"Shall" issue or "May" issue. What is your state?

I can apply for an Out of State license from State A, use that in State B, because State C resident License is not valid in State B, what a mess.
Or I can befriend an elected county sheriff with a political donation and get one issued for sure, training requirement waived.
"Race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society. The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations." Wikipedia

Race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society. The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations. By the 17th century the term began to refer to physical traits. Wikipedia
That is known as common usage. Folks commonly say things like a town was decimated by a tornado when it was not reduced by 10%. All I can do is point out what words actually mean. Just because most people use them wrong doesn't mean that I have to.

From wikiwiki:

Prior to the current scientific classification of humans, philosophers and scientists made various attempts to classify humans. They offered definitions of the human being and schemes for classifying types of humans. Biologists once classified races as subspecies, but today anthropologists reject the concept of race and view humanity as an interrelated genetic continuum. Taxonomy of the hominins continues to evolve.

There is a commonly used example to illustrate how little genetic diversity there is in humans when compared to some of our closest cousins.

There is more genetic diversity between two groups of highland gorillas living ten miles apart than between Charles Barkley and the Queen of England.
Not that it makes any difference but my original post was just pointing out that minorities have a much more difficult time obtaining firearm licenses than the majority. It dates back to the end of the civil war when laws forbid firearm ownership by blacks and in the case of California the Chinese. That oppression and the attempts at controlling minorities continues today in primarily "May Issue" states. I don't understand how my stating the facts on firearms ownership and it's affects on the domination and suppression of our minorities qualifies as NRA clickbait. Yes I am a gun owner but I've never supported the NRA and I have no problem with common sense gun control and the enforcement of gun control laws already on the books. I am one of the 25% of American gun owners who are Democrat.
I like to stop by this forum. It's always perfect example in a small way of no one being willing to slide their toe across the aisle or ask a question. What's the PC way of saying a Mongol is a different race than I am? So you have your species then you have your landraces so what's next, varietals? I like to come here to watch the participants and their unwillingness to accept even the possibility that there somehow might be middle ground that can be built on. This place has the Jack booted right wing and the Jack booted left wing both specializing at hurling insults and name calling with zero interest in fostering any change. Polar opposites and God forbid a centrist drops between them. Citations for my suggesting the discriminatory nature of black firearms ownership..
You could check out the Black codes which replaced the slave codes following the Civil war which forbid black ownership of firearms.
You could check out Ronald Reagan's signing of the "Mulford act" in 1967 following Huey Newton and the Black Panthers showing up armed at Sacramento City Hall.
You could check out Heller versus Washington DC which ruled the districts ban on the private ownership of firearms was unconstitutional and discriminatory.
I'm sorry I can't be more specific but I promise you a Google search will provide 10 pages that support put the laws concerning black firearm ownership are discriminatory. You could also watch the documentary : Assault: Your Civil Rights Under Fire."
Fogdog a font of knowledge like yourself should be familiar with Mayor Nagels edict on day three following hurricane Katrina instructing the police to confiscate all firearms legal and otherwise an action later ruled to be unconstitutional although most of the firearms seized have not been returned to the rightful owners.
Because I had the nerve to question if it's rape if a couple become so intoxicated they remember nothing of the night before except that she realizes that they had sex. That certainly makes me a supporter of godly pedophile priests praying on a young populace.
You guys are smart as you're ever going to get. You remain so close minded you're unable to ever change your opinion on any topic regardless of the evidence and are better suited to misinterpreting everything you hear and reducing it to name calling. Politically shallow narcissistic know-it-alls who's focus is on godly numbers of posts made with no substance indicating that you have far too much time on your hands while hiding from the pandemic
Not that it makes any difference but my original post was just pointing out that minorities have a much more difficult time obtaining firearm licenses than the majority. It dates back to the end of the civil war when laws forbid firearm ownership by blacks and in the case of California the Chinese. That oppression and the attempts at controlling minorities continues today in primarily "May Issue" states. I don't understand how my stating the facts on firearms ownership and it's affects on the domination and suppression of our minorities qualifies as NRA clickbait. Yes I am a gun owner but I've never supported the NRA and I have no problem with common sense gun control and the enforcement of gun control laws already on the books. I am one of the 25% of American gun owners who are Democrat.
I like to stop by this forum. It's always perfect example in a small way of no one being willing to slide their toe across the aisle or ask a question. What's the PC way of saying a Mongol is a different race than I am? So you have your species then you have your landraces so what's next, varietals? I like to come here to watch the participants and their unwillingness to accept even the possibility that there somehow might be middle ground that can be built on. This place has the Jack booted right wing and the Jack booted left wing both specializing at hurling insults and name calling with zero interest in fostering any change. Polar opposites and God forbid a centrist drops between them. Citations for my suggesting the discriminatory nature of black firearms ownership..
You could check out the Black codes which replaced the slave codes following the Civil war which forbid black ownership of firearms.
You could check out Ronald Reagan's signing of the "Mulford act" in 1967 following Huey Newton and the Black Panthers showing up armed at Sacramento City Hall.
You could check out Heller versus Washington DC which ruled the districts ban on the private ownership of firearms was unconstitutional and discriminatory.
I'm sorry I can't be more specific but I promise you a Google search will provide 10 pages that support put the laws concerning black firearm ownership are discriminatory. You could also watch the documentary : Assault: Your Civil Rights Under Fire."
Fogdog a font of knowledge like yourself should be familiar with Mayor Nagels edict on day three following hurricane Katrina instructing the police to confiscate all firearms legal and otherwise an action later ruled to be unconstitutional although most of the firearms seized have not been returned to the rightful owners.
Because I had the nerve to question if it's rape if a couple become so intoxicated they remember nothing of the night before except that she realizes that they had sex. That certainly makes me a supporter of godly pedophile priests praying on a young populace.
You guys are smart as you're ever going to get. You remain so close minded you're unable to ever change your opinion on any topic regardless of the evidence and are better suited to misinterpreting everything you hear and reducing it to name calling. Politically shallow narcissistic know-it-alls who's focus is on godly numbers of posts made with no substance indicating that you have far too much time on your hands while hiding from the pandemic
So you posted all that to say we are jerks?

