Exactly. This whole Iraq war has more to do with desert storm than ever it did with wmd, or deals with Somalia, or 9/11. If they wanted to finish the job (which the ethics of THATwere debatable as well, there are lots of tyrants in the world, and we weren't doin DICK about them, oh yeah, I forgot, NO OIL) perhaps they just shudda been honest about it, rather than try and use a time of great pain and trauma of the nation to some political advantage. Bullshit. Taxes aren't THAT much different than they were before, such a lame arguement. Try the difference being the speculators that have gotten involved, the difference between dry barrels and wet barrels, and try the price gougeing that has gone on long before, but now they have gotten too clever at cleaning up their tracks. They learned much from Enron (of which McCain's original economic advisor was up to his EARS in, Gramm) and now they have learned how to manipulate the market and get by with it. And no administration EVER can hold a candle to the Bush administration when it comes to lack of accountability. Clinton had his problems, but not near the frequency and depth of corruption that the Bush administration has TRIED so hard to duck. I know more dirt than YOU on Clinton, I agree with you that he was a crook and a douchebag, and Hillary is as dirty as he is, so slammin Clinton won't win anything with me. I have more issues with the Clintons than I do Obama, but give Obama time and I am sure to dislike him too. Seems every career politician is the problem, is it power that corrupts, or is it only the corrupt who seek power? You will hafta do better than that, I have the same disdain for the Clintons, tho his presidency didn't bleed us like we are being bled now. (But I forget, the buck doesn't stop with Bush, he will dodge that like he did everything else..... But in CLINTON"S day the buck stopped with the president! Or was it only to stop when a leftie was in office?
And Obama, McCain, and Bush all supported it, while the majority of the Republicans in the House refused to support it.
Obama and his advisors, Franklin "Millions from Fannie" Raines and James Johnson are the same people that made millions from this crisis. What was Obama doing, suing firms like CitiBank for not providing enough Subprime Mortgages, and what caused this Crisis, Subprime Mortgages and their Securitization.
If Obama pried his mouth away from Fannie's fannie I'd be impressed, of course, that would require him to take his hands out of Fannie's pockets.
Don't forget that Senator Chris Dodd (D) accepted sweetheart loans from Countrywide Financial.
This current crisis, and all the bullshit attached connects to the Democrats a lot more than Bush. The only thing that I have against Bush is that instead of acting rationally and calmly he is screwing over the entire country by supporting the Bail Out.
Here is the REAL reason for the crisis, and again the right is heavily influenced it....
well, I am SO sure that knid of mentality only brings the bigots and the relgious fundies, no wonder. Instead the right wants to tell me and my daughters how we are 'allowed' to use our wombs, and forces thier assinine religion down my throat and me have no right to cry foul, tell me I need to support a war over oil to a country that hasn't done shit and don't have wmd, while countries who do just-as-bad-or-worse are ignored or supported cuz of some vested financial interest and bleed me dry to pay for a war I don't believe in. he right also wants to be sure and discredit and mock me, using the most infantile of tactics while calling ME 'niave', and using a whole plethora of terms and lables to ridicule me and pigeonhole me cuz I don't conform and I wont do what I am told.
Too bad, me such a baaaaaaaaad person for thinking for myself.
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