• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Share your creepy guy stories, ladies


Ursus marijanus
Does a guy who wants to suck your toes on the first date count as creepy? Didn't want a kiss, just the toes.
It depends ... if you like to step in road squishies and use your toes like a Play-Doh Fun Factory™ ... yes. Otherwise, heck; if we like it when puppies do it, guys must be better. Motivated. cn


Well-Known Member
It depends ... if you like to step in road squishies and use your toes like a Play-Doh Fun Factory™ ... yes. Otherwise, heck; if we like it when puppies do it, guys must be better. Motivated. cn
lol....can we get a facepalm smiley up in here? i got one added to another forum a couple years ago...i can retrieve it if we can get it on the site


Ursus marijanus
Alright how about a super nerd? lol. I was at this amateur comedy show at my college campus, and I was only 17 so I wasn't very experienced with guys and life. Well this guy is about two rows behind me, and he is coughing and hacking and bringing up loogies (sp?) behind me the entire time. So gross. Well the show is over, and everybody stands up to clap, and I can see him staring at me. And, even without experience, girls know that look. I BOLT. I mean I literally took the fuck off. He's walking hella fast trying to catch up and I can tell he's going to come talk to me so I grab my phone and pretend to call somebody lol. He's trying to talk to me anyway, fuck. I make it to the ladies room and duck inside. HE WAITS halfway down the hallway. So when he's looking at the flyers on the billboard I make a dash from the bathroom to the elevator. He sees me just out of the corner of his eye, and starts walking towards the elevator. I put my phone back up to my ear, talking to no one lol, and frantically pushing the door close button. I get to the bottom. HE TOOK THE FUCKING STAIRS. Ugh. So i'm like, fuck it, i'm just going to be friendly but keep walking. But he kept walking with me. And I didn't want him to take me to my car, so I turned around and faced the music. And then - he did it. He did exactly what I was so afraid of. He said his name. And then he held out his hand. His hand. That he had been coughing and hacking shit up on all. fucking. night. But my momma taught me manners, so I shook his hand. Then. He invited me (I shit you not) to a chess tournament. A CHESS TOURNAMENT. Do they really have those past elementary school?! I politely told him I couldn't make it, and that I had to get home before the snow got too bad to drive in. I think it's over, right? It's not.

There's a picture of me on the wall of the college. A group picture of scholarship winners. You would have to actually study that picture to know it was me. Who even looks at those things? Well he found it. With my name listed at the bottom. Looked me up in the campus system (fuckin student work jobs) and called me. To invite me. To another. fucking. chess. tournament.

I DOUSED my hands in hand sanitizer after I left the college that night. I got a cold anyway. I was so grossed out by it too because I knew his germs were in my lungs and ew, ew, ew.
Aw fer crying out loud; he just liked the way your chess moves. ~unrepentant cackle~ cn
A cousin set me up with a guy. He came to pick me up and asked what would I like to do. I said something about bowling, dancing, going to the horse track. He said how about a dinner and a movie? Ok, I like movies. Well, he had a newspaper (before handheld devices) at his apartment. Would it be ok to swing by and pick up the paper? Ok. Once there would I like to come in while he figures out where the movie he wanted to see is playing? Ok, I can do that.

Once inside he throws the locks on the door. Tells me to sit down and relax while he gets his paper. Ok.

There was no paper, there was no dinner, but I was the intended dessert. Little did that guy know. I lifted weights, was a gymnast and a competitive swimmer. It was a fight but I got out of there safe and sound and not hurt. I ran to the nearest phone and a friend came and got me.

What I didn't know was this little asshole worked for AT&T. I received calls from him for the next 5+ years. I changed phone numbers which hurt my business and then the next day he'd call the new number. When I put a call into the police and had a trace put on my phone all calls stopped and on the 22 day when the trace dropped off he'd call and say what an idiot I was and that for the rest of my life he would know where I was. I put a trace on the line at least 5 times.

I called the local police, the state police, and the FBI. The FBI told me if it was someone in the inside they'd never catch him. So I went to a PI that specialized in hiring ex-FBI agents, they said they couldn't help me because it was someone in the inside at the phone company.

So I did the next best thing I could. I cancelled my landline. It killed my business but I got a cellphone, back then it was VERY expensive. But all calls stopped.

This joker got me motivated enough to buy a gun and learn how to use it.

