Sexing - First Grow


Active Member
Hey everyone; been watching all of you guys for a few months now; and this site has honestly been hands down the best resource there is on the net!
This is my first grow; been meaning to document it on here but I'm afraid I'd never have enough time to keep mine as up to date as everyone else's!!
Alright so my setup- first grow as I said (2) 250 MH that I used for vegging; was going for SOG now its not due to some out growing others (and changing the room of my grow) tallest is 38inches.
I added a 400 HPS on the 8th week (which was last week) this is after the first week of HPS...these pictures are from yesterday; still waiting another hour to hopefully get some new pics I got another 400 HPS coming friday which I'll add (and use switch both to agrobulbs eventually)
I have two I know are probably male (picture number 1) but so far good besides that one but asking for you guy's opinion as you guys are the pro's!
also any other comments/suggestions like I said- first time grow so as you know the process ya learn alot actually doing it nothing better than hands on lol



Active Member
i pulled the forsure male already; I started growing another set of plants on the top; they are just 24oz party cups with knief cut 8 holes in the bottom but it works
Like I said adding another 400 HPS Friday. I am also germ'in another ~20 seeds to fuel the next grow which are cracking today/tomorrow
some more pics attached
this first grow i had some major stretching in the beggining; I did the old begginer error trying to go huge and start 60 1gal with a measly (2) 250watt MH lol; but I've learned

experienced people out there; lets say 50% is male (which so far it's looking more like 14 females and 6 males) with my (2) 400 watt HPS (along with all the other lights) what can the expected of this first grow? 4 ounces?

