Sexing plant-- please help!


Active Member
This is the first one to show signs of sexing. Is this a male, or is it still too early to tell? Thanks for the help, cheers.


Active Member
Those aren't early signs. Thats 100% a male plant. Those balls are there and living. Kill it or do what you want to it. If you want seedless bud you should kill it. IMO


Active Member
do you not seee them big balls on that horse??soryy but when they pop out my nuts hurt..(thats why i like clones)


Active Member
Damn it, thanks guys. They do look like horribly huge balls don't they. It's sad to see it grow from a seed to a plant and then know you've got to put it down. It's the plant version of old yeller minus shooting the plant, jk. Well, scratch one off the scoreboard, thanks for the help.

I checked the greenhouse this afternoon and I've got another that looks like it's showing sex, and it looks fem! I'll post some pics tomorrow and let you guys be the judge. Thanks again, cheers.


Active Member
Here are three more plants:

Pics 1-2: This plant looks like a dude.
Pics 3-4: Also looks like more balls.
Pics 5-7: Looks like two small pistils, or so I'm hoping!

I think I'm correct in this gendering, but let me know what you guys think. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
I see pistils in the last three shots, well, at least two of them. the first 4 shots are of males.


Active Member
I can't tell if the area between the nodes looks like sacs, or just more growth. I'm afraid to leave it with the fems. It's been separated but I don't want to kill it until I know for sure. Let me know what you think. Thanks for the help.



Active Member
Here's a couple more pics of the same plant.

I know most kill males long before they're developed, but how can you tell when a male is on the verge of trying to pollinate? Do the sacs open and look noticeably different?

I'm just afraid of my fems getting pollinated. Thanks.


Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
but how can you tell when a male is on the verge of trying to pollinate? Do the sacs open and look noticeably different?
The balls get bigger and danglier (is that a word?) and start to look yellowish as the pollen develops - then they split and drop their pollen, at which time it is too late to prevent pollination. The pollen is really good at hitching a ride on fingers, clothes and even minute air currents ... KILL the males early unless you want to collect some pollen, but definitely move them far far away from your ladies.



Active Member
Yeah it does look like a spider mite, but it's thankfully it is not. They recently got repotted and it was dirt stuck to the fine hairs. The males have been put down, and it looks like I'm going to have 5 females for this season. I had another fem, but one of my dogs thought it'd be fun to try a jump into it and broke the main stalk-- puppies are a full time job! It's been about five days and it's still alive so maybe it will make it.

Thanks for the help people. Cheers.