Shaggn's 600w Hempy!! (K.C. Brains - Cristal Limit) ++


Well-Known Member
Day 35!!! I will start off with how much I love these dry nutes compared to the Flora series. Sure I have to let it sit for about 15min or so, but from what i'm seeing so far, the ratio seems to work better than the 3 part. I will easily surpass 1gpw this time :) The smell is unreal, during tonights feeding I accidentally stunk out the buildings hallway on my floor. Luckily half the people on my floor puff, so we should be fine... If I catch anyone talking about it I may have to get a secondary fan n filter, better than the alternative. Thanks for stopping by. Peace!!



sky rocket

Well-Known Member
1gpw would be sweet. Actually I'm at day 20 myself for hempy sog, so I'm 15 days behind you. As far as the scrog goes 2-3 plants would be feasible as long as you keep the veg time low. I'm sure stoneslacker could give you great input on scroggin as he rocks it with his 250 watter. I have a free la confidential that is like 2 weeks old ( I think) and I'm pretty sure I will be scroggin her shortly under 1x400 but my veg time will be a little bit longer.

I'm already tired of hand feeding these hempys so I'm going the lazy route and I may buy a battery charged roll and sprayer. I'm sure it real reduce my hand feeding time in half as I have around 70+ hempys now im hand feeding. Next round I wil have 120+ hempys.


Well-Known Member
Bloody hell Shags that is one full looking room hey, you'll pull some good buds out of there though! Looks awsome man :D


Well-Known Member
Well here is my personal observation of the differences between defoliated and non-defoliated plants. Now these aren't done yet (37 days) but there is a slight difference. What I can tell so far is the non-defoliated has bigger buds but they are fluffy and not dense like the defoliated ones. If the fluffy ones dense up then that will prove that defoliation possibly doesn't work. If they stay fluffy and weigh less than the defoliated then that will prove that it does in fact work, we will see :) Will add more on my intel as we gro along. Peace!!


Well-Known Member
Well here is my personal observation of the differences between defoliated and non-defoliated plants. Now these aren't done yet (37 days) but there is a slight difference. What I can tell so far is the non-defoliated has bigger buds but they are fluffy and not dense like the defoliated ones. If the fluffy ones dense up then that will prove that defoliation possibly doesn't work. If they stay fluffy and weigh less than the defoliated then that will prove that it does in fact work, we will see :) Will add more on my intel as we gro along. Peace!!
Looking forward to hearing the results man specially since i just chopped so much off my plants lol...


Well-Known Member
Day 42 :) Looks like everything is running right on schedule. I did have something blow off a nanner as I have a few beans in a path running from one fan to the opposite corner. Looks like it may have been CL1/B. I'm not to worried about it as i'm just in the process of picking up some new genetics. I had fun playing around with these crosses but want to move onto something new. Still going to hang on to a couple of these phenos but the others will be culled, not enough room to keep them :( I have four other ladies that will be implemented into the next round. Enjoy & Peace!!



Well-Known Member
Thought about removing your bottom 40% Shaggn? You`re at the perfect time to if you want to just juice your tops, not relying on the light peneration to make it so low ... Looks awesome though mate, going to have a nice harvest coming in a month or so :D

KC :weed:
The reason I didn't remove anymore was I figured it would be no different than last round. Unfortantly I think I was wrong. Last time I think I only had 49 in total, which would allow a lot more light to the lower nodes. This round was 64 and the canopy is so thick, even being mostly defoliated that I should have taken atleast a few more nodes up. I think this could be used as a lesson for everyone!! The more plants you use in an alloted space and/or judge the density of the canopy and have that be the deciding factor on just how far up from the base one would trim. I would have liked to have removed somemore, but to late now, just have to use the lower for some baked goods :) Peace!!

Thank you Everyone for your kind words :)


Well-Known Member
Ive been going threw all the threads i have been neglecting for the past few weeks and I'm so glad to see that yours hasn't grown to much as i already have so much on my plate, but yeah when i first seen it i was some what worried that there had been so little activity since you last posted in here but seeing that you were just logged in recently is some what encouraging, so how about an update and a yeah I'm not in jail man!?!?!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
Due to a situation, I took everything down for now. I had/have some wandering eyes on me. I took a bunch out for the season and apparently got caught on one of the new security cameras in my building. Nothing was seen but I guess my pack that I use for transporting all my gear, perked some interest into what I was doing. Probably won't set-up again till I move into a house. Will still drop by here n there. Peace!!

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
Due to a situation, I took everything down for now. I had/have some wandering eyes on me. I took a bunch out for the season and apparently got caught on one of the new security cameras in my building. Nothing was seen but I guess my pack that I use for transporting all my gear, perked some interest into what I was doing. Probably won't set-up again till I move into a house. Will still drop by here n there. Peace!!
Better safe then sorry and I know you was almost near the end too.


Well-Known Member
Ahh sucks to hear about your grow man, but as the dude above said better safe than sorry, looking forward to your next journal man...


Well-Known Member
Exactly we have lost one brother and don't need to make it two. Sorry for your loss, I know it hurts, but you'll be back up and running in no time you got skills.