I could give a shit less about guns. They are not going anywhere. The history of getting minorities guns is interesting.

The garbage science about 'differences' gets dangerously close to racist science that I was going to post this earlier:


I am not a evolutionary biologist or anything, but I have seen the rabbit hole of racist logic with 'differences of the races' type bullshit. And what you are describing seems very much like a small step down that pathway when you started to talk about 'skulls'.

We have a ton of variation in the human race within and outside of families you can see it everywhere. But it doesn't mean that there is anything fundamentally different in our ability to function, not that you are saying that.
. . . . . .What's the PC way of saying a Mongol is a different race than I am? . . . . .
I give two hoots about PC. But the accurate thing to say is that Mongols' ethnicity is different than yours.

The first genetically successful modern humans left Africa about 70K years ago. There has been remains found from earlier migrations, but those people died out. (ie, we not genetically successful) The reason we know this is bones found can be dated by their position relative to the layer of volcanic ash that covered the earth from the Toba eruption 74000 years ago. Their rate of migration was about 1000 miles in 1000 years. When we made it to Europe modern humans did include a little Neanderthal DNA in the mix (of which I have a little). And there were migrations back to Africa too.

The physical changes have happened due to the environment they lived in. As folks went north, they became whiter. The ones living in the tallest mountains (or the Steppes of Mongolia) had big barrel chest because of the low Oxygen levels in the air, since they needed more lung capacity. etc, etc, etc.

An interesting study happened when they moved a group of lizards from an island with short bushes to an island with tall bushes. Within 20 years the lizards had longer legs. I'm sure it takes a little longer than that with people. But in biology, just like business, the ones who do better live on and the others die out.
It's so easy for things to be misinterpreted and sarcasm just doesn't work in writing. I'm anything but a racist and marched in DC on the 20th anniversary of MLK's first March. I have minorities in my family and I love them dearly. I have asked salesman to leave my office and never come back because they told racist, homophobic and sexist jokes and when someone tells a joke that I find inappropriate I try as hard as I can to not laugh. I try very hard to be color blind but admittedly I'm not always successful and I'm ashamed of that.
Everything I said in my original post was to expose the discriminatory ways in which we keep minorities from owning firearms. I also made the error in referring to people from different cultures as a race and not part of the human race as a whole. I stand corrected and I don't mind that. Odd as it may sound I have a genuine human skull on the shelf next to my father's ashes. At one point I was interested in selling it and was informed that it was the skull of a black male. The buyer was able to point out or explain the differences in our skulls. My father would have been proud to have shared a shelf with a black man's skull. I have always wondered who the skull had belonged to.
I was trying to bust a few nuts but only as a defense for feeling I was being attacked for views I did not and do not adhere to.
I hope you guys would at least acknowledge that there is little room on the forum for differing opinions however slight. Sometimes it looks like you were driving the right wing away rather than trying to educate them. By the same token the right wing participants do the same thing. If you don't talk about issues whether it's racism come firearms or what have you change is never going to happen.
I will admit that I come across as being an a****** but it's not intentional it's simply do to my lacking good expository skills. I am not and have never been a troll or a Trumptard for reasons I can't comprehend. Even using the word trumptard is not appropriate but it comes up over and over again.
I will apologize for being a jerk but I'm pretty certain it won't be accepted p
All permits to carry concealed are in violation of the 2nd amendment. the 10th amendment and common sense.

