

Active Member
Hey their, i am attepting a closet grow and i have just mad e grow box, I have one 14in plant and 4 5in plants. dont ask me how they are diff in size, but long story. so I have agrow box that would be godd for the SOG method and i am wondering, is it possible to put my 14 in plant into flowering then take her back out to be a mother if she turns female? aka take out of veg. put to flower and put back into veg so i can take clones? Any input would help. I would like to get the most i can from the box i biult. I will post pics as soon as i fig. out how to on this!


Active Member
<<<it is possible to return a flowering plant back to veg phase. the plant could possibly go into shock for 1-2 weeks..but from what i have heard on this can do it...may want to wait for the veterans to reply>>>>


Well-Known Member
Most people do it this way. Just take a couple clones off of the 14" plant and put them into flower so you can determine the sex. I can usually tell the sex when they are still vegging by watching for pre-flowers.


Well-Known Member
My last Blueberry girls were flowering for 2 weeks before
showing. I took clones from them at that time, vegged them
for over a month, then put them into flower. They are now
in day 38 or so, and very stunted. The buds are very dense
though, so you can do that, but don't expect big plants...