setup to get 3 pounds

im getting ready to start new grow and looking have average 3pound yield per harvest and been trying find best setup to keep plant numbers down because im not in medical state, i would like to know about how many lights i will need,# of plants, i was at dwc with the rootspa setup,by the way does anybody have any experience with these.i figured i would need 3 1000w hps but dont want that much towards because power limited as well maybe 2 if possible. would sort of perputual harvest goal would be to at least get 4-5 a year and i do have experience with hydro ebb and flow with spinners, the strains i was looking at are sharksbreath, the doctor, northern lights,star 47,white widow, sorry so long just needed a little advice


New Member
I was thinking maybe use 600s and save money while having more points of light .. I feel that I do much better with multiple 600s than I do running 1000s ....Study canopy management and use it as well .. Always aim for optimal conditions and accept nothing less and dial it in bro .. Genetics as mentioned will make or break the grow , study your girls and dance with them more than once , this is when you can really make some happy girls by dancing with them regularly and knowing there moves and ways .. Dont swap and grow unknown gear as your main stock , test on the side once genetics are established ..
2 8 kit root spa dwc with 2 1ks plus i would still be using one spinner as supplement and hopefully should reach my goal

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
I do 2 lbs easily under 1200 watts of HPS in flower with 4-5 plants. Lumatek ballasts, digilux 600 watt HPS bulbs, about a 5x7 room maybe a little under, FFOF as base, Fox Farm Nutes, some additives including humic and fulvic acids, rooting enhancers, molasses ect. I have a monthly perpetual meaning I harvest every 25-35 days. Two flower rooms, one veg, one clone /seedling room. When we redo our rooms we will be doubling or tripling lights and room size and adding a third flower and expanding veg to do 14-20 day harvest. So screw the two 1,000 and get four 600s and two flower rooms or a single flower where you can move around plants. I use two flower rooms because I experiment a lot and my system works for me. Use a single 600 or a pair of 400s for mid-late veg and t5s for clones/seedlings/early veg.
With those four 600s you can get better spread, get closer to canopy and get an easy 3-4 lbs+ a month.


Well-Known Member
if you want less power usage check these out. a little pricey but could be worth a try. inda gro induction lights
i do not use these but will be setting up a veggie garden with one this summer. cheap to run and no maintenance no heat.


Well-Known Member
0 U can get 3 pound with 1600 w switchable setup hit the search bar and check out hydrocroppers how i getget 1 pound of 2 plants thread its good stuff and after u watch it think about increasing ur numbers over 2 or scroging the 2 to even more improving yeild

Edit:i get close to 2p per 1000w bulb 10 plants+2mth veg under 1000 mh(switchable ballast) so by my math it should = 1600w =3ps


Active Member
2 8 kit root spa dwc with 2 1ks plus i would still be using one spinner as supplement and hopefully should reach my goal
I am still researching for my first grow and came across the 5 Gal. - Root Spa.. have you used or is that what you were referring to? I was searching for info on how it is used and the pros/cons of that type of setup. If someone can point me to more info that would be great.. tia


Active Member
Fuck so what the he'll am I doing wrong I'm dreaming of an zip per plant you mutha fuckers ( no pun) intended are talking poUnds? Wtf I need lessons please teach, using t5 6 bulb for veg in one gal smart pot then switch to a 4x8 tent two 6 's running g13 labs pe and bcbudepot purp and critical+ shit out of ten plant lucky to pull maybe 5 zips help and when I flower they o in 3gal smart pots with promix hp adv con a and b bud ignighter nirvana gravity purple max budswell,botanic tea,molasses, fuck if I pulled a lb I'd get in trouble for public nudity I would run butt naked up n down the street and I use nutes
different stages not all combined so again what am I doing wronhg veg for a month temps stay@75help


New Member
Fuck so what the he'll am I doing wrong I'm dreaming of an zip per plant you mutha fuckers ( no pun) intended are talking poUnds? Wtf I need lessons please teach, using t5 6 bulb for veg in one gal smart pot then switch to a 4x8 tent two 6 's running g13 labs pe and bcbudepot purp and critical+ shit out of ten plant lucky to pull maybe 5 zips help and when I flower they o in 3gal smart pots with promix hp adv con a and b bud ignighter nirvana gravity purple max budswell,botanic tea,molasses, fuck if I pulled a lb I'd get in trouble for public nudity I would run butt naked up n down the street and I use nutes
different stages not all combined so again what am I doing wronhg veg for a month temps stay@75help

I was in the same boat for awhile.Then I vegged just a little bit longer.About 2 months or so, then a little LST on a few.My yield doubled.I use promix when I can't get sunshine.I add perlite.And run whatever nutes my guy has a special on.W/O riu I'd still be at 3/4 zips per.....


New Member
I don't run 600s since I like tighter buds and decent light penetration. I would only recommend them for small plants.


Active Member
Undercurrent w/ chiller, 3 600's and an ac. Veg 3 weeks or so depending on strain and grow 6 monsters. You'll be just fine. It will take a few runs to dial it in but you'll get there. And diy if you are capable it you'll save some cash you can use on good genetics. Check out critical mass crosses they are tasty big yeilders.


Active Member
Two 1000's with 8-10 plants will get you 3-4lbs no problem. Put them in 5 gallon buckets with TGA super soil. Just add water and a lil bloost booster starting week 4-6. Thank me later.