Sexing help please


Well-Known Member

This is my first grow. I have 2 plants growing in a self contained Bud Box under a 400W HP Sodium light.

They are 1 week into flowering - I need some help to sex them.

Yesterday I thought I had 2 males, today when I got home I thought it was 2 females. They are very healthy plants, I've not had a single problem at all.

They are growing in Bio Biz all mix and I am giving them Bio Mix Bloom nutrient.

Plant A has always been taller and more stringy than plant B. All my books say that males are taller and striny and females are shorter and bushier. Plant B is short and bushy. I just need clarity for my piece of mind.

Any help from any experienced grower would be most helpfull.

The pictures are not that great. I wil try and take more but I have attached the latest ones below.

Thanks all.



mr west

Well-Known Member
8=9 defo male hard to tell the rest with the light on and being out of focus. hope this helps gets the males out of the grow room unless u want a million seeds in ya bud. good luck


Well-Known Member
Most of the shots are too far away, but the ones that are good and close to the nodes where you need to look are male for sure. The close ups of the tops don't show much at this stage, you want to look for 2 hairs right at the "crotch" where a branch joins the main stem. Those grape clusters are pollen sacks and from the looks of them they are about to open...


Well-Known Member
The top row and the 1st pic on the 2nd row is plant A

2nd row - 2nd pic in and the rest are plant B


Well-Known Member
1 week of 12/12 isn't much time. Since males almost always show several days/a week before females, odds are what your seeing is male. The longer it takes to show, the more you can relax.

mr west

Well-Known Member
plant b is a dave then plant a might be a shaz but if it gets those clusters then its a dave. I recon u have one of each imo.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations on your twin . . . sons. Sorry, bud.
No doubt here . . . 1st pic/2nd row . . . 3rd pic/2nd row. Testes.
They look real healthy, for what that's worth.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice - I am quietly gutted that they may be males.

I was told that the males had balls - I was praying they were buds. Its my first grow and I have exhausted myself trying to find pics to show they are female.

What can I do if they are both males?

Can I smoke them?

I am charging up the camera now to get some closer pics.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice - I am quietly gutted that they may be males.

I was told that the males had balls - I was praying they were buds. Its my first grow and I have exhausted myself trying to find pics to show they are female.

What can I do if they are both males?

Can I smoke them?

I am charging up the camera now to get some closer pics.
Don't smoke them unless you like to smoke leaves without getting a buzz.


Well-Known Member
There's a decent chance the top vegetative growth (top of every branch) will get you good and stoned. Quality will decline as you move down the stems. I've been plenty zonked on fresh male leaves.


Well-Known Member
Yep. They are both definately males.

Do I pull them up now or leave them?

Now I know they are male do I bother wasting electricity on them? I will dry them and smoke them cause 3 months work has just gone down the drain and I want some kind of payoff.


Well-Known Member
Post if you actually get any kinda buzz.I smoked 6 hogs rolled with zig zag oranges packed to rim and smoked it with one other buddy.I think the only thing we got was caused by the lack of oxygen from a constant inhale session.Man after that I can't stand the taste of leaves anymore.

mr west

Well-Known Member
pull them mother fuckers. I wouldnt smoke them tho, its nasty. Get some more seeds or better yet get some clones (cuttings) from a friend. That way u will know for sure they r girls and worth the time money and energy.


Well-Known Member
There's a decent chance the top vegetative growth (top of every branch) will get you good and stoned. Quality will decline as you move down the stems. I've been plenty zonked on fresh male leaves.
If you decide to smoke it (once again, I would if needed) I suggest keeping the top 1/3 of each branch separate from the rest, as it should be stronger, and smoking the very top of each branch together.
Please let us know if you get buzzed. The folks who wouldn't never smoke a male obviously have a better stash than you do.


Active Member
the way u can tell if its a male or a female the male will have to little balls
and the female will have stringy things like hairs