sexing plants


Active Member
even humans are abnormal but not to us we are used to it but other animals are thinking we are weird. welll i guess i do think there are some weird looking people out there. We are frightened at certain animals as some are to us


Active Member
There are other questions about genetics like how did we get different species like Sativa, Indica, and Ruderalis. Rasta is thought to be a new mother strain too, wierd. you can cross almost anything in life, animals, plants, disease can cross with another, and even as simple as compound words on a paper. things combine to mean one thing. chemicals, mechanics, aerodynamics, mathematics, metals, hair color. We do this to get more advanced, we are not just stuck at one thing. artificial or not u can cross unexplainable things and it will keep going.

There's a reason that you cannibis won't cross right with other genuses. The shape of the pollen grain and antibodies on it are different

As for grafting cannibis, that would take an amazing amount of techical skill, so much that I doubt anyone on this board could be successful with it, because hemp plants undergo bery little to no secondary growth and the vascular camium is therefor non-existent or existing but fairly inactive. ANd even then I'd be suprised at more than a 50% success rate.

You mights have better luck with budding (consits of trying to graft just a single bud of one plant to another plant, and if succesfull, cutting bask all branhes that don't come from that bud.

Yes, a grafted plant is affected the the rootstock material in terms of growth habbits and some phytochemicals.

Also if you want to cross pllinate two lines themselves hydrids, you will need to self pollinate the hybrids to themselves eight times or more. (eight is the number for corn lines) Once you have the inbred lines, you can cross the two inbreed lines and see what you get. You can cross two hybrids, but the results are so erratic that I would by no means call the seedlings a strain or cultivar. There are shortcuts to this method, such as forcing the plant to produce haploid seedling, and then forcing those seedling to double they're chromosme number and self polinate when they set seed. This is a shortcut, but is harder for the most part because it takes a lot of convincing to get the plants to produce haploisd seedlings in the first place, and even more of the same to get the haploid seedling to grow to maturity (think of them as inbreed tards that are only half there)

Alternativly you could make a clonal variety, that didn't come true from seed. Just let the two varieties in question cross polinate. Then grow all the seeds. Do all you cann to keep the grow area the same thoughout for these seedlings. Use the growing technique that you find most conventien, and how you actually see yourself growing in the futre. Take notes about growth habbits, shape, height, and oddities you notice. Take and take a couple of cuttings from all your plants, but keep track of witch cutting came from which plant. Cull you stock without mercy, keep only the females that grew fast and to any other riquirements you find important. Flower the ones that have performed to you satisfaction. Harvest and cure your buds. Keep them all seperate and label them by plant number, and record your yeild also. At that point you only have to decide witch bud you like the best for the amount yeilded. AT this point you can get rid of all the rooted cuttings except for the ones from the plant you selected. Congragulations, veg these you and use them as mother plants for you own custum clonal variety.


Well-Known Member
There's a reason that you cannibis won't cross right with other genuses. The shape of the pollen grain and antibodies on it are different

As for grafting cannibis, that would take an amazing amount of techical skill, so much that I doubt anyone on this board could be successful with it, because hemp plants undergo bery little to no secondary growth and the vascular camium is therefor non-existent or existing but fairly inactive. ANd even then I'd be suprised at more than a 50% success rate.

You mights have better luck with budding (consits of trying to graft just a single bud of one plant to another plant, and if succesfull, cutting bask all branhes that don't come from that bud.

Yes, a grafted plant is affected the the rootstock material in terms of growth habbits and some phytochemicals.

Also if you want to cross pllinate two lines themselves hydrids, you will need to self pollinate the hybrids to themselves eight times or more. (eight is the number for corn lines) Once you have the inbred lines, you can cross the two inbreed lines and see what you get. You can cross two hybrids, but the results are so erratic that I would by no means call the seedlings a strain or cultivar. There are shortcuts to this method, such as forcing the plant to produce haploid seedling, and then forcing those seedling to double they're chromosme number and self polinate when they set seed. This is a shortcut, but is harder for the most part because it takes a lot of convincing to get the plants to produce haploisd seedlings in the first place, and even more of the same to get the haploid seedling to grow to maturity (think of them as inbreed tards that are only half there)

