Sexing question please help


Active Member
ok due to the limited size of my grow box i had to start flowering my plants a bit early. they have been flowering for some time now. my guess is at about 14 days-16 days. (to me a growing novice) it looks like the crown is starting to form. at the very top of the plant it has the white pistils shooting out which would make me think its female. but idk if it just looks like the plant has balls as well since the bud is JUST starting to form? or what? but it looks like on the nodes below the crown that little tiny circular balls have shot out is this normal or is it a hermie? :'( if so is there any benefit at all from keeping a hermie? its my only plant so pollen isnt an issue.


Active Member
i cant get pics :( but im almost certain they are pistils they are almost a clearish white and are popping up EVERYWHERE on the crown and under it


Well-Known Member
sounds like a female. look through some grow journals (or the sexing part of the FAQs) and compare. no way for us to tell w/o pics.


Active Member
i have done that but my plant is only about 11 inches high and i cant make an accurate comparasin to anyother plants, hopefully they are just the buds slowly forming but they just look like little balls n idk it scared me. i am 100% certain that on the crown there are about 10 pistils tho which would mean its a female, but my fear is that it is a hermie :'(


Active Member
:'( if worst comes to worst and it is a hermie :( is there any use or "product" that one could obtain from a hermie? i have no other plants so it wont matter about the pollen, and i here u can just cut the balls off??


Well-Known Member
I've heard you can cut them off too but they come back and you repeat the process. Even if it did pollinate itself you could just pick the seeds out of your buds and be ok. I'm pretty sure


Active Member
how do hermies work? do they produce buds? if not they're just about as useless as a male right?


Well-Known Member
seeded flower with less rez then normal, up to u to keep or not. But i would cut down and buy some seeds. Look for treads on cheap seeds and how to get them. At least u know you could at least grow a plant now. Just try with better genes now


Active Member
yea ill probly just start over :/ i actually have 20 seeds of some really killer buds that i got off a buddy that has grown for close to 20 years..he called it monkey bubble. anyone know if its a real strain? it looked unlike any mj i have ever was beautiful