severe leaf edge curl

I have the same problem on a few of my new kids as well. All our specs are the same, Coco and what not, etc... I raised lights but didn't reposition fans, I'm starting to think that's a good bet too. And haven't ruled out deficiency of N, Mag, or Sulfer (not so much applying to your case) either.

jonathanfrost, does anything phantom seem to be eating your leaves?

I'll throw up a pic in a bit. It's very perplexing.
I have the same problem on a few of my new kids as well. All our specs are the same, Coco and what not, etc... I raised lights but didn't reposition fans, I'm starting to think that's a good bet too. And haven't ruled out deficiency of N, Mag, or Sulfer (not so much applying to your case) either.

jonathanfrost, does anything phantom seem to be eating your leaves?

I'll throw up a pic in a bit. It's very perplexing.
not at all, man. what strain do you have?
Howdy Mr. Frost and RIU,

Apologies if I'm jacking your thread. I certainly don't want to be rude. I do think we have some similarities though.

Strain: Snowcap (36)
Light: 1000w vented over 4x4 at 30"
Temp/Rh at canopy level: 81f/50-60% lights on - 70-75f/40-50% lights off
Medium: Canna Coco, probably 70/30 with Perlite, 2 tbsp of Mykos
Nutes: Canna A+B, H&G Roots Excelerator, Botanicare CalMag, Liquid Karma, Silica Blast, Cannazym once a week.

Everytime I feed the Ph is 5.7-6.0. I don't check the runoff. I've always been under the impression that coco will buffer itself so doing so isn't accomplishing much. So maybe this is my error? And the frustrating thing is this is not happening uniformly, only to a 3 or 4.

Like supertramp was saying, i think it could be Mag, but I supplement with a good tsp/gal, so I'm hoping not.

I was also thinking maybe too much wind and or light. I raised the lights from 20" to 30" and put the fans on a timer, 30 min on/off.

What's really starting to bother me is the Phantom Muncher on the top leaf set. I've caught Fungus Gnats, and did two soil drenches a week apart, one of SNS 203, one of Azamax, and the problem seems to be taken care of, but FG's dont eat leaves anyways... Pic 3.



ok. i cannot say conclusively, but i believe this is a Ca/Mg deficiency. I watered yesterday morning with a full dose of canna and a half dose of general organics CaMg. 34 hours later the plants have produced a completely new set of leaves which bear absolutely no sign of the problems. the older leaves still have the leaf curl, but look healthy in color and texture. the plants are thriving. at just 16 days since being root, they're already 18 inches tall and branching excellently. i will report back probably monday with a final determination.

plateofpakora, i cant really see any leaf curling on your plants. in fact, aside from the slight yellowing, they look pretty healthy. maybe just a bit under watered? you feed only once a week? why not every watering? at what dose are you feeding? maybe they're a bit starved? do they seem stunted? how long have the gnats been gone? they may still be recovering. are those munched leaves the only or are they munched all over the top? i've had leaves look like that when i bump into them or bruise them. my only recommendation is to maintain a perfect 5.8 pH when feeding and feed them more often, man. anxious know what happens.
ok. i'm not sure what it causing the leaf curl. the new sets of leaves are curling as well, but very slight. i can't say it's really a problem as the plants are growing at a normal rate. i am going to up the EC to 1.9 on the watering.


Well-Known Member
yours look similar to mine when i checked em this morning, these are about 2 1/2 weeks 12/12 and only curling on the area closest to the light, raising the light usually helps, thats why i always associate this with heat or light stress, hope you figure out whats causin yours to curl bro:leaf:


I'm pretty sure it's too harsh an environment. When I raised the lights up, the curling receded almost over night. I also put the fans on a timer, 30min on, 30 min off. Plants are looking much much better. Also fed some Alg-a-Mic.

I also feed every watering. I meant it takes 3-4 days for the pot to dry up and need watering.

One plant is pretty lime colored, Mag or Nitrogen Def. I have a hard time thinking it's either because I'm feeding pretty high (All the nutes 1200 ppm, 2 tsp/gal CaMag). We'll see.

And I found a Cricket in the waste tray... I guess he's the one who's been feeding on the leaves...
thanks, man. yea. i'd say that it was a light/heat issue, but temps are fine and the light is 4 damn feet away. i've given up trying to solve it. they're growing and the curl has reduced, though not entirely. hopefully it works itself out because i give up!
I'm pretty sure it's too harsh an environment. When I raised the lights up, the curling receded almost over night. I also put the fans on a timer, 30min on, 30 min off. Plants are looking much much better. Also fed some Alg-a-Mic.

I also feed every watering. I meant it takes 3-4 days for the pot to dry up and need watering.

One plant is pretty lime colored, Mag or Nitrogen Def. I have a hard time thinking it's either because I'm feeding pretty high (All the nutes 1200 ppm, 2 tsp/gal CaMag). We'll see.

And I found a Cricket in the waste tray... I guess he's the one who's been feeding on the leaves...
glad you figured it all out, bro. including the phantom muncher! haha