Settle For Nothing

ccodaine is on everyones threads making useless, thoughtless, tasteless posts so if we ignore him maybe he will go away...

bottom line is no government in the history of the world has been void of corruptness. every government in the history of the world has exploited its people for its own benefit.

our government overspends, undercuts and ass rapes us all.. that we can agree on

to what degree we get fucked and who gets the deep shaft is what we cannot agree with..

i say we wipe it all out and start over... whos with me
It'd be nice if it could be done Flo, but that would require us having something more than the weapons that the government has given us.

It would also require ensuring that the military would fight on our side, and not listen to our public "masters".

And you Chuck. I think I understand where you are coming from, but I'm still not 100% sure. You are saying that we are greedy, self-centered jack asses who are polluting oure environment with out giving a damn about the long term effects, and unless the government regulates us to the point of forcing us all to live in little log cabins with a little patch of acreage to grow just enough food to feed ourselves we are going to continue following our path to destruction. You are stating that government is owned by big corporations, and other special interest groups that have hijacked our government and used it to steal our freedoms.

Well, I don't know about the entire cabin in the forest part, I don't think you were pushing for that kind of tyranny. Though I did see you point to Hydrogen Technology as a possible solution. And it seems that you think that government needs to be focused at a local level instead of a national level as well as commerce, and trade. I really don't see a city like NYC being able to do that, which makes me wonder if you want to force them all to leave their city or to kill them.

I can agree with you on the fact that our government has been hijacked, and that it needs to be fixed in a drastic manner (I like the idea of tearing it all down and rebuilding it from scratch, but I don't think you can get enough people to go along with that idea.) Which means that the only solution is to effect gradual changes that maintain our standard of living while moving us towards having minimal environment impact (we will never have no environmental impact.)

I understand why you are attacking the cut in education spending, but don't know if you are for or against the socialist inspired centralized education system we have, or letting people choose where and how their children are "indoctrinated" (isn't that all that education is?)

Though it does seem like you are for wealth redistribution, but I can't really say for sure if you are or aren't, at least not complete wealth redistribution. It sounds like you just want to confiscate it over a certain level. I disagree with it. That's how we got stuck with the income tax. Our politicians told everyone that would just effect the rich, and now it effects any one that works. Any wealth redistribution will only line the government's pockets and screw over every one else.
Yeah, but historically revolutions get hijacked by the more ruthless assholes who want power so they can abuse it, not to actually reform the system. Any revolution can be hijacked by the elements that would seek power for the power itself instead of for the good of the people they end up governing.

The American Revolution was arguably an exception to the rule.
exactly... the AMERICAN revolution... we did it once and we could do it again.. there are men among us who have wholesome values and know the direction we need to be may be idealistic but hey thats what america was buit on right. after another couple hundred years it would inevitably become corrupt again and in need of another takeover but thats another discussion lol

anyways if the gov. pushes hard enough and enough people point out the bullshit they have been pulling we could easily take this country over if we banded together.. there are over 70 million firearms registered in the us.. which is LEO to civillian arms and handguns.. long rifles and shot guns are not registered. the fbi calculates about 200-250 million privately held guns in the us.. there are 1.5 million active duty soldiers in the us millitary and 1.2 million in the reserves. they cant compete with those kinds of numbers.. besides they already showed documentaries on where there secret bunkers and shit are so its not like we couldnt track the mofos down and slit every one of their throats...

again wishful thinking


p.s. before we get some over serious flamers responding to my comment i do not think every government official should be executed or that we should slaughter congress and the senate.. i am saying there is corruption and we know about some of it to an extent and we should just slit their throats
That I should be happy that I am being forced to pay for a lie that my government requires I believe in, social security.

Dear brutal, it's no lie, I'm collecting as we speak and BTW thanks for contributing. Keep it up and maybe Obama will give me a raise,~LOL~.
I knew thats why you loved Obama so much. You're unable to be self sufficient, or nobody else cares enough to help you out except for our corrupt government. You must love Obama's socialism since it will come with all kinds of welfare freebies for the lazy, retarded, and old noone but the government wants to take care of, like how Hitler won the hearts of Germany. I don't mind the lazy, retarded and old being taken care of, but not forcibly at the hand of government and the expense of everybody. What are you proud of? Being a drain on society?

