Shall I harvest!!?


Well-Known Member
So even if its flower time says 12 weeks and im still at week 9 do i chop now?
You may want to screen shot your thread because maybe the first to beat the breeders time. But like they say don’t go off their times. It’s done when it’s done. Hopefully you took notes on feeding and temps and all that cause I would repeat on next grow


You may want to screen shot your thread because maybe the first to beat the breeders time. But like they say don’t go off their times. It’s done when it’s done. Hopefully you took notes on feeding and temps and all that cause I would repeat on next grow


Well-Known Member
So even if its flower time says 12 weeks and im still at week 9 do i chop now?
Breeders seem to pick a number out of their arse when it comes to finishing times. According to Royal Queen Seeds my Honey Cream plants should be finishing on Friday. But the plant seems to think they have another few weeks to go.

If those plants were mine I'd be telling my Mrs that she is going to have a lot of trimming to do in the next couple of days.:D I grow it, she trims it.:D