"Seventy Two Plants To Infinity"



Greetings, "Rollitup" site members and viewers all over the world. I am "PlayBig," also known as "L*t******r on a number of poker forums and I was referred to this site by "Kenny Flowers." A friend of mine who works for Elite Gardens and posts as detgreenthumb on Instagram. I am here as an aspiring medical marijuana grower in Michigan and eventual entrepreneur in the commercial cannabis industry all around the United States once good ole Papa Trump and all the other old, stupid, slimey, sadistic, and saggy balled politicians (a.k.a. lords of pestilence) who send our children to die in war every year decide to make it federally legal.

This thread will detail my progress from the very start to the very, hopefully green finish. If there is a finish. I mean the title of the thread is "Seventy Two Plants To Infinity," right? And one thing I'd like to say right off rip is that I'd like as many comments, critiques, and suggestions as possible in this thread. I am coming to this forum as a complete marijuana newb, a student of the game if you will, and I can't even fucking fathom how the admin of this forum would have a post up that says, "Do Not Post In Other People's Grow Journals Unless Asked."

I mean, I admit, I don't know anything about growing marijuana. I am a peon in this game. But, I know from being a professional poker player that you are always trying to take in new information + strategy advice that could improve your game because the game and the players you play against are always evolving. And if all you're doing is talking about how awesome you and what you're doing at the tables is, well, you ain't learning shit. And soon the game will pass you by and you'll be back to dish washing and chasing flies in the back of some run down Chinese restaurant called "Hawaiian Island."

You learn by keeping your mouth shut, taking in any and all new information possible, then you see if that new information can be applied to improve your poker game or you discard it if you believe it can't. So first and foremost I am here to learn. And I'm probably going to be asking a lot of stupid questions. And I probably have nothing I can offer you in return for any help you provide. But, I remember every single person who helped me become a poker professional and any favor they needed has been returned without question. Any information they gave me that they said was confidential has been kept confidential. And one of the people who is helping me with my grow is a person I did one hundred and four days for in Isabella County Jail for here in Michigan when I refused to turn state's evidence.

So, without any further ado, lets get onto this degenerate story, "Seventy Two Plans To Infinity."
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It all started as a result of a $10,000 poker downswing, a poor diet, excessive use of uppers when I party, a membership to L.A. Fitness + Planet Fitness, and a sick addiction to pre-workout energy drinks. The night before I went to the urgent care I had just consumed my usual when trying to impress a woman, 10MG of Adderall for longevity and 10MG of v*agra to maintain hardness. As usual, I gave an all star performance for a young girl named Shauna who was stuck in one of those relationships where she's just fucking the other person until something better comes along. (Pretty much ninety five percent of the relationships out there now days.) But anyway, when I left the Holiday Inn I started to experience some extreme tightness in my chest.

As I was driving home from Cleveland I kept thinking over and over, "Its just stress. Its always stress. The last time you went to a doctor for the same condition was when your Grandfather died and they ran a battery of tests on you then told you your heart was 'As strong as a bulls,' then offered you a Xanax prescription to help with the anxiety." Thankfully, I didn't accept the Xanax prescription, or else I'd probably be twice as fat as I am now. I said, "If you're telling me its all inside my head doc, then I believe I can figure it out on my own." And I did, so I thought, until today, some eight years later. (See how I just went from past tense to present tense? I do that a lot. So get used to it. I make my own rules when it comes to grammar. And every now and then when I want to crack a joke, drive the point home, break the fourth wall, or anything else that could be deemed as "Something Wonderful" I use italics.)

So I continue my trek up I-75 North to my hometown and eventually decide I'm going to go to Trenton Total Healthcare. I walk in, fill out the medical form that only has two gender selections on it, "Male" and "Female," and as I check "Male" I wonder, "How many liberal nut-jobs has this stupid piece of paper pissed off?" (And before you flip out let me go on record as to say I am a centrist, a free thinker, I understand gender and the argument that there are more than two genders. But, the people who want to riot in the street over what bathroom a person with a dick should piss in and what bathroom a person born with a vagina should piss in amuse me. I mean, if you ever feel like you've completely lost at life remember there are millions of people online willing to argue about what the sexual preference and/or gender of a puppet their children watch on Sesame Street is, let that sink in for a minute.) Anyway, after some waiting I see a nurse I wouldn't mind having sexual relations with and she asks me all sorts of questions to update my paperwork. As always, I inform her that the only medical condition I have is migraines, I am allergic to nothing (but human beings outside my family + friends), and that I am currently on zero medications.

