Share your favorite TELEVISION show titles!!! Whats your favorite movie of all time?

I never understood the appeal of those Monty Python, Carry On, Or Doctor Who things... But they're supposed be British classics. *shrugs*
As an Australian Citizen I can say that Monty Python is fantastic... Keeping up appearances and As time goes by are my favourite British TV shows...
I can't believe i'm the only one who said the Golden Girls. Hello! It should be in every response as number 1 favorite TV show of all time! I own more than one set of all 7 seasons on DVD. Just in case anyone needs some.
I'm too americanized for British television. Or hispanic television. It seems like it was filmed so long ago! In somebody's house or something. With just a regular video recorder lol. I'm so fucking high, i'll delete these tomorrow.
I'm not saying Eastenders is top quality production, but you just get into it when you're been filling the characters and story and direction for so long. Those character have ALOT of history and family ties.

Yeah, the production methods on American shows are different. A lot of newer shows like Skins and Misfits are upping the ante though. I work in a film studio so I notice these sorts of things.

Anyone got anything to say about HBO's 'Luck'? It looks fucking amazing.
Just started watching Shameless (US version) on Showtime on Demand. I just watched the 1st season and 5 episodes of the new season. Great show! Also don't forget that Walking Dead starts up again this Sunday.