say- start trying different methods with house plants and Outdoor Gardens with different biological amendments implemented. Thanks to a lifetime of farming, I know wood chips work.
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I was providing info to this mans thread as a way that works to supplement co2 free and naturally. Im sorry i dont buy into the commercial products. Not here to battle you and your dissaproval bc its not what you are used to doing lol mindset is stuck... You win okay you win. lol Im humble. You are not. Thats clear. Go try it for yourself. Wood chips bro. wood chips:)

Ok. Tell me what kind of chips to get and I’ll put a bucket in a semi sealed room with my meter for a full week and report all data in my journal

Tell me how full to fill said bucket with chips vs how much water.

Lets let actual data decide if this is bro science or not.
You misuderstood bc of someone elses question. The 5gallon is only to carry/gather the wood chips. Not to put in the room and drown them in water lol
Ok. Tell me what kind of chips to get and I’ll put a bucket in a semi sealed room with my meter for a full week and report all data in my journal

Tell me how full to fill said bucket with chips vs how much water.

Lets let actual data decide if this is bro science or not.

Rate of decomp is what I was wondering about, too. But ... those bags--which neither of us was impressed with--claim to take 30+ days to reach top ppm contribution. So, for the sake of argument, assuming wood chips emit a helpful dose of CO2 in a timely manner (i.e., 1-3 mos.), perhaps you could keep a pile boiled and isolated; I guess like you would a compost pile. The only chips that go on your soil/in your tent have been decomposing for 6 mos. or something. idk, that's the only way I could see it being in "full force" when you put it in the tent -- so, you'd measure CO2 change 1-4 weeks from that time, I guess.

You can't just take bark from a tree and put it directly on your Grodan block and expect something to happen. Right? There'd have to be some wood chip aging/processing, no?
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You misuderstood bc of someone elses question. The 5gallon is only to carry/gather the wood chips. Not to put in the room and drown them in water lol

Wait so just putting wood chips on top of your soil will give you ambient 1500-2000ppm?
Are you going to test run BK?

I’ll never grow in soil. So no.

but please start a journal and do the tests yourself, I’m sure it’ll reach millions of people who waste their money on buying and refilling bottles monthly.

Billion dollar corporations will be knocking at your door when they find out they don’t have to spend the hundreds of thousands a year on co2 when they can just use wood chips

mind blown