Setting up my first veg tent need help with lights


New Member
Well I have got a 90w 90d 100h veg tent I want to veg 6 plants to 18-24 inches

what light do I need? only have £70-80 as in uk

need advice asap!?!


Well-Known Member
a good start tent .....then move the plants to a larger one

for ppl that are not use to UK his tent is 3x3x5.6 feet

ok guy if u are using this just for a veggie tent then invest in a set of t5 2 foot 8 bulb
i said this becuase t5 lights work well on seedlings and grow.......with u moving them under a stronger light for flowering

the tent is 2 small for u to do 6 plants to the hieght u are talking about .............the plants will bush out something that tall u will fit like 2 plants in the tent (i have a 4x4x6 i can fit in 4 larger plants or 6 smaller plants) ..........i plan the foot print of the plant takes up 1.5 square feet in the tent


Well-Known Member
I would buy a 400w cooltube setup that includes the MH and HPS bulbs. 600w dimmable if you can afford it, then dim it down if heat is an issue.

This way, if your plan is to go outdoors, you have a spare HPS bulb, which will be useful in case you decide to flower indoors, or your MH fails it can act as a backup. Such a setup should be able to be gotten with the budget you have (I think).



Well-Known Member
sorry was off playing on new tablet .................wahoooo new tech toy

ummm i said the t5 becuase the hid light is to strong for seedlings and they are going to be under the t5 or cfl anyway ................u said this was a starter tent so figured u have a hid in the flowering tent

here is what would fit ...........2 foot 8 bulb...........that would fill your whole 3x3 area.......on top of it u can use one of those seedling spourting trays (jiffy plugs) it will be warm and good for that ........the light will start them out and grow them up good but u really do need a HID for something profitable

sorry could not find it in UK market but that is what u are looking for

the t5 system will work well with a passive intake .....u will still need a 80cfm booster fan to move the air around (not much heat) the cooltube he has showen u is good for this but u do not have the cash for it plus the fan/ducting/hose clamps needed to run a cooltube


Well-Known Member
here is your list

u need
1 booster fan .........80 cfms (this is a 4 inch booster fan) this will move the air in/out of the tent to keep happy plants u put it up high to remove the warm air and let the flaps on the side let in the air

1 set of 4 inch flexie ducting (not semi ridged ).........u hose clamp the fan to the ducting hang the fan inside the tent with the velcro one wrap.......put the ducting outside the tent tho the hole in top and tie it off/closes(flap around the ucting in tent)..........with the flaps open down low u now have a passive air system

a few hose clamp 4 inchs (get them any hardware store ....look in the aC and heating sections)

1 set of hangers .............u want racheting rope hangers allows u to move the light up and down here is something to compare against.........these

and the light i linked u before ...............this will eat up the rest of your cash but it is all the hardware u will need to start plants and run in veggie


Well-Known Member
here is the light

the bulbs come with it ..............u can change them out has a power plug on the light allowing u to daisy chain (hook a 2nd light into it)

later on u can always use this light as a side hanger to increase the light in flowering tent later .........2 foot has 4 choices of bulbs
2700k 5000k 6500k 10000k ...............growth is 5000k and 6500k

this will take up alot of the tent (24 inches.......yours is 36 inches this will give u a much better light fill then the one u are looking at now with the wing reflector )


New Member
here is the light

the bulbs come with it ..............u can change them out has a power plug on the light allowing u to daisy chain (hook a 2nd light into it)

later on u can always use this light as a side hanger to increase the light in flowering tent later .........2 foot has 4 choices of bulbs
2700k 5000k 6500k 10000k ...............growth is 5000k and 6500k

this will take up alot of the tent (24 inches.......yours is 36 inches this will give u a much better light fill then the one u are looking at now with the wing reflector )
but everyones saying It wont be enough for 6 and I would use 2x200watt so there wold be good covrage


Well-Known Member
your tent is not enought room for 6 plants

90cms is only 3 feet .......u could start 6 plants in in there but as they grow up say 8 10 inchs they would need to be moved to a place with more room so they can bush out .........the plant is not going to stay inside the pots once it grows (after about the 23rd day) it will be bigger then the pot and if u leave it tight like this u will get a smaller yeild per plant but tighter buds


the best veg setup I have ever had was a eight bulb 4x 85w blu spectrum 5000k and 4x 55w red spectrum 2700k it is about 44,000 lumens keep them about 6 inches away It is my personal opinion that this is the best veg lighting better than HID, T5, Induction, LED ive tried them all with proper attention LSTing, Topping, and Fimming you will produce squidlike plants with multiple tentacles that reach toward the sky. It will keep them short and stocky.



New Member
I only want them in there for a month then ill put them in the bigger tent under 600watt for last 2 weeks of veg then for flowerer


Well-Known Member
buddy do what u like

my best advice is to get that 2 foot 8 bulb set up .....................ontop of the light u can use one of those spourting trays so grow all year long

it is the set up i have and it works great .........plant them leave in there for 2 weeks then move to tent with 1200w