This all happened so long ago that I had nearly forgotten about it.
OMFG that is scary as shit! I am so glad you were of able mind & body to get the FFFF outta there....what a lily-ass piece of shit freak to harass you endlessly like that too....one can only hope there is a special sorta never-ending torture awaiting fucks like that, pardon my french.
well, my creepy guy story isn't as horrid as WW's, but thought I'd share, just because I still trip & laugh when I think about it. I'm 22 & meet a friend of a friend's friend at a party, that winds down to about 10-12 or so friends I've known for a long long time (like grade school) & this guy...then the topic of my recent break up from a long term relationship gets bantered around & ends. all of a sudden dudes all interested in me like he'd just set eyes on me....I'm not interested, I politely tell him that, repeatedly...but all night he keeps asking if I wanna go out with him, we'd have such a great time, he'd make me feel like a princess, etc etc etc endless cr*p to my repeated no, thanks I'm not ready. Ok, well 2 weeks later I find out he's been calling my friend bugging for my ph # or my pager (this is early 90's lol). So I give-in & think wth? one date, make this guy happy, I continue moving on & get over the ex... So I give the ok for the number exchange & we set up a dinner date for the following Saturday, calls me every other day to be sure we are still on, weirding me out even more. (I'm feel I am fairly cute & friendly-nice, with an average ok bod-nothing spectacular!) so his persistent behavior was just a bit much to me, but to each their own, right? (NO!-lol) So Saturday afternoon he calls to set the time back as something came up, ok, no biggie, shiz happens. He shows up, smells like booze, cigs & cologne/b.o., in wrinkly t-shirt & jeans, scrungy sneakers, but I figure maybe his day was busy-he cranks the music up in the car so loud we can't converse, but ok whatever...then he takes me to a dive (ie:sh*thole) strip club! For DINNER! this place stinks like stale booze, cigarettes, unwashed rank snatch, dirty ass & vomit, with performers that shoulda stopped gettin naked 15 years ago & he nearly runs to a table/chair combo near the stage & plops down like we've been in line for a disney ride all day....ok, I'll see where the hell this is going-he orders 3 beers & me a soda (really?! you bring me here & buy me a mutherfunster soda? you sob!), then he starts rubbing his crotch, under the table, as he oggles the stripper, pulls out bills, wads a few up individually & flicks them at the stripper (tacky tacky & rude!), leans over after 2/3 way thru stripper #2 without even F'ing looking at me & asks if I wanna give him a hand job. I'm like WTFF??!!? NO NO NO! NO fucking way! I'm done-outta here! I left, found a pay phone & got a ride home from a friend. That jerk pestered my home answering machine every day 5 or 6 messages, calling my friends looking for me trying to leave a message with them for me & started leaving "love-hate" notes on my car when I'd go out with friends...went on for over a month before another 2 guy friends found out about the whole scenario & gave him a real nice fist talkin-to. He was nixed from associating with my group of friends for the harrassment & perverse first date business.
So fellas, don't be taking chicks to strip clubs for a first date, unless they ask you to! lol


Well-Known Member
I had this weirdo portuguese guy try to lock me in a van when I was 14...I ran out the window...hahahaaaa...messed up yo. Like he gave me a ride so I wouldn't have to walk, and he was all you're pretty, and I was like thanks, then we got to my place and I unlocked the doors and he locked them back, and we did this a few times before I turned and saw "the look" on his face and realized it wasn't like, when in a hallway or at the mall when you try to go around someone and instead you keep moving in front of each other...I thought I was trying to unlock while he was too so we were getting nowhere, then I realized he was trying to lock me in the car....but since I was a child I was small and spry and escaped...


