Not much to say, everything is looking good!
Gwen's lower shoots are starting to bud BEAUTIFULLY!! It's a dream to watch her grow.
Liza is starting to form her tops, she may be a week or so behind Gwen as far as development goes. Her stems looked a little meager, so I'm using yet ANOTHER training technique. Supercropping! I gave each of her shoots a tiny pinch and bend to one side, about 3 1/2 inches from the top. She isn't slumping like most supercropping you see, but the stem structure was slightly damaged. Hopefully this will do what its supposed to.
My understanding of supercropping (i hate that name btw) is that you damage the stem, so the plant repairs itself at the point of damage. The idea is after repairing itself its created a wider stem than existed prior to the "supercrop" so more water/nutrients are able to travel through this part of the stem. More nutrients/water, more growth development. ALSO! The damage point is said to, once recovered, be stronger than it was before and allow the stem to hold more weight. Which will give it the ability to make use out of the "extra" water/nutrients and make those bigger buds you're after.
We'll see how it goes. I'm not doing this to gwen, she is looking TOO pretty damage. Look forward to (fingers crossed!) a SOG using Gwen's clones!!
PS Pics later probably Gwen is looking good, I'd like to show her off a little bit!!