Sexing before preflowers


I have currently started a semi stealth cfl grow. 208watts/veg and 312watts/flower. Since I'm trying to remain stealthy, the amount of space I have is limited so I want to get rid of the males asap.

My question is, is there any harm in switching to 12/12 for 7-10days to determine the sex of the plants and then switching back to 24/0 to veg for a couple more weeks?

Pending how many females I have left I may take several clones from the finest looking females once I start revegging. Does it matter if I take the clones while the plant is in flower or veg if I'm going to be back on 24/0 anyways?

sky guy

your plants won't start showing sex before a month,and switching the light cycle like that could make hom.


Well-Known Member
you can force flower which you can switch to 12/12 till the plants show sex then go back to veggie. ppl do it quite often. and you want to take your clones in veggie mode its less stressful on the plant and plus its too complicated to try to cut a clone off a budding plant and put it back into veggie you know?