Finally, she gets around to checking my blood pressure and her eyes light up. "Wow," she says, "You're at one sixty five over one ten. Its a good thing you came in to see the doctor today. We're going to have to run some tests on you." So then she puts me in a room where I have to de-shirt. And I'm kind of nervous because I don't like to de-shirt around any women I'd consider having sex with. But, I get to de-shirting anyway and then I lay down and she starts attaching all these white circular patches that stick to all parts of my body. I feel like a complete loser when she literally has to shave some of my chest hair around my heart to properly hook up two of them. After that, some sort of machine takes information about my heart beat for five minutes or so and then I get to put my shirt back on and wait for the doctor.

When the doctor comes in he says, "I have good and bad news." The good news is my heart is still as strong as a bull. The bad news is that I have high blood pressure and I need to go on the medication known as Lisinopril. I ask the doctor what he thinks is causing the high blood pressure and he begins to ask me about my diet. I admit that I only eat two times a day and that when I eat I eat too much. He then asks if I get to the gym to exercise. I tell him to straight to his face, "Listen doc, I do get to the gym, often. Probably around six days a week. In fact, I'd bet my bottom dollar that I am the only person in Michigan that has two gym memberships, one to L.A Fitness and one to Planet Fitness, along with a pre-workout energy drink addiction that is fat." The doctor cracks a smile at my joke, but quickly says, "The energy drinks, the caffeine, is no good for your heart."

He then proceeds to ask me about my partying and personal life. And I admit I ride the white horse (do cocaine) every now and then, as well as take adderall often as I been working day and night trying to renovate two homes I just bought to rent out here in Michigan. This doctor also knows I play poker for a living, so he inquires about how I am doing at poker. I go on to explain that I am in the midst of a $10,000 downswing and I've been stressing out about money. I go on to explain that some people in my family I love dearly are going through a hard time and I feel guilty that I've had easily a million dollars go through my hands since 2010 and I no longer have the money to just give off $1,000, $2,000, $5,000, or more to the people I love the most.

He then goes on to tell me that I shouldn't be stressing about other people in my families financial difficulties. That I don't have a wife, that I don't have a kid, and that I shouldn't be stressing out about money. That my only responsibility is myself and that I'm doing better than most in their late thirties since I'm able to own a condo, own two rental properties, etc. But that all goes in one ear and out the other because I grew up watching my Grandfather George provide for himself, his wife, his kids, and anyone else in the family that he could who deserved it. And I aspire to be the sort of man he was. A man that always kept his word. A man that valued the first law of nature, to care for, nurture, and protect what was his. A man who achieved success in every sort of way that it was defined in one of my favorite poems of all time written by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"What is success?

To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by
a healthy child, a garden patch
or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed
easier because you have lived;

This is to have succeeded."

So when I see my widowed Grandmother (from my mother's side, my grandfather George was from my Father's side) buying off brand ketchup, cereal, mayonnaise, and all sorts of other things for her home and my Sister unable to afford birthday gifts for her children so she doesn't want to throw birthday parties, it stresses me out. I needed to find a way to make them breathe easier, I needed to find a way to make myself breathe easier. So while I was on my way to the pharmacy to fill my script I thought, "Maybe I should talk to my friend Chris more about growing medical marijuana in my two rental properties while I renovate them. It couldn't hurt to have a conversation."

And it all started from there.....


Chris is not a long time friend of mine. Chris is someone I met as recently as 2016. However, Chris and I have a high level of trust in one another because I stake him + coach him for live $2/$5 No Limit Hold Em and $1/$3 Pot Limit Omaha poker in the casinos. "Staking" means I buy him into the poker games on my dime and I take 35% of his winnings. If he were to lose $3,000 in a session he goes into what is called "Make Up" and if he were to win $4,000 the next session, $3,000 goes to me, and then we split the amount of profit, $1,000, 65% to 35%. Sometimes, horses can get up to $10,000-$20,000 in make up and that is when you gotta coach them, help them improve their game, to get out of it and get to making you some money. A "Horse" is one who is staked in any variant of poker.

Anyway, a few months back Chris was helping me do some painting around one of my rental properties as a favor and he asked if I had ever thought about growing marijuana. I said no because I had been to jail in the mid 2000's for drug charges and I promised my Grandmother I'd never sell drugs again. He then said, "Well, if you ever change your mind, just know that what you do with poker, I do with marijuana grow operations, I'd be willing to invest in you and coach you how to grow high grade medical marijuana." I essentially said thanks but no thanks because I had my mind set on renovating and modernizing the two properties and then re-selling them or renting them out.

