Share Your Worst Bud Story


Well-Known Member
hmm.. this last halloween I smoked some beasters. Maybe like just a bowl pack. And for some reason I got really paranoid like I never get paranoid but definitely this time heh. Anyway I was concentrating soo much on my mouth and it felt like it was tingling and going numb, so I was like maybe that shit was laced or something cause I heard about that... then I was trying to convince myself "you've smoke the same weed for the last week, it;s not laced"...that didn't work. Finally after having my head in the toilet for about 20min trying to puke I called my friend to come pick me up cause I couldn't handle being alone.. He got to my house like 15 min later and found me outside in the cal de sac middle of the night with a ox of oreos and a cup of water... lol. I tried puking again and the whole time I was like " man if some punk ass kid just jumped out dressed as some goblin or something I'd either accidentally kill him or just puke all over him..." hehe. Worst time ever on weed^


Well-Known Member
hmm.. this last halloween I smoked some beasters. Maybe like just a bowl pack. And for some reason I got really paranoid like I never get paranoid but definitely this time heh. Anyway I was concentrating soo much on my mouth and it felt like it was tingling and going numb, so I was like maybe that shit was laced or something cause I heard about that... then I was trying to convince myself "you've smoke the same weed for the last week, it;s not laced"...that didn't work. Finally after having my head in the toilet for about 20min trying to puke I called my friend to come pick me up cause I couldn't handle being alone.. He got to my house like 15 min later and found me outside in the cal de sac middle of the night with a ox of oreos and a cup of water... lol. I tried puking again and the whole time I was like " man if some punk ass kid just jumped out dressed as some goblin or something I'd either accidentally kill him or just puke all over him..." hehe. Worst time ever on weed^
One time I got a friend so high she thought she was going to die... she picked up my phone and wanted me to call an ambulance...hahaahaha.
I laughed at her while she was crying, it was her first time. Talk about mood killer.


Well-Known Member
I was busted with a 1/2 oz on a friday right after buying it,after spending 12 hrs in lock up I wnet home and later on the same day(sat)I called my guy and went back to his house to buy another 1/2.I get in my car and drive no more then a block away to get pulled over by the same two cops at about the same time on the same street.the cops laughed as they booked me for the sec 1/2.
what a shitty wkend that was!


Master of Mayhem
One time I got a friend so high she thought she was going to die... she picked up my phone and wanted me to call an ambulance...hahaahaha.
I laughed at her while she was crying, it was her first time. Talk about mood killer.
Yeah I've had that happen before as about captain bringdown and the buzzkills ya know:lol:


Master of Mayhem
I was busted with a 1/2 oz on a friday right after buying it,after spending 12 hrs in lock up I wnet home and later on the same day(sat)I called my guy and went back to his house to buy another 1/2.I get in my car and drive no more then a block away to get pulled over by the same two cops at about the same time on the same street.the cops laughed as they booked me for the sec 1/2.
what a shitty wkend that was!
Moral of the story=don't buy from there anymore

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
I got sold a dime of oregano once when I was a teenager.......I was young and stupid......I know better now though.
I bought a dime of oregano.
Actually it was more of a bullion soup cube.

It was from a good buddy, and he told me it was Lebanese Hash.

I called him up later and said "You're a fukkin' Dick, you know that!!?"
He laffed. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Alright i got a good one.....had been looking for a bag of weed for 4 weeks about and one of my neighbors said i know a guy who can get you some smoke....anyways we took my car and drove like an hour to detroit some place in the fucking getto where i was more likely to be killed just for being white. We waited for his friend in a parking lot....didnt show, so then decided to drive to where he would be working...we pulled into some like fast food restaurant and waited out back...he came out and brought me the excited i opened it up and smelled it....damn it smelled like some dank as shit looked a lil brown but what the fuck it was i paid like 90 bucks for a half and was so stoked he was able to get it for me i gave him an extra 5 just to be nice you know...he was all weird about the extra money....I FOUND OUT home and rolled a nice fat one, got about a quarter way through it and thought i was gonna die. Started trippin bad, was so sick, had a monster headache, and i just layed there....I HAD TO FLUSH THE WHOLE seemed like it was dipped in ammonia or something.
It was weird my neighbor who normally smokes with me never asked to when i got home, just the next day asked laughingly, how good was it....i could of killed him, cause it could of killed me...he and his buddy were in cohouts to rip me off and thought i was a rookie to smoking and dealin pot and shit....So at night i popped my friends truck took all his spark plugs and wires out of his car, his alternater belt, then his alternater and his steering wheel and put them in the for his buddy i drove to the ghetto with my trusty louisville slugger and busted out all his windows...lesson learned and i didnt get busted, how are you going to tell the cops someone did this because i sold him a pioson bag of weed...:)


Well-Known Member
It was weed but when i got it in the good light it had like leaves and shit in the bottom of it, like some deusche bag dropped in the dirt and scooped it back up again...they just laced it with something fucked up man....


Well-Known Member
When I was about 14 or 15 me and my friend were hot-boxing in his car in front of a holiday station, now before I continue with this story I must remind you that I was young and stupid and I only thought with my dick and a few days before this I played this girl hardcore, I told her I loved her and shit, fucked her and left her. So anyway me and my buddy walk in the store just ripped, and I head straight for the candy isle and I'm picking out a fuck load of candy. I was so absorbed in candy choosing that I didn't realize the 250 pound man walking up to me looking like he was about to fucking murder someone. I remember what he said like this happened a min ago, "Hey are you (insert my name here)" and I said "yeah man whats up", and just BOOM I just got one right to the solar plexus. It turns out that this was the girls dad and that she was paying for the stuff when she told her dad that I was standing right over there. I thought I was going to die. Not really a bud story but just a pot smoking story.


Active Member
Her old man HIT you? and you were 15?

BRAVO for that man.

Treating women like shit, IS SHIT.

Sorry, I know you probably learned your lesson and you wouldnt do that again......right?

Edit: 2 years ago new years eve, gave 50 bux to a guy, he went and got the shit....he came back and it was brown. alll brown. Lets just say I got my 50 bux back...and a swollen hand.


Well-Known Member
Her old man HIT you? and you were 15?

BRAVO for that man.

Treating women like shit, IS SHIT.

Sorry, I know you probably learned your lesson and you wouldnt do that again......right?

Edit: 2 years ago new years eve, gave 50 bux to a guy, he went and got the shit....he came back and it was brown. alll brown. Lets just say I got my 50 bux back...and a swollen hand.
yeah man it was gay.