

Active Member
i have 20 plants with 4 different strains. One of the strains i got from a guy i dont know and just want to make sure the plants i got from him are indeed females. So, i took one plant outside to separate it from the others so its get darkness to flower ( 24 hour schedule indoor for the other plants) I have a question, well 2. First, its only about 7 inches tall and i heard that it has to be bigger to flower, about 12 inches, is that true? secondly, if it only gets about 10 hours of dark per night will it still flower? or must it have 12 hours? I just want to make sure the plants i got from this guy are females so i dont pollinate the other females if it is a male. Please help a first time grower. Pics attached. thanks.



Well-Known Member
If it outside then it will flower when it is ready to flower. Towards the end of the year there is less light and more dark and the plant can sense that.

Indoors you switch it from 18-6 to 12-12 to simulate the season.

You don't really need to seperate them, even in a 24 hour light period you will see signs of sex way before you need to worry about pollen. From the first sign of a male up until it produces pollen takes 2-3 weeks.


Active Member
wow, ok, so i guess this was a waste of a plant to bring it outside then? I could have just kept it in with the others then switched to 12/12 to flower? So, now the plants inside will probably show sex before the one outside then hah? that sucks, defeats the purpose. So, i guess i need to move that plant back in a pot indoor then? or wait until it flowers outside?

If it outside then it will flower when it is ready to flower. Towards the end of the year there is less light and more dark and the plant can sense that.

Indoors you switch it from 18-6 to 12-12 to simulate the season.

You don't really need to seperate them, even in a 24 hour light period you will see signs of sex way before you need to worry about pollen. From the first sign of a male up until it produces pollen takes 2-3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
If you can leave it outside then why not?

Have some indoor and some outdoor. It's weird how different buds grown outdoors look from buds grown indoors, I have grown the same strains in and out and it's almost like a different plant. :)

But yeah, you can move it back indoors with all of them. Just keep checking it to make sure it is not a male.


Active Member
Nice, that makes sense, im sold.... ok, the only thing is the summer is coming to an end, the season is basically over for outdoor, will that plant still grow some & yield? Or should i just NOT cut it down and have it re-grow next spring into a monster?

. I have a large piece of property with a large backyard with high fences & trees blocking any views from anyone so i have nothing to worry about. The home is new to me so i plan on having a HUGE outdoor plant next year (CANT WAIT).

The purpose of having this one outside is just to find out sex before they all bud on that strain so i didn't find out the hard way and ruin my crop. But, it im down to see what happens outdoor now. My friend had an outdoor plant and got 4 lbs off it last year, he basically had to tie it down so it didnt go above the backyard fence, and it just went nuts, the only nutes he used was fish emulsion, didnt even PH the water. I am excited to see what i can do outdoor next year.

If you can leave it outside then why not?

Have some indoor and some outdoor. It's weird how different buds grown outdoors look from buds grown indoors, I have grown the same strains in and out and it's almost like a different plant. :)

But yeah, you can move it back indoors with all of them. Just keep checking it to make sure it is not a male.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand what you are trying to do. Just answer one question. are your plants all grown from seed or from clones?