Well-Known Member
Still, you can't deny that it is a giant pyramid scheme, and like all pyramid scheme's it's eventually going to collapse.
You cant care about my mom, you don't even know her lol. Thats the point, im not knockin on your door to get to know you. If I was, maybe you could borrow some money, not to say that I got shitloads. We should at least be able to opt out like you said, and never be eligible for the assistance. That would make me and you happy. But your mom would end up getting less. And Id rather pay for social programs than missles, but I wont pay for either, unless they are tapping into sales tax And just to be fair, Ron Paul said this, if we werent being taxed out the ass for a bullshit "defence"(offense is more like it) and the war on drugs, and other frauds, we may not have such issues with social programs. People like me may have never quit their regular jobs to take in cash only. More gov is just more problems, its been that way throughout history. Imagine if you kept your entire check. I don't know how much you get paid, but do the math. Would you be able to give your mother 600 dollars or more if you werent paying into everything? The number may be more or less, but IMO people should stand on their own, be allowed to save their money rather than give it into a bankrupt system, and be taken care of by their loved ones rather than every one.
I have the same problem with socialized medicine. Ive said this before, ill say it again. Do you really want to pay the medical bills of McDonalds eaters, 24/7 soda drinkers, tap water drinkers, cig smokers, and other people that don't give a shit about themselves or don't give a shit enough to find out what they are doing to themselves? IMO these people should be weeded out as naturally they would be if they had no assistance. With socialized medicine these people will be able to live longer and breed more often. What becomes of this several generations down the line? Devolution? I think that is a possibilty since "bad models" have traditionally killed themselves off with their flaws, or died of some exploit another has taken advantage of throughout time, leaving the fittest to survive, and we are better because of it.
But I believe healthcare, and everything, should be accessable and affordable to all.Even if you like pepsi and pot.It's your body.Do what you want, but being able to afford proper care could help correct errors that folks commit upon themselves out of ignorance and poverty.
A government of the people and for the people should be just that.
When you're on the recieving end, it's not rotten, it's a blessing. Just keep paying, I'll only be using it for about another 20-30 years, well past what I put in, with interest. Longevity runs in my genes,~LOL~.
The enslavement of Peter to pay Paul, the problem is that Paul is going to love it, and Peter is going to hate it, but as long as Paul can dictate what the system does the system will continue to enslave Peter for Paul.
Not exactly a government of the people, for the people, by the people. More of a government of Pauls, for the Pauls, by those that like getting their asses kissed by the Pauls, whether the Pauls are Corporations, Individuals or Groups.
America was not meant to be a democracy, it was meant to be a Republic, with the law being applied equally to all. World's greatest democracy... phhtooie, World's Greatest Republic, but the question is how long will that last, if it is still true.
World's greatest democracy... phhtooie, World's Greatest Republic, but the question is how long will that last, if it is still true.
"A Republic...If you can keep it."
To quote a great man...
Benjamin Franklin after leaving the signing of the constitution when asked "What form of government shall we have?"
"A Republic... If you can keep it"
So many people are unaware of the coup of 1913, they don't believe the gov is every in any threat of being infiltrated and corrupted. B. Franklin knew "If you can keep it"
And he was right, and we haven't kept it.
The biggest threat today is diverting your attention over seas, or towards your tax problems, or mainstream media, while they loot the country.
It is mind boggling how many there are of us who do not read. Hell, between Seamaiden and myself, we have so many books, with not enough bookcases, that we have boxes full of books stored in the garage.Here's a little point of interest: My business takes me into, on the average, 30 to 50 homes per week. I look into every room. It always amazes me how many homes have NO books and NO music. Just a TV and a refrigerator for entertainment ... that's it. Sick!
It is mind boggling how many there are of us who do not read. Hell, between Seamaiden and myself, we have so many books, with not enough bookcases, that we have boxes full of books stored in the garage.
Most are unaware. Those of us who are aware keep talking about it, but its too complicated to fathom by a populous educated in our government schools. TV and Video Games have replaced books in most households. Then, there are the "others" who not only understand it, they support it ... for without it, their Utopian Welfare State would collapse overnight.
Here's a little point of interest: My business takes me into, on the average, 30 to 50 homes per week. I look into every room. It always amazes me how many homes have NO books and NO music. Just a TV and a refrigerator for entertainment ... that's it. Sick!
Vi it trips me out that you know about this, but you like the McCain-Palin ticket. What the dealio? Are you just in for the lesser of two evils? This 1913 deal was the result of campaign contributions from JP Morgan, Warburg & Rockefeller - Im sure you know this too - They basically paid off Woodrow Wilson to implement the federal reserve which he later admitted extreme regret for. Today, and ever since of course, the same huge ass banks have been making the largest contributions to ALL presidential candidates. I remember checking during the primaries, I was not surprised to see the same banks (Chase[rockefeller], JP Morgan, Morgan Stanely) funding every candidate except for Ron Paul, Kuncinich and other marginalized candidates. Ron Paul of course had his largest contributions from the general public followed by Microsoft and Google I might add.
It'd be nice if it could be done Flo, but that would require us having something more than the weapons that the government has given us.
It would also require ensuring that the military would fight on our side, and not listen to our public "masters".
And you Chuck. I think I understand where you are coming from, but I'm still not 100% sure.
You are saying that we are greedy, self-centered jack asses who are polluting oure environment with out giving a damn about the long term effects
The only thing i am pushing is for people to start thinking. and hopefully that will lead to better decisons which in turn will lead to a change for the better.Well, I don't know about the entire cabin in the forest part, I don't think you were pushing for that kind of tyranny.
not specifically local. but their focus is definately off. The focus needs to be on the people, and what is good for them (without impedeing rights), and how to make living conditons better. This is why i give my gov. i good coin, because I want them to make where i live a better place.And it seems that you think that government needs to be focused at a local level instead of a national level
I really don't see a city like NYC being able to do that, which makes me wonder if you want to force them all to leave their city or to kill them.
we will never have no environmental impact.
Though it does seem like you are for wealth redistribution, but I can't really say for sure if you are or aren't, at least not complete wealth redistribution. It sounds like you just want to confiscate it over a certain level. I disagree with it. That's how we got stuck with the income tax. Our politicians told everyone that would just effect the rich, and now it effects any one that works. Any wealth redistribution will only line the government's pockets and screw over every one else.
My mom gets it because she's disabled.She can't earn a wage.She deserves to have some means of sustenance. I help when I can, but I'm not rich.She gets 600 and some odd dollars a month.It pays her bills, but doesn't buy food.For that she qualifies for 34 dollars in food stamps.