SH Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Okay and you're right about the heat/lumens. Sounds like they're just getting use to the nutes.

Watch the growth over the next week or so because it's going take off!!


Elite Rolling Society
I had two 200 watt bulbs over my 4 inch tall sprouts, only 4 inches high up.

I removed them and replaced them with two 85s and two 65s and kept them 3 inches over the plants, and I still keep all my 65s, 85s, and 105s three inches near.

And I think you fed them a day early, but they will still be fine.

Mr. Nugs

Looking good bro! Scribed. I've got a very similar setup. You are a few days ahead of me though. Good luck. Check out my grow in my signature.


Couple of pictures from this morning and this evening. Not sure whats going on with the one that is front and center, its laying down on top of the plate. Another one has a root that appears to have grown UP and then back down forming a small loop.



Well-Known Member
You may want to drain your rez about 1/2 way down and just add back some pH balanced water(no nutes). Then give them a week or until you see roots coming out of the nets before increasing the nutes.


You may want to drain your rez about 1/2 way down and just add back some pH balanced water(no nutes). Then give them a week or until you see roots coming out of the nets before increasing the nutes.
Bluey, I have roots beneath net pots on every plant! I was planning on giving them another 1/4 pack of nutes today as its been 4 days since the last dose.


Well-Known Member
Okay on the roots, but I'd wait on adding any more nutes. Give them a few more days to develop. Also keep lowering your lights, using the back of the hand to feel for heat.



Looks like the majority of the leaves have straightened out. I plan on adding an 1/8 dose of nutes tomorrow, followed by another 1/8 dosage the next day. This will be a week since the last 1/4 dosage. Leaves are coming in nicely, temp in the grow room now around 72, and water temp at about 70. Ph today is 6.0. All but 2 have roots in the water, and those 2 are close



Elite Rolling Society
Listen to BlueyBong, he has much experience, had a great harvest last year and he knows his grows.

(unless he tells ya to lollipop them)


Thanks bluey and Roseman. I appreciate you following with me and helping out!

Here's todays pics. Temp 72 and ph 5.75


Today I added in an additional 1/4 dose of nutes. Its been 4 days since the last 1/4 dose. Sunday I will drain and refill with a 1/2 dose. Plants are growing, and I will probably switch to 12/12 when they hit 6 inches, so that my final height is somewhere between 18-20" Hopefully. Since I will have only vegged for about 3 weeks, should I immediately switch to bloom nutes when I change the lights? Or continue with the grow nutes for another week or so? I'm using the pre-measured SH nutes. I'm also hoping for some advice on when to start using the Liquid Karma. Any help would be appreciated.



New Member
I gotta watch this one! You are going about it the right way. At 3 weeks in veg you will affect your yield. Unless you have height restrictions it is best to get them to a point where the leaves start to alternate instead of grow right across from each other. They will double thier veg hieght in flower. Most of the vertical growth will happen in the first 2-3 weeks after you go 12/12.

Is that a particular strain or just some good bagseed? Looks indica to me which means it should stay relatively short and finish in about 9 weeks after you go 12/12.

On the Liquid Karma question, I start it when I go 12/12. It's some thick stuff so don;t dare use it when you have the pump and feeder lines in as it will clog those suckers up. Your roots will brown up from it so don;t freak when that happens. Go by the smell of the res rather than the color of the roots when you go with additives like LK. Keep your res changes around a week apart and don't be afraid to let them air out for 15-20 minutes while you do the switchover.

I'm only a couple of days ahead of you on my grow. I grow a strong cross strain called LSD that has served me well the last 3 grows. You plants look very similar.

Are you thnking about fimming to increase the yield? Most of the guys following you are Fim ninjas!

Congrats on getting this far. This grow is off to a great start. I see you have the usual runt in the back center but that looks like one that has potential to catch up. Really like the thickness of the stems.


Active Member
Yeah redman great looking plants. They look great hardly any nute burn at all, very impressive. I'm subscribed to this thread now.
Have you considered an oscillating fan for your grow room?
Also a suggestion if I may, light proofing your res with duct tape is a positive thing to do. Helps keep algae at bay.
Thought I'd let you know so you don't have to learn the hard way like I did.


Thanks for the input guys. There is a fan blowing, outside of the pics. It keeps the plants shaking just a little at all times. I will work on covering the top with reflective material to keep the algae out! I have some reflective tape, maybe I can accomplish that today. Seeds are 3 ice, and 3 blackberry. Height is a concern for me, as is having enough lights to penetrate through the canopy. I like the FIM techniques I see on here, but as I plan on keeping all 6 plants in the same TUB, I'm afraid I will quickly overcrowd it? What do you think?


New Member
Are they fem seeds? If not the usual male-female ratio is 50-50. Penetrating the canopy is best done with cfl side lights. Fim can open the top and expose more of the stem to the light above. It assist in keeping the canpy even also.