Sex my plants please??


Well-Known Member
it looks a little early to tell for sure. Are your plants in 12/12 or did they show sex while still in veg?


Active Member
man, im sorry but that plant is male. ive seen many plants in my day and im 99.99% sure thats a male. if u got more plants post a pic. garenteed ull get some girls.


Active Member
then again i looked at the closer pics and it looks sorta female. im not sure. wayyy too early to tell. i still think there male but let them keep growing. itll show sex better. post pics in about a week. itll be easier to tell.


Well-Known Member
they look like male pollen sacs but you never want to chop it down until you are 100% certain. if you don't see white hairs in the next few days it's most likely male


Well-Known Member
it's still too early to tell. you should be able to tell very distinctly in another 3-5 days. you can go a while before chopping it down even if its male, so let it show its true colors a little more and then decide or post back with better pictures after its changed a little bit more.