"fuck you some people need s.s"

Some people need the peace of mind that comes with having every dollar earned, it means you are not a slave. Years ago when I used to pay income taxes and socialism taxes, I always felt like I was straight getting jacked on payday, which I was, to pay for shit Ill never agree with. Ill never go back to that fixed game, it's easy enough to get paid in cash. Get your precious Security money from someone that gives a shit, if you have noone, tough titties, You lost the game of life, time to change either into worm food or a responsible human being.

That I should be happy that I am being forced to pay for a lie that my government requires I believe in, social security.

Dear brutal, it's no lie, I'm collecting as we speak and BTW thanks for contributing. Keep it up and maybe Obama will give me a raise,~LOL~.
"fuck you some people need s.s"
This was in your post, I feel it is appropriate, in fact, I couldn't have said it better myself. It's jerkoffs like you that have perpetuated this selfish mindset that pervades the society at this time. Unfortunately not all people can succeed to wealth,(If that is a true measure of success), and actually need SS to live on. I use it as a suplement and it is needed for me to live in the lifestyle I have chosen. You can build your precious wealth any way you like, It will all go back to the earth one day just like mine, Ashes to ashes Dude!

Noone needs social security. You're just on the take and its easy for you. We are not all simpletons that can't hack a living wage. Selfish? Why because I want to keep whats mine? Get a clue leech.

"fuck you some people need s.s"
This was in your post, I feel it is appropriate, in fact, I couldn't have said it better myself. It's jerkoffs like you that have perpetuated this selfish mindset that pervades the society at this time. Unfortunately not all people can succeed to wealth,(If that is a true measure of success), and actually need SS to live on. I use it as a suplement and it is needed for me to live in the lifestyle I have chosen. You can build your precious wealth any way you like, It will all go back to the earth one day just like mine, Ashes to ashes Dude!

Everyone who works pays in.Are you saying that folks who paid for it don't deserve it?Shall we take them out to pasture and shoot them when they have outlived their usefulness?
Those people should have the exact amount of money paid in returned. I work and don't pay into it, or the war machine. Cash baby.

As far as taking people out back and shooting them when they've outlived their usefulness, go ahead and do whatever you want. I never suggested that.

Everyone who works pays in.Are you saying that folks who paid for it don't deserve it?Shall we take them out to pasture and shoot them when they have outlived their usefulness?
My mom gets it because she's disabled.She can't earn a wage.She deserves to have some means of sustenance. I help when I can, but I'm not rich.She gets 600 and some odd dollars a month.It pays her bills, but doesn't buy food.For that she qualifies for 34 dollars in food stamps.
Those people should have the exact amount of money paid in returned. I work and don't pay into it, or the war machine. Cash baby.