However, all has not went well with the renovation process and finding good tenants is not as easy as I thought it would be. So, when you combine all the expenses I am having with paying three mortgages/land contracts while also enduring the worst three months of my poker career as far as earnings go, a thing we call "Cash Poor" can happen very quickly. And that was where I was at when I texted Chris a few weeks ago and asked, "So what would I need to get started on a medical marijuana grow operation at one of my rental properties?"

Chris said that I would first have to get my medical marijuana card. Then I'd have to find someone in the family or a good friend I trust without a felony to get their medical marijuana card who we could then make my "Caregiver." And on top of that, I'd need to find five other people with medical marijuana cards that would be willing to be my "Caregiver's patients as well so we could legally grow the of maximum of seventy two plants.

"No problem," I said. "I've got a lot of people who owe me favors and most of them have their medical marijuana cards or smoke pot on the regular. Give me a week and I'll get back to you." Then I put down my phone and fired up my desktop computer to thoroughly research how to get my medical marijuana card and how one would go about becoming a "Caregiver."
Hey guys!

I received a couple private messages and both said that my grow journal would be better with some visuals as soon as possible.

So, below you will find a picture of the indoor heater I chose to heat my garage along with some additional items that will insulate my garage and ultimately reduce my energy costs. After that you'll find a picture of the dirt + additives me and my partner selected for the grow. Then you can see we chose a 32lb Brute bucket to hold our water and also a temperature gauge/heater for our water. And then the Gorilla tent for the grow as well as a few pictures of the twenty four plants we currently have in the vegetative state. After that you will see the results of twenty four hours of tweaking the tent ventilation and the setting on our "Mr. Heater" to continually get the temperature inside the tent to range from sixty eight degrees to seventy two degrees.

Our ultimate plan is to keep the space heater outside the tent and put electronic heaters inside the tent that kick on any time the temperature inside falls below sixty eight degrees. We'll also be adding another light soon as well as twenty four more plants. Any and all comments, critiques, or suggestions are welcome and if you enjoy the back story behind all this all and my story telling in general you can continue to follow all the numbered entries I'll be posting.

#3 should be done sometime tomorrow!








Its the 10x10 Gorilla tent with "Next" lights.

And so far I am on 24 hours of running the 20lb propane tank + Mr. Heater Tough Buddy on the "Low Setting." Tonight the temperature has dropped to around twenty degrees outside my garage and after tinkering around with the tent for a bit I've found that I know have to keep the setting on "Medium" to get the temperature inside the tent to sixty eight to seventy two. This sucks because I can only sleep in two hour intervals as I have no idea how long this propane tank will last.

Some reviews online say they got up to a week of running it continuously on "low," other reviews say forty eight hours, so who knows. Going to have to get a gauge that lets me measure remainder of Propane in the tank. One thing I'll say that I've learned so far is that growing plants is like having a newborn baby. Now I have a little bit of an idea of what my sister's life is like.
Its the 10x10 Gorilla tent with "Next" lights.

And so far I am on 24 hours of running the 20lb propane tank + Mr. Heater Tough Buddy on the "Low Setting." Tonight the temperature has dropped to around twenty degrees outside my garage and after tinkering around with the tent for a bit I've found that I know have to keep the setting on "Medium" to get the temperature inside the tent to sixty eight to seventy two. This sucks because I can only sleep in two hour intervals as I have no idea how long this propane tank will last.

Some reviews online say they got up to a week of running it continuously on "low," other reviews say forty eight hours, so who knows. Going to have to get a gauge that lets me measure remainder of Propane in the tank. One thing I'll say that I've learned so far is that growing plants is like having a newborn baby. Now I have a little bit of an idea of what my sister's life is like.

Weigh the tank, wait an hour with the heater on, then weigh it again. Multiply by 24 and you’ll know how many pounds it uses in a day. Don’t need a gauge.
Weigh the tank, wait an hour with the heater on, then weigh it again. Multiply by 24 and you’ll know how many pounds it uses in a day. Don’t need a gauge.

Boom! You beat me to it! It only took me a few days of running the propane heater to use my coveted ******* high school education to figure that out!

So now I have found that a Mr. Heater "Tough Buddy" with 4000/9000/18000 BTU gets me four days of continuous run on low setting off the 15lb Lowe's puts in their 20lb propane tank and also 2 to 2.5 days of continuous run on the medium setting. When it is thirty degrees outside, I have to run it on low to keep Gorilla 10x10 tent at 70-72 degrees, when it is 15 to 20 degrees outside I have to run it on medium to keep tent at 70-72 degrees.

