Sex in Veg and rouge plants.....


Well-Known Member
Is it even possible for plants to show sex in veg state? I have my plants on 24/0 and have not seen darkness for no longer than 5 minutes total. Temps are 75-79, humidity is 28-32%

The plant in question is about 4 weeks old which looks like balls but they are still veg so I guess they are still growing. I do not think any of the others have this that I can notice. it is 14" tall as well.

Another oddity, I now see small plants growing inside three of my six pots.



Well-Known Member
thanks for the weed tip....kinda finny that weeds are growing in my Weed....

thanks for the links. does not look like a male....thank god. just going to wait a few more weeks, hopefully they are girls :)


Active Member
hahahaha hes got weeds in his weed!!! lol
but yeah man some plants can sometimes show preflowers in veg state. some people claim that they can accuratly tell the sex from them but the only 100% sure way is to put into flower and find out for surrrreee...............................good luck misterrippey