Shedding fan leaves


Active Member
Im just started my 5th week of flowering and the fan leaves on the lower part of my plants have been falling off (some yellow and shriveled some not) the canopy is very thick and healthy, is this normal? i havnt read anything about this being normal maybe its just a lack of light down below and the plants are giving their energy to the canopy instead? Im kinda worried its the start of something defeciency of some kind, or maybe Im just really paranoid (which is a possibility since Ive been obsessed about theis entire grow) thanks for any imput


Well-Known Member
lack of light is one factor but its not a problem trim them and allow more energy to get to the top. you'll be fine


Well-Known Member
Not a problem if the amount of leaves per day is within reason. I started flowering 2 plants that I slow vegged under CFL's to like 1.75ft... they looked like shrubs when I first put them to flower. The plants were INCREDIBLY dense and even the branches were close but after the flowering stretch I saw many of the lower fan leaves and even some of the top turn yellow and then fall off, and this correlated to bud growth. As they really started to pick up the leaves yellowed more. Typically though, the plant will keep a many fan leaves up until the very end, at which point most leaves start to look like shit.