Well-Known Member
ccodaine is on everyones threads making useless, thoughtless, tasteless posts so if we ignore him maybe he will go away...
bottom line is no government in the history of the world has been void of corruptness. every government in the history of the world has exploited its people for its own benefit.
our government overspends, undercuts and ass rapes us all.. that we can agree on
to what degree we get fucked and who gets the deep shaft is what we cannot agree with..
i say we wipe it all out and start over... whos with me
bottom line is no government in the history of the world has been void of corruptness. every government in the history of the world has exploited its people for its own benefit.
our government overspends, undercuts and ass rapes us all.. that we can agree on
to what degree we get fucked and who gets the deep shaft is what we cannot agree with..
i say we wipe it all out and start over... whos with me