Though calling me Evil, but where do you get your definition of what is Evil? From the vary thing you profess to find offensive when it is thrown in your face, the Bible.
Envy - Yes, I'll freely admit to being jealous of the Rich, but I don't want their money, I want to be free to make my own. I don't want their house, I want to be free to build my own with out the government continuously charging me rent. I don't want their cars, I want my own. Though in reality, I'm rather content with my life, I'd be happier if the government was not bending me over with the high amount of taxes that they use to line their own pockets.
Greed - Is it greedy to desire to keep everything that you make. If I made a chair and the government took the leg, would the chair be useful? But when I make a chair, and sell it the government takes the value of a leg. If you are better at growing weed than some one else, and so they do something that they are good at instead and trade their surplus of whatever with you for your surplus of weed is it evil to desire not to have the government dictate to you and take a cut in something it had no hand in producing.
Lust - I'll freely admit to being full of lust, and there's a lot of people out there that are, and a lot of those people would probably be able to like to peacefully conduct economic transactions with prostitutes. Something that the government has interefered with, because it's "evil".
What are the other ones
Sloth, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Pride
Gluttony - Eating or consuming more than you need, but if you truly need to cut down a tree to turn it into lumber to build a house is that taking too much? If you want to plant crops to feed yourself, and maybe barter or sell the rest for other things or invest in helping another person build their own farm is that evil. What if you end up cutting down fifty trees, because you want a really big house. Is that Gluttony, are you just taking the trees and wasting them? Hardly, you are using them, and odds are after you have built the house you are going to plant additional trees with out the government dictating to you how wide the hole must be, and how deep the tree needs to be buried. If you don't know that information you can ask some one.
Wrath - What's wrong with a little righteous anger at a government that is so bloated, inefficient and wasteful that it takes more of your energy, effort and time than you really get to enjoy for yourself, especially if you have taken the time to invest in a good education to get a well paying job. What does the government have to do with that. Why are you being punished for choosing to spend some of your time in school. How is it your fault that other's didn't. No, I think a little righteous indignation at a government that wants to steal your time to give to people that didn't effectively spend their time doing productive things is warranted.
Sloth - Here's the one that you keep on neglecting. Sloth, if you are not willing to actively stand up for your beliefs then you can not fault others when they do not share them. If you are not willing to stand by what you believe and advocate for it, who is? We, fortunately and unfortunately, live in a country where it is still possible that a well informed, and eager public can change everything in one election. Sloth has got to be the greatest of the seven sins, because it is the expectation that you will get something for nothing.
Environmentalism - The majority of the overlogging and overfishing takes place on government lands. The federal government is too inefficient to take care of its own land. It's private individuals that are interested in preserving their land that insist on contracts that stipulate that logging companies will replant the trees they cut down. If you own a pond or a lake that has fish in it, are you not going to ensure that it is fully capable of supporting the fish? To say people are evil is ... absurd.
Pride - lol, oh yes, pride is evil, so horrible. Pride that you are standing on your own with out the government's "help". Totally evil. The government can't stand it. It wants you crawling on your belly in the mud like a worm, begging for hand outs, begging to be fed, and clothed and taken care of. The government wants you so frightened of everything that you think that some one with a gun is going to kill you, nevermind that there are people out there who instead of surviving by cooperating within the bounds that society has created that the people with guns need to protect themselves from. But no, the government is afraid that if you have pride, you will discover that you can stand on your own two feet, and that you can build your own house, and clother yourself, and take care of yourself.
Seven deadly sins, bah.
But, don't take this to mean that I don't think we need to take care of our environment. I am saying that we don't need the government to specify exactly how long our hair should be cut, how long our nails should be, whether we wear contacts or glasses, or die our hair or attend church, or don't attend church.
Our founding fathers gave us a nation where each person was responsible for him or herself. This vision has been corrupted by people running around about how they want to "help" others. The hand that you hold is the hand wrapped around your throat holding you down.
But there is a place for government. Efficient, simple, sensible government that does not steal away your time and energy, that does not punish you for being more productive. A government that ensures that the playing field is level between small businesses and corporations.
I'll be the first to admit that corporations have too much power in our country if asked. They have billions that they spend on lobbyists every year. They have billions that they spend on advertising every year. That in of itself is not evil, what is evil is that they use this money to skew the playing field in their favor so that people find it difficult to compete with them. This grants them the ability to create market "niches" that they can exploit.
Our founding fathers established a constitution that protected property rights, but that was meant to be at an individual level for a very limited duration to ensure that eventually ideas and devices were widely available. This system has been corrupted for the benefit of corporations. Patents once for a mere 15 years get renewed over and over and over again, Copyrights, originally I think it was 75 years, now can stretch for longer than any person will be alive. A copyright is likely to outlive the artist and the artist's children. This is not a way to spur innovation, it only limits it.
As far as the waste of resources. There's a lot of resources, and there are alternatives. Everyone screaming about the environment is being ineffective. Instead of trying to prevent behaviors that damage the environment, but are economically necessary why not try to encourage them to utilize resources that wont harm the planet. Like, I don't know, space based industry (something that environmentalists refuse to endorse because they are either short-sighted or think that the rest of the world must be prevented from having the same level of wealth that Americans have.)
Poor, lol. Go to Africa, or South East Asia, that's poor. Go to South America that's poor. Compared to those countries we are incredibly wealthy, but when we give them aid instead of encouraging them to stand on their own, we just create a continuing cycle of poverty. Our "help" hurts them more than anything else. They can no longer use DDT, otherwise they wont get our help. Never mind that DDT was proven to be safe, and a non-carcinogenic. 30 - 50 Million pointless deaths, because of our actions. But the people that rail on and on about the dangers of DDT wont admit that they are almost as bad as Mao when it comes to mass genocide, and that they have Hitler and Stalin beat.
I don't want your "help" because I have seen what your "help" does to others, and I'm not having it. I want to be free, but I also want the government to ensure that the playing field is level. That corporations are forced to clean up after themselves instead of shafting the taxpayer with the bill. I want the government to stop pocketing trillions under the guise of "helping" others when it'd be a lot more effective to let me have my money so I can purchase goods or invest. Actions that truly would help the United States by creating additional jobs. If instead of being taxed I help a friend open up a restaurant (I'm actually talking to a friend about doing just that) and it becomes successful have I not done more for him than the government ever will?
If I turn around and open a hotel, and have another friend, who currently is making near minimum wage, the manager of it with a good salary, am I not doing more for her than the government will?
Call me evil, and call me sinful all you want, but don't be suprised when I throw the stones right back at you and destroy your glass house. You don't know who I am, you don't know my dreams, and you certainly don't know how you can "help" me or mine!