As far as taking people out back and shooting them when they've outlived their usefulness, go ahead and do whatever you want. I never suggested that.
Sorry to say I don't give a fuck about your mom, and I should never be forced to pay for her problems if I were to take a slave job. Since you give a shit about her, as I would if I were you, im sure that even if there was no SS you could help take care of her without being rich. Most familys take care of eachother and are not rich. Think about all the working class families that are basically broke as fuck because they are too busy paying for every whiner in the world to continue surviving, as if surviving is the necessity. Why should my liberty be impeded because someone halfway accross the country is disabled. Take care of your friends and family. Yes those who noone gives a crap about, get disabled or old, would die. So what? Charity should be a choice, not a requirement that if ignored lands you in prison.
Well, that's a nice thing to say.Because, I'd give a fuck about your mom starving and unable to care for herself.But that's just me.There is no reason not to have some social programs to help those who need it.We could just cut the missile budget even a little.Yeah, I help with my mom, but let me tell you, it's not easy on the wages that most people get.Charity should be a choice,you're right.But those who choose not to pay in, should never be eligible for any assistance of their own,no matter what.Unless we can cut that missile budget and reroute it to the important programs.
Sorry to say I don't give a fuck about your mom, and I should never be forced to pay for her problems if I were to take a slave job. Since you give a shit about her, as I would if I were you, im sure that even if there was no SS you could help take care of her without being rich. Most familys take care of eachother and are not rich. Think about all the working class families that are basically broke as fuck because they are too busy paying for every whiner in the world to continue surviving, as if surviving is the necessity. Why should my liberty be impeded because someone halfway accross the country is disabled. Take care of your friends and family. Yes those who noone gives a crap about, get disabled or old, would die. So what? Charity should be a choice, not a requirement that if ignored lands you in prison.
You cant care about my mom, you don't even know her lol. Thats the point, im not knockin on your door to get to know you. If I was, maybe you could borrow some money, not to say that I got shitloads. We should at least be able to opt out like you said, and never be eligible for the assistance. That would make me and you happy. But your mom would end up getting less. And Id rather pay for social programs than missles, but I wont pay for either, unless they are tapping into sales tax And just to be fair, Ron Paul said this, if we werent being taxed out the ass for a bullshit "defence"(offense is more like it) and the war on drugs, and other frauds, we may not have such issues with social programs. People like me may have never quit their regular jobs to take in cash only. More gov is just more problems, its been that way throughout history. Imagine if you kept your entire check. I don't know how much you get paid, but do the math. Would you be able to give your mother 600 dollars or more if you werent paying into everything? The number may be more or less, but IMO people should stand on their own, be allowed to save their money rather than give it into a bankrupt system, and be taken care of by their loved ones rather than every one.

I have the same problem with socialized medicine. Ive said this before, ill say it again. Do you really want to pay the medical bills of McDonalds eaters, 24/7 soda drinkers, tap water drinkers, cig smokers, and other people that don't give a shit about themselves or don't give a shit enough to find out what they are doing to themselves? IMO these people should be weeded out as naturally they would be if they had no assistance. With socialized medicine these people will be able to live longer and breed more often. What becomes of this several generations down the line? Devolution? I think that is a possibilty since "bad models" have traditionally killed themselves off with their flaws, or died of some exploit another has taken advantage of throughout time, leaving the fittest to survive, and we are better because of it.

Well, that's a nice thing to say.Because, I'd give a fuck about your mom starving and unable to care for herself.But that's just me.There is no reason not to have some social programs to help those who need it.We could just cut the missile budget even a little.Yeah, I help with my mom, but let me tell you, it's not easy on the wages that most people get.Charity should be a choice,you're right.But those who choose not to pay in, should never be eligible for any assistance of their own,no matter what.Unless we can cut that missile budget and reroute it to the important programs.
for some reason my reply showed up at the very top of the page. very strange. someones been smoking out the server again
this post and the last 2 should be at the bottom of the page fyi for anyone reading. If this post shows up directly below my other post. wtf lol
That I should be happy that I am being forced to pay for a lie that my government requires I believe in, social security.

Dear brutal, it's no lie, I'm collecting as we speak and BTW thanks for contributing. Keep it up and maybe Obama will give me a raise,~LOL~.

The idea was that we would be paying for our own retirement, not for the last generation's retirement.

It was a lie, but it was a lie that was told to you, too.

Do I think that they should stop giving you benefits, no, but I do think they should stop forcing me to pay for the benefits that you are receiving, because they took your money and spent it on stupid useless shit.

The entire rotten thing needs to be privatized at the individual level, or gotten rid of entirely. All it has became is a giant pyramid scheme.
The idea was that we would be paying for our own retirement, not for the last generation's retirement.

It was a lie, but it was a lie that was told to you, too.

Do I think that they should stop giving you benefits, no, but I do think they should stop forcing me to pay for the benefits that you are receiving, because they took your money and spent it on stupid useless shit.

The entire rotten thing needs to be privatized at the individual level, or gotten rid of entirely. All it has became is a giant pyramid scheme.
When you're on the recieving end, it's not rotten, it's a blessing. Just keep paying, I'll only be using it for about another 20-30 years, well past what I put in, with interest. Longevity runs in my genes,~LOL~.