if u havent used any grow product i would suggest 2 pump them up with something. nitrogen and iron will green your plants. phosforus is good for the roots and budding, potassuim helps roots and buds. phophorus is responsible for your flower sites a good boost of phosphorus during veg is great. i would suggest you buy some type of sweet(molasses,diamond nector flora nector flora licious. and ive been trying out this stuff called super thrive 50 in 1 vitamins and hormones. all you need is one drop per gallon. its some strong shit. for all around use. thiers also a nock of type of this stuff at wall mart in a liter sise blue bottle that contains vitamin b1 whitch is aan important rooting nutrient. the most important part about your plants is the roots so keep them healthy only fetilise every other watering and do not fetilise when its hot. it can burn your plant. miracal grow will work i would suggest using the directions at 1/3 table spoon per gallon. what are the numbers on the box? the npk rating? other then that u cant go wrong with using high phosphorus bat shit for budding and high nitrogen bird or bat shit during veg. fish and seaweed products work great. if your plants are healthy and deep green they should not need any nutrients besides sugars/ potassium/vitamins. ive also picked up a bottle of hygrozyme. im just seeing how it works. during the last 3 4 week s before you know your plant will b e ready flush it will pure waters and sugar extracts and maybe even some type of flushing agent if you go all organic you will be happy with your end product.