Severed's 1st Indoor 3 x 3

Day 9
Bud sites are all happily throwing pistols now. I turn the light down to minimum, then foliar mist about 15 min before lights out.

Fed the Clones 24-8-16 plant food today. Hopefully that lime green one will respond positively, if not I may repot in fresh soil.... at this point though, I'll move them up to 5 gal pots.

2nd Hash Passion has a good enough tap root to plant so away she goes.

1st one is happy
Day 10
Both plants lifted light, so fed both with bloom today, bottom water 2L each. I'm happy with KT's response to the 24-8-16, she's looking a more healthy green now, but still will give her a week of just water.

Lower bud sites are looking promising on the ACE.

1st Hash Passion is stretching. The way it's aggressively growing, I'm thinking it's going to be a male.
Day 11
Redid all the bamboo supports, ran short need a couple more. This time I used actual garden wire instead of craft pipe cleaners.

Also was at Lowes looking at insecticidal soap to treat thrips and decided to go to an actual grow store... enough pissing around... they sold me Amblyseius Cucumeris predatory mites, comes in bags, as well as pot popper nematodes. I hung the bags, and will add the pot poppers when I feed tomorrow, also will transplant the clones to 5 gal at same time.

No more spraying insecticidal soap!

They also tossed in a kelp foliar concentrate said I should spray in veg once a week... I'll try it.

King Tuts color is looking way better. No sign of nute burn.

Also removed my DYU clone bucket and put a humidifier in the room. Using the digital timer I was using for clone bucket, im going to get it keeping the room around 50%-60%. The guys at the store said low humidity is contributing to ideal conditions for Thrips so I'll play ball.

Took HP#1 out of dome, put in a shaded place under the clones. HP#2 sprouted.
Day 12
Did a 5ml / L mix of the kelp, and fed both KT and ACE 4 L. Did top feeding as I placed the Pot Poppers "tea bags" with the watering. Note that this is micro additives, apparently has no impact on NPK or pH.

I have to say I'm very happy with the color and health of both plants.


I transplanted clones to 5 gal pots, soaked soil to run off and foliar sprayed with the Kelp 5ml / L. Prob only 150ml. Also placed pot poppers with watering. Decided to keep the peppers since I had extra bag of mites, use it on them.

Hash passion #2 sprouted enough, decided to pull it from the dome. They are both doing well.

Room is dialed in now consistent

Overall everything is positive. I really hope these predatory bugs work. Loving my little grow room
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Day 13
Did a lights out pic tonight, they are soooo green, very healthy plants going to be a stinky finish in 2 months! At least it will br warm enough to have the room window open to vent / cycle.

These are with the TSW2000 on 0% (just for pictures) says 10w on smart meter... even on 0, it's throwing off the true color of the plants. Crazy how light can mess with how you read your plant. Good to check without the lights I'm thinking... something I never did previously.... hmm.
Anyways, Impressed with these, they are thriving and pistols are getting big!

Clones are both showing new growth. Color on the lime one has improved dramatically. These are under the TSW1000 (at 0 just for pics), its more white than the TSW2000, but still making them appear somewhat more yellow than they are. I'll try to take some pics in sunlight... anyways, cut a few dying fans and was immediately reminded of the distinct smell this girl has, that guava mmmm. The clones were from a 2 month old plant... so already mature adults, and showing "sex pistols" all over lol... They were in clone bucket for 4 weeks! Planted in 1 gal and light deprived for 4 more weeks. They got thrips too.... resilient... wish I hadn't killed that 3rd one... alas it was a runt after all...
Little ones doing their thing....
Day 14
KT is starting to lime again. I'll give her a 24-8-16 next watering, prob tomorrow, seems to be 3-4 days for 4 litres of water. ACE seems content, will just give her water again most likely.
Pistols are bushing out. Everything is on point.

Clones are really settling into new pots now. The change to 50% RH has made a big difference I think.