Well-Known Member
well, my creepy guy story isn't as horrid as WW's, but thought I'd share, just because I still trip & laugh when I think about it. I'm 22 & meet a friend of a friend's friend at a party, that winds down to about 10-12 or so friends I've known for a long long time (like grade school) & this guy...then the topic of my recent break up from a long term relationship gets bantered around & ends. all of a sudden dudes all interested in me like he'd just set eyes on me....I'm not interested, I politely tell him that, repeatedly...but all night he keeps asking if I wanna go out with him, we'd have such a great time, he'd make me feel like a princess, etc etc etc endless cr*p to my repeated no, thanks I'm not ready. Ok, well 2 weeks later I find out he's been calling my friend bugging for my ph # or my pager (this is early 90's lol). So I give-in & think wth? one date, make this guy happy, I continue moving on & get over the ex... So I give the ok for the number exchange & we set up a dinner date for the following Saturday, calls me every other day to be sure we are still on, weirding me out even more. (I'm feel I am fairly cute & friendly-nice, with an average ok bod-nothing spectacular!) so his persistent behavior was just a bit much to me, but to each their own, right? (NO!-lol) So Saturday afternoon he calls to set the time back as something came up, ok, no biggie, shiz happens. He shows up, smells like booze, cigs & cologne/b.o., in wrinkly t-shirt & jeans, scrungy sneakers, but I figure maybe his day was busy-he cranks the music up in the car so loud we can't converse, but ok whatever...then he takes me to a dive (ie:sh*thole) strip club! For DINNER! this place stinks like stale booze, cigarettes, unwashed rank snatch, dirty ass & vomit, with performers that shoulda stopped gettin naked 15 years ago & he nearly runs to a table/chair combo near the stage & plops down like we've been in line for a disney ride all day....ok, I'll see where the hell this is going-he orders 3 beers & me a soda (really?! you bring me here & buy me a mutherfunster soda? you sob!), then he starts rubbing his crotch, under the table, as he oggles the stripper, pulls out bills, wads a few up individually & flicks them at the stripper (tacky tacky & rude!), leans over after 2/3 way thru stripper #2 without even F'ing looking at me & asks if I wanna give him a hand job. I'm like WTFF??!!? NO NO NO! NO fucking way! I'm done-outta here! I left, found a pay phone & got a ride home from a friend. That jerk pestered my home answering machine every day 5 or 6 messages, calling my friends looking for me trying to leave a message with them for me & started leaving "love-hate" notes on my car when I'd go out with friends...went on for over a month before another 2 guy friends found out about the whole scenario & gave him a real nice fist talkin-to. He was nixed from associating with my group of friends for the harrassment & perverse first date business.
So fellas, don't be taking chicks to strip clubs for a first date, unless they ask you to! lol
sounds like a free spirit with a propensity for honesty and openness about his feelings. i fail to see the problem.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
well, my creepy guy story isn't as horrid as WW's, but thought I'd share, just because I still trip & laugh when I think about it. I'm 22 & meet a friend of a friend's friend at a party, that winds down to about 10-12 or so friends I've known for a long long time (like grade school) & this guy...then the topic of my recent break up from a long term relationship gets bantered around & ends. all of a sudden dudes all interested in me like he'd just set eyes on me....I'm not interested, I politely tell him that, repeatedly...but all night he keeps asking if I wanna go out with him, we'd have such a great time, he'd make me feel like a princess, etc etc etc endless cr*p to my repeated no, thanks I'm not ready. Ok, well 2 weeks later I find out he's been calling my friend bugging for my ph # or my pager (this is early 90's lol). So I give-in & think wth? one date, make this guy happy, I continue moving on & get over the ex... So I give the ok for the number exchange & we set up a dinner date for the following Saturday, calls me every other day to be sure we are still on, weirding me out even more. (I'm feel I am fairly cute & friendly-nice, with an average ok bod-nothing spectacular!) so his persistent behavior was just a bit much to me, but to each their own, right? (NO!-lol) So Saturday afternoon he calls to set the time back as something came up, ok, no biggie, shiz happens. He shows up, smells like booze, cigs & cologne/b.o., in wrinkly t-shirt & jeans, scrungy sneakers, but I figure maybe his day was busy-he cranks the music up in the car so loud we can't converse, but ok whatever...then he takes me to a dive (ie:sh*thole) strip club! For DINNER! this place stinks like stale booze, cigarettes, unwashed rank snatch, dirty ass & vomit, with performers that shoulda stopped gettin naked 15 years ago & he nearly runs to a table/chair combo near the stage & plops down like we've been in line for a disney ride all day....ok, I'll see where the hell this is going-he orders 3 beers & me a soda (really?! you bring me here & buy me a mutherfunster soda? you sob!), then he starts rubbing his crotch, under the table, as he oggles the stripper, pulls out bills, wads a few up individually & flicks them at the stripper (tacky tacky & rude!), leans over after 2/3 way thru stripper #2 without even F'ing looking at me & asks if I wanna give him a hand job. I'm like WTFF??!!? NO NO NO! NO fucking way! I'm done-outta here! I left, found a pay phone & got a ride home from a friend. That jerk pestered my home answering machine every day 5 or 6 messages, calling my friends looking for me trying to leave a message with them for me & started leaving "love-hate" notes on my car when I'd go out with friends...went on for over a month before another 2 guy friends found out about the whole scenario & gave him a real nice fist talkin-to. He was nixed from associating with my group of friends for the harrassment & perverse first date business.
So fellas, don't be taking chicks to strip clubs for a first date, unless they ask you to! lol
I'm surprised he didn't take you on amateur night and sign you up. :lol: What a f---ing loser. Glad your ok.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a free spirit with a propensity for honesty and openness about his feelings. i fail to see the problem.

