Sexing seed plants by taking clones


Well-Known Member
I sex the plants I take the clones from, gives me an idea about their stretch and branching behavior is during transition, and then grow out the clones of the fastest and best flowering.

Either way, the advantage is being able to determine the sex when it is still small. If I would wait till maturity and veg normally during that time they would take up much more space in my actual flower closet.


Well-Known Member
Ok it looks like I have a few males starting to show. The top center looks like a white flower is starting to push through. Btw today is day 14 and I began to notice male charateristics 2-3 days ago. People say the males show first.


Well-Known Member
Today was day 15 for my oldest clippings and I have at least a half dozen bursting a white looking sea enenemy thing top center. I'm gonna keep waiting and watch at the node for activity. I've gradually reduced light to only 10 hours now.


Well-Known Member
I'll try to borrow a camera that takes good close up pics. I was thinking they kinda looked male but at this point it's hard to tell. Guess I'll have to wait till it shows at the nodes. Why is it taking so long? Maybe cuz its only a clipping?

The progress just doesn't look the same as when a regular plants starts to sex.


Active Member
And what was your light schedule ?


I've heard of this happening and working before you.. that you DO NOT NEED roots just take the cutting dip it into gel/powder then straight into the medium and put lights on at 12/12 .. 2-3 weeks you should see sex change with No Roots.


Well-Known Member
And what was your light schedule ?


I've heard of this happening and working before you.. that you DO NOT NEED roots just take the cutting dip it into gel/powder then straight into the medium and put lights on at 12/12 .. 2-3 weeks you should see sex change with No Roots.


Well-Known Member
Got more of the cuttings starting to flower, I still can't make out what they are. They all look the same, just like an ordinary garden flower but a fraction of the size. No balls and doesn't seem to have actual hairs. No indicators at the node either. I'm starting to wonder if this is because they don't have roots.

I will try to get some close up pics tommorow.


Well-Known Member
Ok so a few more have turned male and 1 has showed female. Other than that just about all the parent plants have showed sex and fortunately 75% so far are female. Also most of the big ones are female!!! I've just about given up on my cuttings and if I ever decide to use this method again I will let them root before flipping the lights to 12/12. What a long process though, but makes sense if you start early enough.