Shack's 125W CFL DIY Tent Grow

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
you know... you go out of town for ONE night and come home the next day around 6 only to find one of your girls on the brink of death and the other with her tops damaged :/
DAMN!! i might be able to save part of the harvest, we'll just see what happens the next couple days. damn... feels like somebody cut my heart out seeing them like that.

That sux! What happened? You could always harvest the lower part by cutting out the damaged goods and putting it back under the lights.

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
long story short... i should have raised the lights.
GWS suffered from drying out, her leaves are severely damaged from dehydration and her tops are little crispy.
LS suffered from the same damage up top, but most of her seems to be fine. Aside from crispy tops can't tell anything happened to her really.

I did a light flush last night to ensure that soil was thoroughly saturated (and against my own better judgement) did some foliar spraying (pure water) to get moisture back into the leaves quickly.
LS has rebounded nicely (aside from damage tops) but the GWS is well damaged we'll see if she makes a recovery over the next couple days.
I'm going to give a light feeding of liquid seaweed, molasses and superthrive to reinvigorate the root zone a bit, and we'll see what happens next.

Also I'm planning to wait a day before trimming anything, I want to see where growth continues up top before I make a rash decision and cut back an area that will grow back.



Well-Known Member
you know... you go out of town for ONE night and come home the next day around 6 only to find one of your girls on the brink of death and the other with her tops damaged :/
DAMN!! i might be able to save part of the harvest, we'll just see what happens the next couple days. damn... feels like somebody cut my heart out seeing them like that.

Vacations kill plants, don't worry though it happens to all of us :wall:


Well-Known Member
eh... kinda made a mistake :lol:

so gwen is still not doing well, i took off some her tops and in better lighting (after a manicure) they are green and healthy :/
good news though, still have plenty left in the tent, so i may have hurt my yield a little, but thats all.
liza is doing JUST fine, only one top was seriously damaged and it was minimal... so i'm just going to keep at it.
i was planning on chopping gwen in about 2-3 weeks anyhow. i want a majority milky trichomes, not interested in a couchlock high at all..

anyhow, thats all for now.



Well-Known Member
i'm chopping down the great white shark today. she is showing ZERO signs of recovery, just decline. so before her buds go to waste i'm going to cut her and get some smoke off her. the trichomes only needed a couple more weeks, so at worst i'm only hurting the yield.

in good news the lemon skunk will get the full glory of the 150HPS which is good. her lanky ass could use it!! looking forward to a good harvest off her.

I have my clones of each strain in party cups. not sure whats going to become of them, mothers or just flower them out. i picked up some ocean forest today and pots slightly smaller than my 1 gallons. going to upcan both.

(by the way apparently there was an earthquake in california that is causing delays in fox farms shipments... guy at the grow shop and i quote "you'd think an earthquake would create MORE soil. let's bag it up and ship it out!! but what do i know about soil?!" :lol: dude cracked me up)



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the loss, like you said the LS will have all the light to her self, should yield nicely for you :weed:


Well-Known Member
alright so uh... lemon skunk just finished her 4th week of flower today. i'll put up some pictures of her as well as some GWS harvest pics tomorrow. i got one of GWS before the chop, its a sad sight brothers. but some good bud nonetheless.



Well-Known Member
hey man i hate to hear the bad news take a look at my grow just getting up and going. the link is in my sig got some dna lemon skunk goin


Well-Known Member
would like to have posted here, but is being crazy as usual so thumbnails it is!

Pic 1-5 : Great White Shark, as you can see she was in a serious decline after the run in with the heat. Her root system was pretty damn impressive, made good use of all available soil. Not a huge yield since she was taken down about 4-5 weeks early, but there is also plenty of trim!! (plan to make butter soon)

Pic 6/7: The rootball of the GWS clone (pretty damn nice I'd say)

Pic 8/9: The rootball of LS clone (also pretty damn nice I'd say :lol: )

Pic 10: GWS and LS mother sitting pretty in 2/3 L of Ocean Forest

Pic 11-15: Lemon Skunk still going strong, you can see that the two tallest tops are taking a hit from the heat, I'm not sure they fully recovered (more so than the GWS though for damn sure) some serious cupping and the leaves are dry, I have a fan pushing air around the tops as opposed to below the canopy (you can see it in Pic 11) should help a wee bit, its blowing up at the HPS and across the tops definite drop in temp in that area, but still a little warmer than her damaged leaves would like.

That's all I got for now.




Well-Known Member
Should be some pretty good smoke from the GWS even if its a lil early

the LS looks great



Well-Known Member
Started thinking logistics today. Given the time it takes to clone/veg/flower either of these strains (in my op) I just don't have the time to start a decent perpetual. Travel plans in May and who knows what else will pop up along the way. (also I'm moving in June).

Long story short, going to give the girls till Monday to settle in (possibly Wednesday to match up with Liza's calendar) and they are going into the flower tent. Hopefully my 150HPS can handle all 3 girls. The young'uns will have to spend the first part of flower with Liza in the tent, but she'll be out in about 4-5 weeks leaving JUST enough time for the young'uns (Liza II and Gwen II or L2 and G2 for short) to bulk and ripen in their last 4 weeks.

That's all for now.



Well-Known Member
alright here goes nothing.. put the two clones (planned to be mothers) into flower, like i said before i don't have the time to do a perpetual so i'm going to flower the cloned LS and GWS plants along side the already halfway through bloom Lemon Skunk.

Dig the cool fan mounted in the corner, makes the 150HPS cool to the touch (the reflector and ballast, I don't touch the bulb, i'd rather not destroy it) Also the blue bottle on the ground is my DIY CO2 (yeast/honey/water) On the left is the big Lemon Skunk and in the middle the LS clone and the right is the GWS clone

Some bud porn.. (finally getting over the heat stress temps peak at 89)

This one is for GypsyBush he asked about whether or not I lollipop my girls.. I've done this to Liza (the trim/fluff buds had some crystal, they're drying and getting added to trim for post-harvest cannabutter)

Great White Shark 1 day 12/12

Lemon Skunk 1 day 12/12