Alternativly you could make a clonal variety, that didn't come true from seed. Just let the two varieties in question cross polinate. Then grow all the seeds. Do all you cann to keep the grow area the same thoughout for these seedlings. Use the growing technique that you find most conventien, and how you actually see yourself growing in the futre. Take notes about growth habbits, shape, height, and oddities you notice. Take and take a couple of cuttings from all your plants, but keep track of witch cutting came from which plant. Cull you stock without mercy, keep only the females that grew fast and to any other riquirements you find important. Flower the ones that have performed to you satisfaction. Harvest and cure your buds. Keep them all seperate and label them by plant number, and record your yeild also. At that point you only have to decide witch bud you like the best for the amount yeilded. AT this point you can get rid of all the rooted cuttings except for the ones from the plant you selected. Congragulations, veg these you and use them as mother plants for you own custum clonal variety.
now this post should set us all straight, thx WorBlux:)


Active Member
yo worblux i have a question. will an offspring of a qaulity male and female have seedlings that will show continuous characteristics of the mother and father or do u have to inbreed the brother(s) and sisters(s) to get an even stronger chance of having the mother and faher characteristics or genes


Active Member
they think we arescary lookin.
we think that they are lunch...

anything that thinks of me as lunch dosent have to be scary looking for me to have enough smarts to stay the hell away from it. Kinda makes u field cows know that they are going to die? If they do then why dont they escape(im sure 15 cows or so could make it through any fence eletric or barbed wire) .....or do they just accept their inevetible fate?


Well-Known Member
cows arent wild characteristic animals they grow in the fields and dont know iof natural predators soo fukem lunch.


Well-Known Member
man.. sounds like too much work to breed strains lol...and to think i was just gonna take one female plant and one male plant and put them together in a seperate grow room right next to each other and let the male give her a facial and bam i have crosses. guess its not that easy.


Active Member
yo worblux i have a question. will an offspring of a qaulity male and female have seedlings that will show continuous characteristics of the mother and father or do u have to inbreed the brother(s) and sisters(s) to get an even stronger chance of having the mother and faher characteristics or genes
It depends on the male and female you cross. If both the male and female are inbreed (mostly homozygous) then the F1 seedling sill show consistant characteristics.

If the parent plants are themselves a crossbreed, and therefore have a lot of heterozygous qualites the seedlings vary. In this case you would have to select for the desired traits and let you plants with the disered traits breed with each other, F1xF1 to make an F2. At this point you select the F2's for the same traits and interbreed, the F3's and F4's until you get a line that 99% of the time give you the desired characteristic in the seedlings. Cannibis is a little bit harder to do this with than corn, becaus with corn you can just self pollinate the plant to itself eight generations in a row.


Active Member
so after i pollinate then i take the seeds and grow, choose a female and male to pollinate from the family and take those seeds and do the same until you get those seeds, and those seeds will have continuous traits from the from its parents?


Active Member
Yes, you have to keep selecting for you desired trait and keep polinating you choices together until you a suffeciently convince that you have an uniform and consitent seedling set, you could be consider that the line.

The exact combination of the parental traits have a lot to do with what type of plants you select to breed into the next generation.

The quickest way to be assured a uniform population after and cross of two crossbreeds is to utilize a asexual propagation technique.


Active Member
yo scarlett i take it ur a girl from the avatar. ur pretty cute. definatley plant in ur grandparents razz bushes. it would be very sexy

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Well-Known Member
hi all

has anyone ever tried to sex a male and a female plant from two different strains before to create some kind of new strain? and if so how did it turn out? or is it even possible? and how is it done? thanks

Ok I have written a thread around here on rollitup on how to do this. One may have to do some searching to find my thread. I'm just not in the mood today to write an entire thread again about how this is done. And as for graphing two plants, even if you can do this with success (cannabis is real sensitive to this, and most die) your plant is still feeding from only one strain, not two. What ever roots you use for your graphing will be the dominate strain that will be feeding the two strains. In other words if you use a white widow for the roots, then that is what is bringing in the nutes, and that is what will determine how good of pot you will get from these graphs. I hope this makes some sence because I'm to tired to really get in to this today!