It's funny how "the science is settled" is becoming a platitude with political overtones. But, just this once, I'm gonna say regarding carrying a gun,
the "science is settled". You can. Fuck your State goons who say otherwise.
All permits to carry concealed are in violation of the 2nd amendment. the 10th amendment and common sense.

It's funny how "the science is settled" is becoming a platitude with political overtones. But, just this once, I'm gonna say regarding carrying a gun,
the "science is settled". You can. Fuck your State goons who say otherwise.
I don't understand what you mean when you say " the science is settled. The fact is that the countries with the strictest gun control laws are the countries with the highest murder rates.

In 2008, the Court in a 5-4 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller held that “The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home."
The SCOTUS has never ruled against the 2nd amendment but it has given the states the prerogative to restrict certain types of firearms
such as fully automatic weapons which is how the proponents of stronger gun laws refer to semi-automatic weapons. Firearms such as the AR-15s are responsible for less than 1% of deaths caused by guns in this country but banning them because they have a barrel shroud, pistol grip and bayonet lugs is useless legislation that does nothing. As far as bump stocks go I have never even seen one in use and don't know anybody who has one. Banning High capacity magazines holding 30 rounds does nothing either because anyone with just a bit of experience can drop a ten round magazine in a couple of seconds. With the exception of suicide firearm deaths are tightly clustered in underserved inner city neighborhoods and the people dying are black. Those deaths essentially go I noticed by the media and the white populace but should a white child dies the uproar is deafening. I liken it to Cecil the lion. There was outrage that Cecil had been shot but white soccer moms didn't see the starving black children in the same picture. I support common sense gun control and I'm not a single issue voter so I vote democratic because I'm pro choice support the rights of my gay son and the gay and transgender community as a whole and I believe no one should suffer from food insecurity regardless of what country they might be from.
I live in Massachusett and I have an unrestricted LTC even to the point where if I fill out the proper forms and have $20,000 to spend I can buy a fully automatic weapon. We also have an average of 1.5 deaths per 100,000 people.
In this state since the 70's in order to obtain a firearm you must first be vetted by the local police. Then you have to be vetted by the state police and finally the FBI. Attempts at making mental health a component of obtaining a firearm will never happen as doctors are adamant in saying they will not provide the medical records of their patients to law enforcement. That is a loop hole that should be resolved but how I don't know. Even the castle doctrine does not apply here. You have to retreat unless doing so may cause additional harm to yourself or others.
With Trump having stacked the supreme Court additional firearms restrictions will never happen in our lifetime. This state has the lowest number of firearm deaths just behind Alaska. The problem I wish we could solve was suicide by firearms but with 3 to 5 firearms per person in this country already gun control won't make a difference. I just don't know what we can do about that and I wish I did. Preventing blacks minorities from having firearms is not gun control it's discrimination.
Oh yeah the fact their physiological differences in people does not mean they not be treated any differently than anyone else. I have no doubt that The descendants of the Mayans and Aztecs just as intelligent and deserve unalienable rights of all people.
I don't understand what you mean when you say " the science is settled. The fact is that the countries with the strictest gun control laws are the countries with the highest murder rates.
Correlation is not the same as causation.

Why is it too much to ask that the US have the same low rates of gun homicide as Canada?
Can we talk about what in the actual fuck this dudes profile pic is!?
You mean the picture of the guy standing in front of the tanks at Tienanmen Square during the massacre in 1989? What with Trump sending his goons to Portland and my witnessing the police as well as Proud Boy brutality under Trump's protection, I felt that avi was appropriate. Maybe one day I will be able to replace it with hearts, flowers and unicorns. That would be nice.

You mean the picture of the guy standing in front of the tanks at Tienanmen Square during the massacre in 1989? What with Trump sending his goons to Portland and my witnessing the police as well as Proud Boy brutality under Trump's protection, I felt that avi was appropriate. Maybe one day I will be able to replace it with hearts, flowers and unicorns. That would be nice.

Of course not yours. I'm talking about the person that started the thread rottedroots
You mean the picture of the guy standing in front of the tanks at Tienanmen Square during the massacre in 1989? What with Trump sending his goons to Portland and my witnessing the police as well as Proud Boy brutality under Trump's protection, I felt that avi was appropriate. Maybe one day I will be able to replace it with hearts, flowers and unicorns. That would be nice.

Sorry I didn't make that to seem about you by posting it right after your comment man.
I don't understand what you mean when you say " the science is settled. The fact is that the countries with the strictest gun control laws are the countries with the highest murder rates.

I meant in the United States, a country that allegedly has all of it's laws congruent with a constitution, it would be an infringement to first go thru a "must get permission" phase to exercise a right.