Share your Cannabis story


Well-Known Member
I like to hear stories people have from their time with Cannabis. Everyone has a "weed story" to share. I'll share mine and I hope you share yours.

It was the early 90's probably 93' or 94', I was a young kid smoking pot with my friends all the time not really knowing what good weed was and just happy to get stoned. Everything we got back in that time was either brick weed or some of the same decompressed and hydrated (I think they used orange or apple peels, but whatever). It was really crappy stuff but did it's job.

One weekend I was with my dad and we stopped over his friends house for a while and a guy with a full beard, neatly trimmed had a duffle bag at his feet. He said he had quarters of weed for $100. My dad balked at first because such a price was unheard of where I was from but decided in the end to spring for an 1/8th with his friend buying the other. My dad didn't smoke weed but he loved the smells and this one was off the charts. He knew I'd want to smoke it and his brother as well so he gave me half of the 1/8th and the other half to my uncle.

Later that evening we met up with my uncle to get apples for deer hunting (yeah I know how crappy that is to do now). He had this big old chevy with the long front seat and being the kid you know I'm riding bitch lol We start going down the road and my dad was on the right and he packed a bowl and my uncle and I hit it with no fear. I regretted that not long after. We stop at a 7-11 and they asked what I wanted and I still to this day remember. Of course I HAD TO HAVE a Baby Ruth candy bar AND a Nestle's Quick chocolate milk! So we get to going down the road again and if you've ever ridden in one of those bench like seats you'll remember that they were kind of bouncy lol Anyways after devouring my fill of chocolate sweets stoned out of my mind I start feeling a bit queezy. We stop at a friends house who was going to go with us apple picking and the moment the truck stops I get out a hurl. Wasn't pretty. About 30 minutes later I was still stoned but by this time I wasn't picking apples for the deer, I was eating them! haha

So I go home after the weekend and still have my half 1/8 ready to share with my friends. My old friend was over in Vietnam (I don't think he was a fighting G.I) and always talked about the "Thai Stick" and how it always made him feel like he was tripping. Anyways I get there and load it up for him. He takes a toke or two and after a few moments he said "This shit reminds me of the thai stick". So I load up a bong hit for a friend and moments later he's laid out on the floor and another friend laid out on a bed. THE STRONGEST stuff I've ever come across.

The bud smelled like "you just ran over a skunk" and was lime green in color. I've never smelled nor seen anything like it since. This is in that state where some special genetics came from around that same time period and I often wonder if that's what it was.

I'll never forget it and don't mind telling it.
Friend just got a ps2.
Rented a few games from blockbuster, "silent hill" was one of them.
I'd smoked before a few times but not a lot, bought a whole oz with my first paycheck from my new job.
Smoked a few bowls, nothing serious while playing some of the other games.
Other friend shows up with a nice piece he just picked up from hempfest, "marathon smoking" on the balcony of my friends moms' condo. About 1/2 oz in now.
Back inside for more silent hill, it's getting dark at this point.
I will never forget, the fucking little skittering things that come out from under shit and chase you.
Talk about getting immersed into a game completely.
We were taking turns, passed the controller each time we would die.
It was late now, after midnight, back onto the balcony to finish off the rest of the bag.
Somehow, it just kept getting more and more terrifying. That game, just built a feeling of dread and kept it going.
That was the most surreal gaming experience I've ever had, we were all legit terrified.
Such a good game for its time. I'll never forget how into it we all got. We still talk about it every couple of years.
I don't mean to be rude, but those are the lamest stories I've ever read. Really, really boring. I don't want to pop in without contributing anything, so...

All of my weed stories are boring and lame, which is a good thing I guess. I like my personal life quiet lol

If you want exciting I can pm you some stories about getting shot at in other countries while I was on deployment.