I know this is ladies time to share about creepy men, but I used to be a bouncer at a strip club and I have a few of my own.

One night this pilot comes in full uniform. There's a sky jumping spot between Sacramento (where I live) and Stockton (where I worked). i see them all the time coming down from the sky on my way to work and I think that's awesome so I let the guy in for free.

Apparently, this gave the fool a sense of entitlement because after his lapdance was over. He grabbed the girl by the hips saying "just a little longer." Next thing you know she screams and you hear a tussle. She's pushing him off her yelling all kinds of foul shit.

Dude stands up and there's a HUGE wet spot on his crotch running down his leg and you could really see it because the uniform was light brown.

He got taken out back and they turned down the lights.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member

I know this is ladies time to share about creepy men, but I used to be a bouncer at a strip club and I have a few of my own.

One night this pilot comes in full uniform. There's a sky jumping spot between Sacramento (where I live) and Stockton (where I worked). i see them all the time coming down from the sky on my way to work and I think that's awesome so I let the guy in for free.

Apparently, this gave the fool a sense of entitlement because after his lapdance was over. He grabbed the girl by the hips saying "just a little longer." Next thing you know she screams and you hear a tussle. She's pushing him off her yelling all kinds of foul shit.

Dude stands up and there's a HUGE wet spot on his crotch running down his leg and you could really see it because the uniform was light brown.

He got taken out back and they turned down the lights.
I hope that he now walks with a limp.


Well-Known Member
i'm sure i've seen a Rainbowbrite86 post that said men on trollitup send her pictures of their cocks (not in a uncle way, as in cock and balls). thought that was pretty creepy


Well-Known Member
I hope that he now walks with a limp.
He will definitely think twice before he disrespects a woman again.

I have a tendency to yell the weirdest things during moments of high adrenaline. It's like a defense mechanism keeping me from going full tilt crazy by keeping a sense of humor during the whole ordeal. After he got roughed up a bit I started slapping like a pimp while saying,"Your mother is disapointed in you, sir! She WILL NOT be happy with the you! You have brought shame to your whole family"

And yes, I used those exact words.


Ursus marijanus
He will definitely think twice before he disrespects a woman again.

I have a tendency to yell the weirdest things during moments of high adrenaline. It's like a defense mechanism keeping me from going full tilt crazy by keeping a sense of humor during the whole ordeal. After he got roughed up a bit I started slapping like a pimp while saying,"Your mother is disapointed in you, sir! She WILL NOT be happy with the you! You have brought shame to your whole family"

And yes, I used those exact words.
That is quite cool imo. It hits harder than the customary Foul Word Salad. cn

thump easy

Well-Known Member
thats to funny whats funny is that these rules dont apply to me i dont think of a first date at a strip club it must be deprived sexual people.. i sear to god i have been invited to a strip club buy women... thats something i realy dont care to do. im serious i just think fruit cakes, or girls with serious problems i have met a few stripers in my life outside of work they all were head cases... but thats a turn off.. as a mater of fact my boy sent me a pic of his chick fucking another chick with a strap on those things dont work on me.. mabe because i seen two side of this coin.. no thanks and most chicks that love to be kinkie like that are more than i can handle.. just hold on because it will be a rollercoaster for shure... ;)


Well-Known Member
thats to funny whats funny is that these rules dont apply to me i dont think of a first date at a strip club it must be deprived sexual people.. i sear to god i have been invited to a strip club buy women... thats something i realy dont care to do. im serious i just think fruit cakes, or girls with serious problems i have met a few stripers in my life outside of work they all were head cases... but thats a turn off.. as a mater of fact my boy sent me a pic of his chick fucking another chick with a strap on those things dont work on me.. mabe because i seen two side of this coin.. no thanks and most chicks that love to be kinkie like that are more than i can handle.. just hold on because it will be a rollercoaster for shure... ;)
I'm the exact opposite and thats a reason why i took the job there. I like my women like I like my math books. Full of problems but the answers are in the back!

thump easy

Well-Known Member
ow man i got my resons i fucked a few no way NO FUCKEN WAY man head problems im not a cyciatrist for shure and they are just toys for men but they will get your money.. if you are the man you will get her money but you will pay in problems lolz thats all id like to say about that.. No fucken way no how no nothing i usto party hard man REALY HARD no way.. my friends to NO FUCKEN WAY two of my friends married stripers and i rather not ever be around them EVER..... You'll see..