

might be a little early but i think this is male anyone confirm?
what luck out of five bagseed i started four are def.042.jpg 043.jpg 038.jpg female


Active Member
Looks like those might be canna nuts lol. I think it's a little early to tell I wouldn't destroy it yet maybe just separate it if possible.


HE has been pulled great oods 4/5 females woo hoo and from bag seed i love it next grow i'll do a journal on the blue pearl seeds i'm going to get anyone know a rep. seed vendor that can send to US?

thump easy

Well-Known Member
dam danny boy 602 lolz was that cat having weird feelings about his friend?? in that socor flic that just not cool man!


Well-Known Member
HE has been pulled great oods 4/5 females woo hoo and from bag seed i love it next grow i'll do a journal on the blue pearl seeds i'm going to get anyone know a rep. seed vendor that can send to US?
I shop herbies good prices and decent freebies fast shipping as well