Setup Question


Active Member
Ok so Im away to get a tent-my first question,what size tent should I get for my 600w light?
Also,I plan on getting an air cooled hood-would I run a carbon scrubber exhausting straight out,then have one of the air intakes hooked up to a fan blowing into the cool tube,and just have the other port left open for passive intake?Would that be ok as long as the carbon fans stronger than the intake fan,or is there another way to do it?Cheers

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
A tent breathes regardless if there are any vents open or not and with a tent you MAY also find that keeping your temps consistently warm enough may be tricky. I live in Washington state, had a tent in the garage and discovered that from around the end of October to the 2nd week in june or so was waaaaaay to cold in the garage garden despite the heat from the lamp and a rather large heater. But on to the fan issue. here is how I would do it and this is MY opinion only. have your filter in the tent attatch a piece of ducting of appropriate size to it. Run that ducting to your cool tube. Now, attach another piece of ducting to the other opening of the cool tube and run it to your ventilation fan.Run another piece of ducting from the fan to one of the vent ports of the tent and have it ventilate out into the room that your tent is in. This will keep the humidity a little higher in the room being vented into but that's cool if you have dry skin. Also the residual heat will be siphoned out of your tent and into the room also keeping the area a little warmer. Or you can vent it all outside but that is up to you. 4x4 is the smallest I would go with a 600 watt light. Hope its helpful.


Active Member
Your way is the way I've seen it done but if you're pulling the air from the scrubber over the light then as well as that not being as efficient as blowing air onto the bulb but the air will be hot to start with anyway will it not?I just think it makes more sense to blow cool,fresh air onto the bulb than pull hot air onto it,no?!


Well-Known Member
its always more efficient to pull air rather than push (blow) it, thats why you've seen it done that way so much. the air being pulled across the bulb shouldn't be hot because the extraction fan should be running during lights off as well, so its always sucking air across the bulb. that way, it's sucking air when lights come on, and that puts the cool in your cool tube. And, once the tent heats up to its stable temp, that temp will be much lower than the temp of the bulb creating a de facto "cooling" situation.
best of luck,
be easy,


Active Member
That's great j20,I understand now,thanks for taking the time to explain that,+reps for you if I knew how brother lol