Sex Or Drugs

Which would you give up? Sex or drugs?

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I smoke ganja about once every three months (much more 2 years ago and let me say 5 sessions a day really lowered my sex drive). I don't even know why I came to this part of the forum. BTW, masturbation is a form of sex and to all you neo-baptists out there abstinence seems to be winning out in this forum. But mj isn't a drug, it's a lifestyle choice, right. I'm not much better though, because if I had to give up alcohol then I don't think I would be having much sex anyways. That is the true social lubricant and has been around since before bread. Very helpful for breaking the ice. However, I do miss laying naked next to my loved one and passing a joint between sessions.

The fact that sex has a substitue and MJ does not have a substitue is the same reason most women don't like men who do pot. My relationship with POT is unconditional, all other relationships in life are conditional. I'll smoke pot with my five finger friend if it came down to it. Besides the POT makes the JACKING so much better. LOL.
luckily i have never had to choose, and my current girlfriend is more than content with me smoking, and even smokes herself (though not as much as me, she says it makes her sleepy lol). but in the end, i would have to say pot. it has been there since the beginning, back when the girls wouldn't even look my way. Mary Jane was my first true love.
I never get laid anyway sooo.....only once is 6 years or so, I think i am considered a virgin again...of course I am not counting my hand here.
I love my weed but I think I love pussy just a little bit more... lol... although sometimes i've blown off pussy to get stoned =p... it's a double edged sword really... both choices have their pros and cons.... I agree fully though that sex powns when stoned =)

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
Is Sex classified as a drug? I mean the stimulation is mind altering, and its a foreign why not? Anyways, some food for though....Im stick with the Cannabis. In the Longs run....I have never ONCE wanted to divorce weed..EVER, FUCK NEVER...SHIT I GOT IT STUCK IN MY MIND...thats as far as that thought went...On the other hand "pussy"....Ive got two hands an once crazy pot infested imagination...I am sure I can make do. -

I think most people, long term smokers...may regret having choosen pussy the minute that shit wants to cuddle and you need a bong :)
OH, BTW, Whens the last time Cannabis asked you to do the laundry and take the garbage out....Food For thought
When the last time you opened a credit card bill, and noticed Cannabis took all your money????? Food For thought
In the words of George Carlin AGAIN...Weed over Pussy ALL FUCKING DAY. If you cant see why...YOU FUCKING NEED HELP -George Carlin
Peace, Love, and Happiness
I know this ant the question but ID rather just have sex while on drugs lol and not give up anything good in life.
If anyone thinks masturbation is a good substitute for sex has obviously not had good sex. Saying masturbation is a good substitute is like saying smoking the leaves of vegging males is a good substitute for some dank ass bud. Honestly I wouldn't give up either, I would die for my right to get high and fuck before giving either up. But if it really came down to it, it's a no brainer, drugs would have to go.
If anyone thinks masturbation is a good substitute for sex has obviously not had good sex. Saying masturbation is a good substitute is like saying smoking the leaves of vegging males is a good substitute for some dank ass bud. Honestly I wouldn't give up either, I would die for my right to get high and fuck before giving either up. But if it really came down to it, it's a no brainer, drugs would have to go.

right now, i would give up real sex for leaves of vegging males because thats how much i miss weed atm
I agree with ECP "Only someone who doesn't have sex would give up sex for drugs". Whoever prefers drugs over sex should get slapped. Haha u guys are lame prefering jacking off. I know weed is bomb but that deserves a slap.
if you mean would i give up smoking pot for a woman. the answer is no.
but would i give up smoking pot in order to be able to have sex? the answer would be yes.