We are rounding day 40 of flower. I know the LA finishes a little earlier I believe somewhere between 55-65days but thats also the breeder Im sure it'll take a few extra days for me. From the looks of it the White Siberian will be to follow then the Blue widow. But these are mearly guesses since alot can change in the last few weeks.
The LA is looking absolutly amazing. Super crystally with brown and white hairs popping out of some nice dense nugs. the LST has givin me like 4-5 main colas because of the way it's bent. It is still on a step stool in order to get it to be at the same height as the others. If i did all of the plants like this I coulda vegged em for 2-3months no shit! but maybe next time.... I have trimmed a few big fan leaves to expose my other main cola's on the stem.
The White Siberian is following close behind the LA. It the last few days it has been swelling at a nice rate, giving way to some really pretty resiny looking nugs! I'm pretty excited to see how this one looks when it nears the end.
The Blue Widow las but definatly not least. THis one as you may recall was Fim'd Twice which has given me like idk 12 main shoots, the plant is huge! It has the largest nugs by far of any other plant not to mention it is swelling at a rate double of the others. This one might bring me some weight

The hairs on these nugs are alot longer than the hairs on others which may be the reason for me thinking the nugs are so much huger... (huger a word?) so much more big. lol
What's nice about the last two is their such "clean" plants meaning I have no excessive fan leaves which are getting in the way like the LA. Which is wierd because as noted with the experiment with the nutrients on the NL2 which was the same feed as the BW and WS. It had lots of green growth inside, where here it doesn't seem to be the same issue. Also I need to find out does the LA get purple towards the end of its life if so then the whole theory on the humboldt nutes turning my plants purple is out the window. and that would mean I just got two different pheno types on the LA's. BUT this is all up in the air as of now.
bla bla bla just check out the pics