I say go ahead and gloat. Have a BIG party!! Woohoo!! Enjoy it......
I have a friend who is constantly bombarding me with conspiracy theories. I find them quite funny and ridiculous, but he is always entertaining. He speaks with his hands, yah know the kind? He flails about wildly while puffin on a doobage about cartel this and Bush that, UFO's etc, etc.
So he comes over after the election to OF COURSE talk about it. He's building up a good wind when I blurt out, "Your a conspiracy bigot"!! He's like, "Wha???"
I proceed to explain and show him that his conspiracies only go one way and is that really possible? Can't you see anything going the other way?
He pauses and takes it in. Now my friend prides himself on spinning info. He thinks for just a bit and then says basically this:
"okay, the Power Democrats (the ones really in charge of the party) knew that Fred & Fannie were going down before the primaries even took place. They took in the severity and breadth of the coming economic damage and pulled Hillary aside. They said, this isn't gonna be your turn. Whoever wins this election is going to get hammered by forces not within their control. We need a fall guy, a patsy. Someone so new and hungry that they won't realize what is about to happen to them."
My friend is foaming now, it was fun to watch him latch on to something in a different way and yet maintain his fire.
He continues and waxes about it in details as only he can, but I won't go into the entire diatribe. It would take too long.
Basically he figured Obama is the fall guy and Biden is going to be pulling the strings, sort of like Cheney does now. Hillary will not attach to the administration so she can side step the coming carnage, both political and economic.
After it was over, I can see that he really enjoyed that as much as going after Bush..... a new trend perhaps?
So have that party......
Yah, my friend must be crazy.