Shepard Smith quits Fox


Well-Known Member
One of the few voices of reason on Fox News announced his resignation this afternoon, stunning the Fox community and me.

"Recently I asked the company to allow me to leave Fox News and begin a new chapter,"
"After requesting that I stay, they graciously obliged. The opportunities afforded this guy from small town Mississippi have been many. It’s been an honor and a privilege to report the news each day to our loyal audience in context and with perspective, without fear or favor. I’ve worked with the most talented, dedicated and focused professionals I know and I’m proud to have anchored their work each day — I will deeply miss them."

I'll miss his rational viewpoints on Trump on that shit show of a supposed news channel.
Besides him, Wallace was the only voice of reason in that newsroom.
I can't wait for Trumps Tweets on this one.
Wanna bet he mentions him and say's good riddance?
So the guy's name is "Shepard" Smith?? :roll:

This can't be true, tell me it's a joke.

A perfect guy to lead the sheep. :lol:

He was probably the only person at fox that wasn't constantly stroking trumps ego.
One of the last fact based news anchors left. He'll probably pop up soon at ABC or CBS, I bet CNN is trying to get him under contract right now.
He was probably the only person at fox that wasn't constantly stroking trumps ego.
One of the last fact based news anchors left. He'll probably pop up soon at ABC or CBS, I bet CNN is trying to get him under contract right now.
He can't, anti-competition clauses in his contract will keep him off tv for a while.
Shep couldn't stand the smell of Bullshit anymore, Hannity, Tucker Carlson and the cast of lunatics, lackeys and syncopates have won the day, they get the ratings! The news part does not get ratings, Foxnews viewers don't watch Foxnews for News, they watch Foxnews for opinions that reinforces their world view, by creating stupid rhetorical arguments supporting Trump. Hannity is anti reality TV and supporting an alternate reality for Trump and even making policy has become Sean's and a cast of others full time jobs, Lou Dobbs seems as nuts as Rudy sometimes! The difference between Foxnews and a Russian propaganda outlet is non existent, RT is more fucking objective than foxnews!
I wonder if what happened in that meeting between Barr and Murdoch will come out.

And the only guy critical of Trump on that network leaves a day later.

Why would an AG meet with a publisher?

So the guy's name is "Shepard" Smith?? :roll:

This can't be true, tell me it's a joke.

A perfect guy to lead the sheep. :lol:

He was one of the few actual news people at foxnews and was a professional too, made $15 million a year and will continue to do so, staying home until his contract ends. They don't want him even as a guest on other networks, $15 million a year contract also buys his silence, he seemed happy enough when he pulled the pin on TV. He never really carried Trump's water, and Tucker Carlson and Hannity got him canned (with pay).

Foxnews, the NRA and the GOP are among the many victims that will be fucked by Donald Trump when he goes down. His biggest supporters, will become the biggest of fools soon enough.