Little ones still

My vivosun inline fan started knocking last night... now I have to go through the whole warranty and shipping bullshit... sigh.
Day 15
Fed KT this morning 24-8-16, 5ml / 4L
Fed ACE tap water only, 4L
Not happy with KT's color as it seems to be getting more lime/yellow, however they are only the fans that had burn tips deficiency damage and I cut the tips as it recovered and left these on, so maybe it's just the plant deciding its time to drop them, as the newer growth doesn't look as bad.
I think the KT is just a fussy bitch, but everything I've read says it's a major producer with massive buds and can go 12-13 weeks....maybe she's just wanting more food! Will give it 48 hours and decide how to feed her.
And the ACE looks perfect....

Nothing to really report on the rest, just growing...

Room has been held at 50% RH and 22C - 26C. As expected they all like the higher humidity and are responding very positively.

Have not seen any thrips or thrip damage on any new growth so it would appear the mites are doing their job, which makes me extremely happy.

Submitted a warranty request to Vivosun. They responded in a couple hours asking for pic of serial number and video if possible. Here's the video
After seeing that they replied offering me a refund instead of return or exchange saying that would cost too much and take too long. Very satisfied with Vivosun, and reading reviews this is common practice from them... awesome.

So just for reference, bought that fan Sept 8th 2020. Didnt start using it until December 3rd. Had it going for 15 min every hour for 12 hours daily, so 3 hours a day, it lasted 231 total operational hours before throwing a bearing. For $64.99 that is not good at all.

Decided after some searching to get the AC infinity T4. Also decided to get it direct from AC infinity skipping Amazon.
Yea it's not cheap, but quality and lasting is important and I've no problem paying a little extra for piece of mind.
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Day 16
Night shots tonight for the flower tent. Backlighting is from TSW1000 in other tent on lowest dimmer, Night mode on my SSGS20+ phone camera.
Leaving tent open in room atm while waiting for the AC Infinity T4.

Man are these looking sweet, and greeeeen! Its crazy, under the TSW2000 the KT looks lime and N deficient, but looks lovely here.... hmmm. And the ACE... I'm just drooling over.

It's actually concerning me, pics under the TSW2000 vs the TSW1000, the TSW1000 is way more white. I'm wondering if one of my lights is defective. Think tomorrow during lights on I'll do some comparisons to see.

Red Dragon #2 still being the runt, I think it will take off soon, color has improved 100% and new growth is vigorous.
#1 is happy. Still growing a little whacked. I need these girls to get healthy so I can take some more clones!
..... zzzzz

Just wanted to mention Vivosun followed through, got my refund. What do I do with this fan then? Is it recyclable? Hmm.The AC Infinity fan shipped already as well. Looking fwd to it.

Going to rig a wire frame for the 3x3 to stop it from sucking in while inline fan is running. I actually have an idea to make it permanently 'round out' giving me more mid-space at the canopy level. Having the temp + humidity sensors & controller is going to mean its constantly on/off so need to stablize walls of tent.

I was just reading my 1st post about King Tut is supposedly 53 - 63 days flower, we will see. ACE will prob be around same time.
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Day 18
Decided to reinforce the 3x3 as its sucking in way too much when inline fan is running. Price of lumber is ridiculous atm.. wow!
The front piece section is easily removed. The brace is great, very happy. Pondering if it's worth putting reflective tape on it. Also removed filter.

Not quite 100% dry through lift test but close enough, KT is hurtin' so I fed.
Fed KT 10ml 24-8-16 / 4 litres = EC 1150.
Fed ACE 13ml 15-30-15 / 4 litres = EC 1000
Decided to try placing the trays under the dolly allowing airflow under the pots. Coincidentally, the wheels sit on the lip of those Xmas trays perfectly lol.... so main reason is watering the nematode teabags. There was no run off at all. This is first big feed because in 3 days it's prune time.
Finally seeing some stretching. I like this.
Forgot to take flower pics so night pics again
King Tut

Did some rearrange in the veg tent, putting the smaller RD into center wanting to encourage faster growth so she can catch up. Also put the HP's up in her pot for height. Did it late just before lights out so not to stress too much. Will check in morning if they are happy. Had to support 2nd one, weakling...