Mr. Heater is also safe for "indoor" so it won't make the air awful around the plants, in tent/in garage. This really sucks right now though as I have to go check on the temp every few hours. Thinking about getting a baby monitor and placing the camera facing the temperature gauge.
Its the 10x10 Gorilla tent with "Next" lights.

And so far I am on 24 hours of running the 20lb propane tank + Mr. Heater Tough Buddy on the "Low Setting." Tonight the temperature has dropped to around twenty degrees outside my garage and after tinkering around with the tent for a bit I've found that I know have to keep the setting on "Medium" to get the temperature inside the tent to sixty eight to seventy two. This sucks because I can only sleep in two hour intervals as I have no idea how long this propane tank will last.

Some reviews online say they got up to a week of running it continuously on "low," other reviews say forty eight hours, so who knows. Going to have to get a gauge that lets me measure remainder of Propane in the tank. One thing I'll say that I've learned so far is that growing plants is like having a newborn baby. Now I have a little bit of an idea of what my sister's life is like.
like I said u should look into heater with a thermo built in set an forget
""Big News" from the party boat." Papa Trump stop the "Fake News" press. The lives of PlayBig's plants are in jeopardy. All of you who said to go with the slow oil burning heater inside the tent on this website were 100% correct.

"Master Splinter" (my friend Chris) of my operation told me to do the same thing. However, my garage did't have enough ampage to properly run all lights, equipment, etc. So I went with the Mr.Heater in the tent and everything was fine for a few days on "Low" setting, even "Master Splinter" said this was ok. But, when I had to move to "Medium" setting it over-fed the plants CO2 and now they're much like Rocky Balboa "On The Ropes" taking lefts and rights from Ivan Drago.


"Critical Condition" you could say. Sadly, "Master Splinter" was out of town for holidays and not here to check on the plants every day. So me and "Young Grass Hopper" (my cousin Chris) fucked things up.

But, I got the low key cool electrician out here right now upping the ampage and in the meantime I have ran an extension cord from my home to the garage to power two electric heaters. In addition, 100% my idea, I quickly put together the "Rocky Balboa" mix cd with "No Easy Way Out," "Eye of The Tiger," and "Training Montage." Its playing on repeat from a portable stereo I put in the tent to "PUMP" these plants up. If there's any time to "Cheer," "Cheer" now my Roll It Up friends. Do my plants have the "Eye Of The Tiger" or are they just dying flowers?

We'll see.

P.S.- For maximum viewing pleasure of a Playbig thread, make sure to click all the stuff that's in quotation's. Every now and then it will take you to "Something Wonderful."

P.P.S.- The "Something Wonderful" drop was supposed to be in my first post but the referees of these forums won't let you link the first time you step into the posting ring on this site.

P.P.P.S- Post #3 of the story is now on hold until further notice.
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"Master Splinter" has determined the plants are going to make it. However, he said they are still very upset with me and "Young Grasshopper." So today I decided to switch out the Rocky music with Prince's "Purple Rain" instead. (Click here to see the best live version of it performed ever during Montreux jazz festival.)

Also, for what its worth we are growing Nic The Bruiser, Full Metal Jacket, and Grape Soadie strains. Some of the Full Metal Jacket and Grape Soadie labels on the plants have different numbers on them. I have no idea what this means. Also, I have no idea if those are coveted strains or not. "Master Splinter" says they are. Can anyone explain what the #s located on the labels of Full Metal Jacket and Grape Soadie mean or refer me to some information in idiot terms so I can understand it?

Thanks to all who "Cheered" and helped my plants pull through!

More pictures to come soon!
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So my cousin Chris ("Young Grasshopper") and I ended up at a place called "Higher Learning" to see if we could qualify for our medical marijuana cards. Upon entry I was shocked at the amount of pro marijuana posters, pictures, magazines, pamphlets, and everything else you could think of scattered all around the office. On top of all that, there were a few televisions in the "Waiting Room" (click that) which were all playing some sort of pro marijuana infomercial. And every time it would transition to a new scene or particular subject regarding marijuana, it would play the "Smoke Weed Every Day" sound byte. I mean this place was the average cop who hates marijuana and will shoot the dog guarding your grow op dead' worst fucking nightmare. I couldn't stop laughing to myself thinking about how bad the interior decoration of this place would infuriate the average idiot who is 100% against marijuana legalization.

