Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!


Active Member
if your plants are on an alternating neuts and water and your ph is constantly supervised, can you still end up with a ph issue in the soil??


Active Member
if its so humid in the room just invest in a dehumidifier and run it in there especially at night if you think thats the issue and see what it does it cant hurt because your humidity shouldn't be that high anyway it very well could be the problem


Active Member
Thanks kartoon, your probably right. know any small inexpensive dehumididiers worth investing in? And how do I plus rep you helpful brothers?
Cannabis can grow well in a fairly broad range of PH.

If all else is good, the PH shouldn't cause catastrophic effects unless under 5.0 or over 8.0.

I think the answer you seek lies in a different area of your setup and regimen.

Hope that helps.

Brick Top

New Member
nitrogen claw.... i gotta read up about that. but i havent fed any nutes in a while, only ph'd water. and still no improvements! the problem has only gotten worst! wtf??

That doesn't look like 'the claw' too me, The wrong leaves are curled under and they are too severely curled.

Now for having too much nitrogen in your growing mediums or soil. The plant will have like an overall DARK green look and have delayed maturity. Due to Nitrogen being involved in vegetative growth, to much nitrogen will result in tall plants with weak stems. New growth will be very lively and plant transpiration will be high, but not always. Nitrogen toxicity can be seen when there are very very dry conditions almost as if there was a drought, which may show a burning effect. If you give your plants ammonium based nutrients they may show NH4+ toxicity, which will show a smaller plant growth and lesions that occur on stems and roots, leaf margins that will roll downward. Also the big fan leaves will have “the claw” look. The tips will point down but the leaves will stay up as if when you bend your fingers downwards. Leaves can be twisted when growing… mainly new growths. Roots will be under developed along with the slowing of flowering. Yields will be decreased, because to much nitrogen in early stages of flowering slows down bud growth. Water uptake is slowing down from the vascular breakdown of the plants as well. Too much potassium and nitrogen will lock out calcium as well.


I had a couple plants that did that- never did figure it out. I just flushed & re-potted 'em and they finally out grew it, but it took a long time. They're 3 weeks into flower as I write this- so far, so good...


Active Member
Thanks Farmer tom, i think when my ac is off i dont get sufficient air intake. would that make the plants look like that?

thanks brick top, very useful information. best nitrogen claw tip i have heard! mahalo!

Indio, i also have had a couple plants grow out of this condition into healthy plants with time and water. are you also using a room with an a/c set-up?

Does a window a/c provide sufficient fresh air for a grow room, or is it designed to recirculate the air?...... and can someone please tell me how to plus rep all you helpful brothers? mahalo and aloha!


Well-Known Member
i wanna plus rep someone sooo bad, i just dont know how!!....... HELP!!!!
I'll tell you if you + rep me....:D Just kidding. Go to the lower left corner where it says Journal post. right next to that is a star. Click on that and leave a comment why you are leaving the feed back.


Active Member
I'll tell you if you + rep me....:D Just kidding. Go to teh lower left corner where it says Journal post. right next to that is a star. Click on that and leave a comment why you are leaving the feed back.
took so long for anyone to answer that, thanks old goat! ill be sure to do that! i got some other brothers i have to leave some feedback for


Well-Known Member
To me it looks like you have a nitrogen lockout.
as well as well as phosphate lockout. what i mean is you coulda added to much to where
the plant locks any nute uptake and reveals a definintcy look.
good be a calcium prob. just an over all nute prob.
but thats looks, you said you havn added any thing but a ph fixer.
in your shoes
i would 1. flush your plants with ph correct water and dont water with any nutes
for weeks lol. honestly dont even use the ph fixer.
and calibrate your pen, thats inportant.
soil you should be a a solid 7.
because it looks like your ph sky rocketed too.
but idk. all i can say is flush your soil and only water with water only.
if this doesnt work, then i cant help you. iv never had this happen.
im sorry, hope you can fix the situation


Active Member
To me it looks like you have a nitrogen lockout.
as well as well as phosphate lockout. what i mean is you coulda added to much to where
the plant locks any nute uptake and reveals a definintcy look.
good be a calcium prob. just an over all nute prob.
but thats looks, you said you havn added any thing but a ph fixer.
in your shoes
i would 1. flush your plants with ph correct water and dont water with any nutes
for weeks lol. honestly dont even use the ph fixer.
and calibrate your pen, thats inportant.
soil you should be a a solid 7.
because it looks like your ph sky rocketed too.
but idk. all i can say is flush your soil and only water with water only.
if this doesnt work, then i cant help you. iv never had this happen.
im sorry, hope you can fix the situation
thanks cultivationart, i appreciate the help. i watered the plants and the soil had a 6.5 runoff but i flushed them anyway with some clearex. im having a hard time figuring this one out.


Active Member
much thanks, i put one outside to flower (in hawaii we can flower some strains year round) and it quickly grew out of this condition while the others still suffer the same problems. it must be something to do with the grow environment i am providing. temperature fluctuation or maybe my window ac doesnt bring in sufficient fresh air. will one of these factors do this to the plants?
I agree I think it's nitrogen claw...flush it...
I am having a similar problem... I moved my plants from veg. rm upstairs,to the basement in a flower room I only use if my cycle gets backed up. Within 12 hrs the plants looked very pissed. One difference is going from 400mh to 1000hps ammedietly...Would that be a problem? I have seen a nitrogen claw before but this is different. The leaves are suddenly hard and almost crunchy...It looks like heat stress too but this rm is so much cooler. I dunno but it sucks...
Any ideas would be appreciated!!

Smoke on