Do you believe there is a god? Multiple gods? Who is to say what is and isn't real?
Life is full of unanswered questions but no one with the knowledge to clarify.
Growing up I was a Jehovah's witness, why? Not because i chose to but because my moms parents were and so she was and so, I was. I am currently 18 no longer interested in the story we call god.
Religion, an excuse to "Think" that we know what happened in ancient times. An excuse to be good people because supposedly god wishes so (or else we are damned to an eternal fire). Perhaps we need a godly figure so that humanity doesn't go insane, perhaps there is a god, maybe even living amongst us. But how can one trust a book that contradicts many other "Books" that all claim they are the truth? These bibles have been around for years, wouldn't you think that the literature was revisited or altered during time? I mean wouldn't some religions also be altered due to a state law? Don't quote me as i may be wrong.
Extremely religious people are extremely afraid as well, that is my philosophy.
Life is full of unanswered questions but no one with the knowledge to clarify.
Growing up I was a Jehovah's witness, why? Not because i chose to but because my moms parents were and so she was and so, I was. I am currently 18 no longer interested in the story we call god.
Religion, an excuse to "Think" that we know what happened in ancient times. An excuse to be good people because supposedly god wishes so (or else we are damned to an eternal fire). Perhaps we need a godly figure so that humanity doesn't go insane, perhaps there is a god, maybe even living amongst us. But how can one trust a book that contradicts many other "Books" that all claim they are the truth? These bibles have been around for years, wouldn't you think that the literature was revisited or altered during time? I mean wouldn't some religions also be altered due to a state law? Don't quote me as i may be wrong.
Extremely religious people are extremely afraid as well, that is my philosophy.