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Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Good question.Mine didn't preflower and I knew she was a girl,cuz she's feminized.But some do.Congrats on the girls. And try putting a humidity dome over the clones. They will yellow a bit...that's a good thing, it means they're using up nutrients to grow new roots.:peace:
Hmmmm. i read that you could tell because they pre flower at around 5 weeks. i thought that meant that when they are mature, at around 5 weeks when the nodes are alternating and not accross from eachother, they show sex but dont actually flower... I looked for a link but i dont remember where i read that.

I also read that if you want to show sex earlier you can switch to 12/12 for a couple weeks and then switch back. I decided to do that a week ago but after the first 12 hours of dark i changed my mind and decided to wait. i dont think 12 hours of dark ONCE could induce flowering... do you? everyone always says it takes weeks of 12/12 to show sex.

Here is a pic of one of the sets of hairs at a node.
everythin seems to be ok. the yellow, turning brown dead part of the leaf i think is either wover watering or nute burn. OR it kud be when you spray your plants with water the remaining droplets of water u see kud be becoming hot from the light nd burn thru ur plant. I COULD BE WRONG but if these three things arent whats happenin then im not a pothead;D lol

goodluck check out ma plants tooo[=


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of the girls from 2 days ago. I decided to do LST and Supercropping on one plant, and FIM on another. (I actually was intending on duing just LST as you can see by the pic, but when i checked on her the next day, the stalk wasnt just bent anymore... it was supercropped. but i'm glad it happened.)

I had to rebuild the grow again :(
cause they got too big :)
I'll do some pics of that soon.

The girls




Well-Known Member
started on 18/6 yesterday instead of 24/0. The lights are off for the hottest part of the day. It was getting around 90 - 95 f... not so good.


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Just checked the clones and all 3 have well developed roots. the largest cut has the most roots and the smallest has least. I guess 5 inch clones is what i am going with from now on.

The clones have well developed roots after only 12 days. i must be doing something right. They need to be re potted so I guess i will tend to that tom.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
your plants looks great, really.
I have no idea how you got your clones to survive like that, must be really humid where you kept them.


Well-Known Member
ya. i didnt mention it but they were actually kept inside a fish tank covered with clear plastic wrap. i misted and exchanged the air every day.

your plants looks great, really.
I have no idea how you got your clones to survive like that, must be really humid where you kept them.


Well-Known Member
Organic solutions are always hard to pull off because you have to be just as persistent as the insect you're fighting. You have to put a good amount of garlic (3 cloves per pot) and make sure to replace it when it gets dry.

If you do that, it totally works. The gnats just hate it. If you have bugs that don't use the soil, like scales or something like that, you'll need to treat the leaves as well. I use a lightly soapy water and spray the leaves FRONT and BACK. The solution needs to be strong enough to kill the bugs but light enough not to hurt the leaves. Test the solution fora few days on just one branch and see how it goes.


Did the Garlic really get rid of the gnats for good? No eggs hatched or anything?


Well-Known Member
Harvested half of the NLxH plant last night. It was such an experience. Here are some pics.




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