Speaking of average idiot, it seemed the initial forms I had to fill out were actually idiot proofed by the doctor. As they clearly listed the number of things you could circle that would qualify you for a medical marijuana card. And a number of things you could circle that would not qualify you for a medical marijuana card.

Thankfully, me and my cousin had to fudge no details. I was able to select "Chronic/Severe" pain as I have doctor records dating back to my youth in regards to migraine headaches. And my cousin was also able to select "Chronic/Severe" pain as he tore a muscle in his shoulder when he had a job moving furniture and has had trouble sleeping ever since. Therefore, him and I both had good reason to want to try medical marijuana instead of pop pills. And it wasn't long until both of us had seen the doctor and got approved.

When we left we were both given our own separate stamped envelope to "The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs" and inside was all the proper documentation we'd need to include besides a $60 money order we'd have to go purchase and make out to our home state. After that we went to eat and quickly assembled a list of other people we knew that had medical marijuana cards that could potentially be our patients. Well, "Young Grasshopper's" patients because I have a drug crime from fifteen or so years ago and would not be able to obtain my license to be a "Caregiver."

And within a week after that, him and I had our paperwork on the way to the state for final approval. In addition, we also had five other potential patients send in the proper paperwork to have "Young Grasshopper" become their "Caregiver." While we all waited for our official paperwork from the state, "Master Splinter" and I got together to discuss start up costs for a seventy two plant grow operation and he would want for his consultation fee.
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Long time no see or shit poast "Play Big" fans!

Sorry for the two week delay, but boy oh boy did "Master Splinter" and I run into some problems.

As you all know, we started the Gorilla tent with twenty four plants, and they all got poisoned by "Mr. Heater" fumes. So we made corrections and thankfully eighteen of the twenty four plants bounced back. In addition to those eighteen, "Master Splinter" brought over eighteen more that were on the same timeline to be ready for flowering as the plants in my garage. This got us a total of thirty six plants in the tent so we upgraded to four lights in the tent. However, when we went to plug in all four of the lights, two oil radiating heaters, etc, the circuit breaker kept tripping in my basement. For some reason even though it appeared my garage had forty amps running to it, there were only twenty. So we had to call in the emergency electrician and luckily I know one from playing poker.



My fat fucking ass had to do manual labor for the first time since I can remember. And this is what my backyard looked like after I had dug the underground route for all the wiring. As you can see from above we also beefed up the security on the garage door. In the end my electrician friend "Smiley" came through in the clutch and we quickly had all the power we'd need now wired to the garage. All for $850 USD as long as I did the grunt work and dug the ditch.


After we got all the lights working properly, etc, "Master Splinter" said we were going to start resting the plans for five hours a day. So he bought timers. While I was out playing poker "Master Splinter" set the timers so the lights would go off at 1am and go back on at 6am. He told me "All set" and I could stay out as late as I want, wake up whenever I want to wake up the next day. The next day I woke up at noon, went out to the garage, and wouldn't you know the lights were still off and the plants has been sitting in 50 degree weather for who knows how long. So again I had to bring out my portable blue tooth speaker + second cell phone and play "Rocky" music for them again.

I also immediately ordered this to send temperature and humidity readings to my phone every thirty minutes. It works like a motherfucking charm.


"Master Splinter" also bought the plants steroids. He said this powder is much like "Mr. Miagi's" hands when he magically heals "Daniel Son" in the "Karate Kid."


And after seven days of listening to "Rocky" music and being tended to around the clock from "Master Splinter" and I the tent and plants currently look like this!!!!






We are currently using "Nectar Of The Gods" nutrients and have strands "Double Tap," "Full Metal Jacket," "Grape Sodie," "Nic The Bruiser," and something special called "Orange Cookies" + "Sundae Driver" he said. Only two plants each of those, twenty nine total plants that made it though. I am a newb to all of this, so I really don't know much about the strands. "Double Tap" seems to be growing the best, most crazy. While the coveted "Orange Cookie" and "Sundae Driver" seem to be growing the slowest.

I'll be back to post more in the coming, many more "Show Stoppers" + "Skin Poppers" to come.
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Any advice on dehumidifiers?

I am approaching the flowering stage and having trouble at getting the humidity down to sixty or under consistently. Currently running one dehumidifier that cost me around $200 at Home Depot. 50 pint. Should I get another one? Is there one bad boy that is bigger, badder, and better then them all for grow tents?

Also, one other note, I am only having this trouble when tent is all closed up during dark 4 hours. I don't know how to do any sort of ventilation because light seeps in the garage and I don't want to risk any getting into the tent with opening vents.

Any ideas?