The AC Infinity fan was delivered just after lights out, and I'd already had enough for today, so I'll install it tomorrow. Nice looking gear.. super light compared to the vivosun.
Day 19
Mostly Happy. No signs of nute burn after 24 hours on either, however yellowing fans on the King Tut continue to fade. They will be 1st to go when we prune in a couple days.
Little more stretching going on
King Tut

I think the little Red Dragon is liking being center, she's looking much happier. The Hash Passion seedlings are looking ok, but slow growing. Going to build a little stand tomorrow so they are not shaded from fan leaves and get em up higher.
Also, going to order some mycorrhizae powder for when it's transplant to 1 gal.


Also, didn't have a lot of time today so quickly set up the AC Infinity T4 and programmed. Pretty happy with it, its quiet and ramps up well. It's fully plastic and light weight unlike that Vivosun which was metal, and you can easily remove the fan and motor for cleaning. Programming is straight fwd. Need to read more as I wanted to have auto triggers in addition to timed but looks like can't do that... not sure. thinking I might just have it running on a low setting continuously.
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Day 20
I really like this ACI T4. Set to auto trigger so its cycling either @ 28°C or 65% RH. This has it firing up every 5-10 min, mostly triggered from humidity. It'll run for a couple min, brings it down to about 26/28°C & 55/65% consistently. This is lights on. Light off Temp is 18 - 20°C, same RH. I can actually keep this tent closed now.

This is with drivers kept on top of the light, in the tent.

The grow room the tent is in was 23/26°C & 48/55% RH.
Tomorrow or next day... I'll do some pruning.

I think I might clean up the bigger one and get rid of all the old dmg fans. Maybe do some fim'n and LST. I'm thinking about keeping one as a house plant, just set it up with a very low watt fixture to keep it in veg.
Let's see how many days to catch up. I think they need watering tomorrow. I'll also do a shower and then foliar kelp spray.
Built a makeshift shelf for the Hash Passion out of some scrap 2x4 pieces. Didnt have a lot if time again today, so just screwed em together quickly and left for work.
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Day 21
Weight lift test, they thirsty. Water only this time, and watered until drain to waste both plants.

Spent an hour pruning the King Tut and removed all the lime green and damaged fans. Will do more tomorrow.

Keeping tent closed now from here on out except for when maintaining. Made a couple adjustments to the inline fan... man I love this thing.
King Tut

Clones are still not droopy, and I removed the bamboo support skewers, both were wet from about an inch down so still another day or two until watering.
Smaller one is catching up! It's weird though how they are growing out completely different than the mom.

Hash Passion are liking new spot more.
Day 22
Pruned up the ACE, and adjusted the bamboo stakes for a more even spread. Need to spread out the King Tut a bit as well... tomorrow maybe. ACE is definitely healthier than the King Tut, but both are loving life. Overall inspection, no bugs, no disease, no deficiency.
King Tut

Clones still not thirsty, growing well though.
Smaller one almost caught up.

Hash Passion grew new set of leaves finally
Day 24
I put two clip on fans in the 3x3, blowing across canopy. Seems like it's getting too hot in there now its warm outside. I might move the drivers outside the tent to see what kind of diff it makes. (My grow room, is a 2nd floor 10x10 bedroom).

King Tut letting me know slight nute burn on tips, may get worse. Plants lifted light but not ready for water.

I've been rotating the Red Dragons to encourage even growth all around. It's been over 2 weeks and still no sign of thrips so looks like I might have them beat x fingers... also... notice not a single yellow sticky trap forever?
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Red Dragon :eyesmoke:
Still not fully cured, but it smokes great, nice and smooth. no couch lock / hash body stone, it's all head high, and I say avg potency. I like it so far. Starting to smell pretty sick. Taste is still not great, but not horrible.