Sexing an indica can I cut light and put back into veg

I guess I'd say i'm a newbie for sure, I have a question on sexing a plant. I've had it growing almost a month and a half now and I've had it outside for about 3 wks now. I was wondering if in a month or so can I bring it in and cut the light on it just to make sure it's a female, because I've ended up with tooo many males come sept. If it is female can i put it back outside and will it go back into veg stage? Any info is greatly appreciated thanks HAPPY Growing to everyone


Well-Known Member
Although it is possible to do this, you would be better to take a clone and put the clone into a long night light cycle (12/12) to perform the sexing procedure, this will save you time in the long run as plants can sometimes take while to switch back to vegetative growth.
So your saying for me to just take a cutting put some rooting gel/ power on it get it rooted, and put it on 12/12 and then I'll know if it's worth my time? Thanks I think I got it that does make ALOT more sense than doing the whole plant. Do you know if Nirvana is a top notch seed bank that ships to the US just wondering I've never ordered them, but I've heard their professional and stealthy thanks again


Well-Known Member
Yes cloning and then putting the clone into flower as you described is the way.

Sorry I can't evaluate any seed banks, all my seeds I produce myself and are hybrids made from seeds obtained from the country of origin, and the only clones I have from commercial seed stock were handed to me as clones and are not part of my breeding plan.

I have heard the name Attitude banded around though, so you might like to do some research as to who sells the most viable seeds and who has the best reputation.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Nirvana are pretty decent really, you get the occasional genetic weirdo but I would say on average you get 4 good plants out of 5 most times. Germination rate has always been good for me. Attitude isn't a seed breeder but a seed supplier, so you could order Nirvana seeds from attitude and also just about every other seed company's seeds out there, I hear you get stealthy packing and a free T Shirt etc with your order. I've never bought seeds online because I'm UK I can just nip along the road a couple of miles and buy seeds from the local grow shop.If you have been growing your plant say 5 weeks now then you should be on the verge of sexing it by the appearance of preflowers.
Bilbo so you mean that the plant should show sexing by appearance of preflowers? Would be able to describe what I should look for? If it will help I can take some pics and upload them. Thanks again guys it's very much appreciated

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Yeah Petey, veg away all your plants under 18/24 or whatever your light regime is, and around 42 days from seed, sometimes a little later, get a magnifying glass and look at the junction of the fan leaves and the main stem, what you are looking for is a kind of small bud with white hairs beginning to sprout, this signifys a female plant. If you see balls with no white hair then sorry mate its a male. Heres a pic which shows roughly what you are looking for. good luck mate. PS preflowers should show on an outdoor grow just the sameView attachment 2699880
rollitup 001.JPGrollitup 002.JPGrollitup 003.JPGrollitup 004.JPG

This is about 7 wks old I was wondering if anyone could tell me if its showing signs of sex, and also am I right in saying its an Indica? Thanks any info is helpful


Active Member
So your saying for me to just take a cutting put some rooting gel/ power on it get it rooted, and put it on 12/12 and then I'll know if it's worth my time? Thanks I think I got it that does make ALOT more sense than doing the whole plant. Do you know if Nirvana is a top notch seed bank that ships to the US just wondering I've never ordered them, but I've heard their professional and stealthy thanks again

IMHO Nirvana is crap!
Grown 4 strains from them 4 ten packs that is, and not one single keeper in the bunch.
Sure they are cheap but you get what you pay for just like any other purchase in your life.
Granted im a very picky grower/smoker 15+ years of growing will do that to you.
But not finding one keeper in 40 seeds has made me stay away from nirvana permanently.
Im not the only one with this opinion they have a pretty bad rep in the industry.

A few breeders that I can personally recommend are.
TGA Genetics, DNA genetics, Gage Green Seeds, Humboldt Seed Organization and Reserva Privada
I can with almost 100% confidence say you will find a amazing keeper in any pack you buy from the 5 I listed.

Attitude seed bank and hemp depot have always got my seed orders to me in stealthy packages with fast shipping.
I have ordered tons of seeds threw them not one issue yet.