Sorry dropped a stir rod on my keyboard
Why not it hit all the other ones and the enter key.lolHow did it hit the shift key only once.
Formaldehyde extraction is the best method.
is there a way to purge off the solvent without the use of a rotovac?also,could I use the soxhlet to distill the 190proof?(would this make this more absolut?)trying to learn the terminology here.Why not it hit all the other ones and the enter key.lol
Yes aldahyde are good. From the latin alchis dehydratus ( or something like that) dehydrated alchohol. Form is the simplest aldahyde. Methanol aka wood alcohol is the best according to this study. Unfortunately the students did not try butane.but that is because they knew it would pull fat. These are all quick washes. Meoh is the best according to this. You probably already have stumbled across this but here you go any ways
damn!baby steps for me pal!lol.sounds very confusing,I need a day to figure this all out lolz.I figure all this info I will appreciate in a day or two once I can wrap my head around it.im going to try doing this over the winter.I have time,some cash and product to play round with.this is for my own use so I can see it being feasible .some of the other guys making it for patients,I can see why it may be a bit daunting.thanks for the info.etoh forms a aezreotope at 95 96 percent. Its very hygroscopic. 100 percent etoh is a desicant. It will absorb water from the air until it gets to 95%
You can remove the et by boiling, evaporation, under vacuum. You really don't need all my fancy toys. I vacuum distill it to keep my temps low. Under my vac it boils at about a range of 8 to 15 degrees. I do let the heat climb once the etoh is gone so as to thicken the oil. Kinda like making hard candy at home if you ever have. Max around 30 degrees. Keeps the flavors tasty and not burnt like bho. The simple sugars carmalize. I just like it thick.like my woman.lol.
Only way to dry et and keep it at 100% is a 3a molecular sieve. Look it up its not as complex as it sounds. Just little pepples of zeolites that absorb molecules of a certain size. 3a 4a 5a and so on.
You can use the sox to reclaim
Just empty out the sox body and put a cup in there to collect.your in luck i am just about to start my day by regenerating some sieves
Vacuum also breaks the etoh h2o aezreotope
Soooo..anyone gonna gimme some tips ..or tell me where I can get ever clear in Canada, or possibly someone send me some...thanks
Is that the limit in canada or just ontario?In Ontario I can get SPIRYTUS Vodka 76% @ The LCBO
Well didn't get any help over pm from other guy, all he could ask is what I was using to measure temps then didn't reply lmao..looks like he likes to do more arguing then helping ..Nice.
Funny how they throw in a little of what ever denatured they can think of just so you dont drink it
Gotta pay those propper taxes for drinking liquor though so your option I'm sure is much more reasonably priced