Several strain/breeding questions


Well-Known Member
1. Is Lowryder 2 a good auto strain to start with and to create crosses with to get regular kinds to make auto seeds witht he regular traits such as auto white widow or auto afghan or an auto sativa?

2. How good is ICE.

3. Ice or Afghan from for a relaxing body stone.

4. Widow is what kind of high/stone?

5. how could you make more seeds that would be as close as possible to autoberry if you had a couple feminized autoberry seeds and several nonfeminized lowryder 2 seeds? Would you breed a female AB to a LR2 (would those all be autoflowering) then take the most autoberry-like one and breed it back to autoberry over and over?

Also. How would you make a regular clone autoflower by mixing with Lowryder 2 what woudl the steps be in order with generations included?

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
lot of questions, i'll give you 1 to start
not first hand info, but i did do some reading on breeding with autos a year or so ago
if you cross autos with regular, you will get some auto offspring, some regular offspring, and some intermediate offspring, i.e. they will ripen in between the auto and photoperiod strains


Well-Known Member
Thanks.. Thats what I thought.. Then you could just cross the ones that do autoflower under 18/6 light with the original non auto strian and repeat several times till you get one very close to the original strain that autos and just toss the others that arent auto along the way.

Also, can you top or fim an auto like lowryder 2


Well-Known Member
i just grow photoperiod strains(regs), so far anyways, i'm sure you can top an auto, but not sure if its a good idea, yield might not be too good
as to breeding with autos and creating an auto version of a reg, that sounds like a very ambitious project
that is what some professional breeder are doing, and it doesn't sound easy, lot of mixed results out there with auto genetics
though there seem to be a few breeders that are better


i wouldn't worry about auto strains. it would take a lot of crossing, but eventually im sure you could create an auto strain. i would take a pure ruderalis and cross it with whatever. then cross the offspring that auto-flower with the original strain genetics, then cross the offspring that auto-flower with the original strain, to keep raising potency and original traits. there are a lot of factors at play with genetics, and it would take you quite some time to create your perfect ideal strain. genetics sure is fun.

topping an autoflowering strain will stunt its growth and result in reduction of yield since it flowers according to age.


Autoberry x lowryder
=maybe some auto flowers
take those and breed them with autoberry again.
=auto-flowers more similar to berry than lowryder.

you may get lucky the first time. it depends on the dominance of the autoflower genotype. with about 100 seeds, one is bound to be a 50/50 auto cross of the two you want.


Well-Known Member
Was thinking that something like.

Autoberry female x LR2 male = select male autoberry resembling plant as "F1"
Autoberry female x F1 male= select new f1 male
Repeat Step 2 until you have seedlings that are all auto and almost identical to autoberry
Create f2+ generatios of those seedlings.

Should work right?

also wouldnt the same work with white widow or afghan ust take longer since you will get less autos out of the first couple batches of seeds and even less that resemble the non-auto parent but with the same backcrossing with the closest resembling auto until you get all auto seeds that are as close to the parents as possible and then create the fututre f2+ generations.

also, how good is ICe compared to afghan and white widow? and how is the lowryder 2 vs ice strain for a calming stone


yes that is called squaring, then cubing. if you can keep the original F1 alive long enough to complete this. and ive never tried either. just make sure you select an ideal female for reproduction with whatever strain you choose.

the more times you cross the hybrids with the original, the closer it will resemble it.


Well-Known Member
Yea. The point would be to take a plant you have one of and cross it with low Ryder's to make an auto flowering version that is almost identical to the single Photopd plant